Thigh Flashcards
What is the deep fascia of the thigh called?
Fascia lata
Fascia lata continuous superiorly with?
Anteriorly - inguinal l., pubic arch, body of pubis and pubic tubercle.
Posteriorly and laterally - iliac crest
Posteriorly and medially - sacrum, coccyx, sacrotuberous l., ishcial tuberosity and ishciopubic ramus.
Fascia lata continuous inferiorly with?
Exposed parts of bone around knee.
Popliteal fascia posteriorly.
Deep fascia of leg (crural fascia) inferior to knee.
As the fascia lata thickens laterally forming what (tract)?
Iliotibial band
- shared aponerousis of tensor fascia kata and gluteus maximus mm.
- from iliac tubercle to anterolateral tubercle of tibia (Gerdy’s tubercle)
What is the Saphenous opening?
- gap or hiatus inferior to medial part of inguinal l.
- has smooth medial margin
- superior, lateral and inferior margins form a sharp crescentic edge (falciform margin, joined by cribriform fascia)
- pierced by numerous openings for: lymphatic vassesls and great saphenous v.
Semitendinosus (pes anserinus m.)
O: ishial tuberosity
I: superior part medial surface of tibia (pea anserinus)
A: Extension of thigh and flexion of leg; MR (when knee is flexed)
N: tibial division of sciatic n. (L5, S1, S2)
O: ishial tuberosity
I: Posterior part of medial condyle of tibia
A: extension of thigh and flexion of leg; MR (when knee is flexed)
N: tibial division of sciatic n. (L5, S1, S2)
Biceps Fermoris
O: long head - ishcial tuberosity
short head - line aspera and lateral supracondylar line of femur.
I: lateral side head of the tibia
A: extension of thigh and flexion of leg; LR when knee is flexed
N: Long head - tibial division of sciatic n. (L5, S1, S2)
Short head - common fibular division of sciatic n. (L5, S1, S2)
What innervates the posterior thigh and where is each nerve from?
Sciatic n.
-from VPR L4-S3.
Posterior cutaneous n. of thigh (posterior femoral cutaneous n.)
-from VPR S1-3
-supplies skin over posterior thing and popliteal fossa
What are the two division of the sciatic n.?
Tibial division of sciatic n. -L4-S3 -Supplies "true hamstrings" Common fibular division of sciatic n. -L4-S2 -Supplies short head biceps femurs mmm.
What are the true hamstring muscles?
semimembranosus, semitendinosus, long head biceps femurs, hamstring portion of of adductor magnus mm.
What makes up the pes anserinus?
- Sartorius
- Gracilis
- Semitedninosus
O: superior pubic ramus
I: Pectineal line of femur, inferior to lesser trochanter
A: ADD and flexion of thigh
N: Femoral n. (L2,L3); may receive a branch from obturator n.
*transitional muscle between anterior and medial compartments
O: Iliacus-Iliac crest and fossa, ala of sacrum, anterior sacroiliac ll.
Psoas major - sides of T12-L5 vertebrae and IVD; TPs of all lumbar vertebrae
I: Iliacus - tendon of psoas major, lesser trochanter and femur distal to it. Psoas major - lesser trochanter.
A: flexion of thigh or trunk; stabilize hip joint
N: Iliacus - femoral n. (L2,L3) Psoas major - ventral rami of L1, L2
*chief flexor of thigh
*compased of iliac us and psoas major mm.
