BIG questions for the last exam Flashcards
Outline the racist ideology of the National Socialists and cite specific
policies that culminated in the Shoah
SO the Natioal Socialst is essintially considered the Nazis. This was a german political party, they held the ideology of ‘scientific rasicism’ as a top priority in there hierarchy of Germany. They started off small with anti-Jew laws in 1933. but then it started to escalate in the late 1940s was when the full use of dealth camps came into the picture. One of these camps that held the nazi antismitism was Aushwitz. This was one of the largest dealth camps found on Polish soil as they all were. But the Nazis spread their opinions with propaganda and ideals that they pushed throughout all of their nation.
What caused the Cold War and how did it affect world politics?
The cause of the cold war has been distinguished by many different aspect. some have pointed out that the tension steamed from even before the end of WWII. as other report it starting right after the large scale war. It was essentially the paranoia from two countries, USSR and USA. They were paradoid between the governmental systems that the two of them used. For instance the USA didn’t trust the communism lifestyle and this is what the USSR was built on. Another aspect that tipped it off was the military alliances that were made that linked countries together throughout the world. for instance NATO or the Warsaw pact. it effected the world in a way that MAD was declared. it also showed the world how situations could be handled in a non violent way.
Compare the process of decolonization in at least one African country and in India/Pakistan.
the decolonization of Algeria was brutal. it resulted in the death of both algerians and french men. it was ugly and indescribable. the use of gurilla warfare was also used without hesitation. In India Ghandi held a non-violent movement against British rule over government and economy. They did not have any resistance from British, not in the way algeria did. The British pulled out almost too quickly for the nation to keep itself up in the correct way and form.
How does dependency theory explain relations btwn
the USA and Latin America?
as independence theory is the flow of goods from a ‘poor’ underdeveloped nation to a ‘core’ nation. in the light of the USA and Latin America, there are many goods that flow in and out of both countries. With Latin America/Central America there is the United Fruit Company which sells its fruit to us in America. so this explains how we help ‘fund’ their economy by buying these goods from them for cheap. This was allowing the USA to support (or have Latin America depend on them) by allowing their economy to feed into them.
How did Mao aim to modernize China (special
Mao had two main ideal that he tried to implement into his country. He attempted to start a cultural revolution and to have a “great leap forward”. In both of these he wanted to revise and help his nation grow into the modernization that was happening else where. The cultural revolution did not go over very well as it resulted in chaos and had to be stopped in 1968. Then the Great leap forward was to help industurialze the nation in hope to further the economy, and it resulted in a failure as well.
What were some of the most important challenges to US global power in the cold war period?
some of the most important challenges that the US faced during this period was the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and even the Cuban missile crisis. All of these were in the aspect of the USSR or the communism ideal spreading. For the communist ideal the United States held this ideal of containment for the act of “domino theory” was one LARGE fright of the USA.
Discuss main long- and short-term causes for the USSR’s collapse.
So the USSR had some major flaws in the system before there collapse that set them back in ways. From 1960-70s there was little to no structural change in the economy. They were incurring an increasing amount of foreign debt. They also lack technology that many other nations had reliably ready to use. they had a uprising in 1956 in Buapest Hungry. Then in 1968 there was the “Prague Spring” which was a protest in Czechoslovakia. Then the complexity of the NATO pact allowed solidarity to embarck on a path that lead others to imigina that there were different ways to do thing.
What have been the major causes for the continuing Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1967?
this was when Isreal won some areas that were not there. they hope that the arab world will realize they are not going anywhere. Isreal was even willing to trade land for peace. the PLO did not help when they established the OLSO agreement in 1993.