Things to learn Flashcards
What are the three ways that activate the complement system?
In complement activation, proteolysis of the complement protein C3 is required. C3 can be cleaved by one of 3 pathways
- Classical pathway: antigen binds to an antibody. This activates the C1 protein which sets off a cascade that cleaves C3
- Alternative pathway: triggered by bacterial endotoxin, LPS
- Lectin pathway: Lectin opsonises carbohydrates on microbes, directly activating C1
What are the functions of the complement system?
Name the complement proteins involved.
• C5a stimulates histamine release from mast cells
• Activates the lipoxygenase pathway in neutrophils and monocytes
Opsonization and phagocytosis
• C3b fixes to microbial cell wall (opsonization) and promotes phagocytosis
Cell lysis
• Membrane attack complex proteins ‘drills’ holes in the microbial membrane
Describe side effects of glucosteroids
· Osteoporosis
· Myopathy: GCs can affect muscle tone by direct catabolic effect through activation of GC receptor
· Hyperlipidemia
· Increase glucose production, hyperglycemia
· Gastrointestinal: gastritis, peptic ulceration and gastrointestinal hemorrhage.
List some glucosteroids
· Cortisone · Hydrocortisone · Dexamethasone · Prednisolone · Prednisone · Triamcinolone (end in one)
Detail how the mevalonate pathway works.
The mevalonate pathway leads to the formation of prenylated proteins and cholesterol.
The pathway starts when two acetyl CoA molecules join together to form “Acetoacteyl- CoA”.
Then, “Acetoacteyl- CoA” gets into a reaction with acetyl- CoA to form HMG - CoA.
HMG - CoA then gets into a reaction with HMG- reductase to form MEVALONATE.
MEVALONATE goes into a series of many reactions to eventually form two important things:
- Isopentenyl pyrophosphate
- Dimethylallyl pyrophosphate
Isopentenyl pyrophosphate + Dimethylallyl pyrophosphate = Geranyl transferase. This is catalysed by PRENYLTRANSFERASE.
PRENYLTRANSFERASE transforms geranyl transferase into Farnesyl transferase = prenylated proteins.
NBP’s block the function of prenyltransferase
Describe the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
· A deficiency in NO production leads to excess constriction of blood vessels and activates of platelets = blood clotting. It increases the stimulation of inflammation and thus vessel permeability
· Endothelial dysfunction: when LDLs are high, they can go through the endothelium and deposit in the tunica intima
· These LDLs are oxidised. Oxidised LDLs activates endothelial cells which causes them to express receptors that attract WBCs
· WBC’s (monocytes and T cells) can move into tunica intima via diapedesis
· Monocytes mature into macrophages which phagocytose the LDLs. They then become foam cells
· Foam cells cause the migration and proliferation of smooth muscle cells from tunica media into tunica intima. This increases the synthesis of collagen = hardening of plaque
· Meanwhile, foam cells die releasing their lipid content. This causes the plaque to grow. As it grows, it can eventually cause rupturing of the endothelium
· To fix the rupture, thrombosis occurs. This forms a huge clot that can impeded blood flow
What does the pT measure?
Measures extrinsic pathway (short)
- Factors 2, 5, 10
- Factor 7
- Fibrinogen
What does the pTT measure?
Measures intrinsic pathway (long).
- Factors 2, 5, 10
- Factors 8, 9, 11 or 12
- Prolonged PT
* Normal PTT/ INR
- Low Vit K
- Defective factor 7
- Warfarin therapy
- Normal PT
* Prolonged PTT
- Defective factor 8, 9, 11, or 12
* VwF disease
- Prolonged PT
* Prolonged PTT
- Defective factor 2, 5 or 10
- Severe liver disease
- Warfarin overdose
When is prophylaxis recommended?
- Prosthetic valves
- History of IE
- Congenital heart disease if only involve; 6 months after surgery OR CHD repair with residual defects
- Cardiac transplantation with the subsequent development of cardiac valvularpathy
- History of Rheumatic Heart disease, only indigenous Australians, Maori and Pacific Islander people
List dosage recommendations for adults
2 g
600 mg
2 g
List dosage recommendations for children
50 mg
15 mg
50 mg
Which antihypertensive drug is contraindicated in diabetics and asthmatics?
Beta blockers
Which antihypertensive drug is contraindicated in anaphylactics and pregnancy?
ACE inhibitors
What are side effects of thiazide?
* Gout (uric acid) • Hyperglycaemia • High Ca • Low K • Low Mg