O: ASIS and superior part of notch inferior to it
I: Superior part medial surface of tibia (pea anserinus)
A: Flexion , ABD, and LR of thigh; flexion of leg; MR leg when knee is flexed
N: Femoral n. (L2,L3)
*tailors muscle
*acts on two joints
*permits cross-legged flexion
Quadriceps Femoris
O: AIIS and ilium superior to acetabulum
I: Tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
A: Extension of leg; flexion of thing; steadies hip joint
N: femoral n. (L2,L3,L4)
*kicking muscle
*crosses hip and knee joint
*ability to extend knee, limited when in flexion
Vastus Lateralis
O: Greater trochanter and lateral lip linea aspera
I: tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
A: extension of leg
N: femoral n. (L2,L3,L4)
Vastus Intermedius
O: Anterior and lateral surfaces of shaft of femur
I: Tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
A: extension of leg
N: femoral n. (L2,L3,L4)
Vastus medials
O: intertorchanteric line and medial lip of line aspera
I: tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
A: extension of leg
N: femoral n. (L2,L3,L4)
What are the medial thigh muscles?
- adductor longus
- adductor brevis, adductor magnus
- gracilis mm.
Adductor Longus
O: body of pubis inferior to pubic crest
I: middle 1/3 of linea aspera
A: ADD thigh
N: anterior branch of obturator n. (L2,3,4)
*most anteriorly placed of medial thigh muscles
Adductor Brevis
O: body and inferior rams of pubis
I: pectineal line and proximal part of line aspera
A: ADD and limited flexion of thigh
N: obturator n. (L2,3,4)
*lies deep to pectinous and adductor longus mm.
*two divisions of obturator pass anterior and posterior to muscle
Adductor magnus
O: adductor part - inferior rams of pubis, rams of ischium. Hamstring part - ischial tuberosity
I: adductor part - gluteal tuberosity, line aspera, medial supracondylar line. Hamstring part - adductor tubercle.
A: ADD thigh; adductor part - flexes thigh; hamstring part extends thing
N: adductor part - posterior branch obturator n. (L2,3,4). Hamstring part - tibial division of sciatic n. (L4)
*has adductor part and hamstring part
*largest, most powerful and most posterior adductor group
Adductor hiatus
- opening between distal attachments of two adductor magnus parts
- transmits femoral a. and v. to/from adductor canal to/from popliteal fossa
- doesn’t contain the saphenous n.
O: body and inferior rams of pubis
I: superior part of medial surface of tibia (pea anserinus)
A: ADD thigh; flexes leg; MR of leg
N: obturator n. (L2,3)
What are the branches of the femoral a. and location?
- superficial circumflex iliac a. (parallels inguinal l. towards ASIS
- superficial epigastric a. (runs subcutaneously towards umbilicus)
- superficial and deep external pudendal aa. (to skin of scrotum/labia majora
- profunda femoris a. - deep a. of thigh (from lateral or posterior side of femoral a., chief a. of thigh)
- transverses adductor canal (descending genicular a. branches off just before memorial a. passes through adductor hiatus participating in genicular anastomosis)
- terminates as it traverses adductor hiatus becoming popliteal a.
What are the branches of the profunda femoris a. and what do they supply?
- medial femoral circumflex a. (supplies most blood to head and neck of femur)
- lateral femoral circumflex a. (mainly supplies lateral thigh muscles)
What are the divisions of the lateral femoral circumflex a.?
- ascending - cruciate anastomosis
- transverse - cruciate anastomosis
- descending - genicular anastomosis
How many perforation aa. does the profunda femoris a. give off?
gives off 3 perforating aa., terminating in a 4th
- supply all 3 compartments of the thigh
- 1st participates in cruciate anastomosis
What are the veins of the thigh and location?
- great saphenous v. (ascends anterior o medial malleolus passing posterior at medial femoral condyle, found in subcutaneous tissue of medial thigh, transverses saphenous opening draining into saphenous opening)
- accessory saphenous v. (joining of medial and posterior thigh tributaries, when present main communication between saphenous vv.)
- femoral v. (direct continuation of popliteal v. as it traverses adductor hiatus ascending through adductor canal, enters femoral sheath lateral to femoral canal and becomes external iliac v. posterior to inguinal l.)
Obturator a. of thigh location and what does it divide into?
- from internal iliac a. (usually)
- divides into: anterior branch of obturator a. and posterior branch of obturator a. (acetabular branch supplies head of the femur and is found in ligament to head of femur)