second exam ( ID definitions) Flashcards
Karl Marx
German philosopher and economist
known for creating “scientific” socialism
wanted people to violently revolt against class struggle
marxist (his party) throughout Europe by 1880s
:“workers of the world unit”
“utopian socialist”
for cooperation, sharing of resources, was NOT violent, seen in the first half of the 19th century…onward
“Charles Fourier” was a good example
a political theory that calls for a classless society with collective ownership of all properties
the people’s republic of China: 1949-2002
politics of capitalist middle class
liberal economics- “Laissez-Fairer”
advocates for representative government, free trade, free religion, and free speech
Adam smith
seen in the French revolution.
brotherhood (fraternity)
part of the French revolution
each nation should have its own state and each state should be dominated by one nation
a reason that World War one transpired
Otto Von Bismarch
chancellor of Prussia
unifies Germany 1866-1871
did this through 3 wars
results in “deutches Reien” (German empire)
Hatian revolution
was a French colony in Caribbean
slave rebellion in 1791
Toussaint L’Ouverture leader (first fought for France then jailed by them)
1804 Haitian independence
Congress of Vienna
draws map of europe (little changes made until 1860s)
oppses all the -isms :liberalism, nationalism, socialism, capitalism
supported monarchy “divine right”
French Revolution
applied Enlightenment ideas to politics and society
storming of Bastille JULY 14,1789
execution of king louis XVI (January 1793) lead to the “Reign of Terror”
Tanzimat reforms
Ottoman empire
1) implemented universities
2) reform military
3) constitution in 1876
“re-ordering” 1840-1870
Abdul Hamid
a sultan in the 19-early 20th century
was rebelled against by Young Turks 1908
Armeian Massacres under him
“Young Turks”
nationalist party
rebelled in 1908
wanted to modernize Turkish state
aims to secular Turkish nation-state
“Great Reforms”
happened under Izar Alexander II
reformed military 1876
less censorship
serfs emancipated 1861
reformed legal system
criemean wars made them take these actions
lead by britian
18th century
brought thorough and lasting transformations in basic structures on society
the development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale
some machines and materials include: textiles, railroads, cotton gin, steam engines, factory system, ect..
Russian Revolution of 1905
humiliation causes this
shock to old order
forces Izar to use old parliament (DULA)
appears to be toward constitutional monarchy
it was a wave of unrest of political and social directed towards the Russian government
Meiji Japan
1868-1912 JAPAN
caused reforms
constitution of 1889
abolishment of feudal order (samuri)
this was when there ports where opened by America
Boxer Rebellion
a peasant movement
crushed by foreign powers violently (American, French, Japanese etc..)
ATTEMPTED to drive away all foreigners out of the country
Opium Wars
1839-1842 ,1856-1860
outcomes- “treaty ports” - “unequal treaties” (opened up trade)
fought between China & Great Britain, trying to force China to establish a no opium trade route. China was on the losing side each time
this allowed further influences from great Britain to seep into Chinese culture