They familiar with the various types and groups in the book of Psalms Flashcards
Psalms deals with feelings and emotional connection. Poetic. What does that mean?
Praise or hymn
In the New Testament there are 280 direct quotations from the Old Testament. How many of them are from the book of Psalms?
116 of these are from the book of Psalms. Total, 41% are from this book. Jesus makes 50 of these references.
Early church used Psalms for what?
For worship and for instruction. Two instructors in the ways of God.
Psalms are a form of Hebrew poetry. What elements are considered within the book?
Play on words. Primary structure of element is called parallelism
Define parallelism
Relationship between lines in a literary work where to clauses run side-by-side
Describe line 1
The author will state in a verse a line, then he will make a declaration about God or something in life. Essentially, a line of text
Describe line 2
Secondary line in the same verse, has a relationship to the first one. The relationship between the two lines in this verse, describes the type of parallelism that there is
Describe line 3, 4…
Sometimes a parallelism will go to three lines and even for. Not for independent statements, they are related to each other. The question is, how??
Synonymous Parallelism
Saying the same thing, using different words
Antithetical parallelism
Line 1 and 2 are saying the opposite. It’s contrastive 
Synthetic parallelism
An idea is being presented and it continues to grow to be developed throughout line 2 and eventually line 3 and so on.
Climactic parallelism
Idea begins in line 1 and is carried to its logical conclusion in line 2. Takes an idea to a conclusion.
Scribe to the Lord, O sons of the mighty. Scribe to the Lord, glory and strength
Emblematic parallelism
Idea is given and then will be demonstrated through very natural means. Nature, objects, animals.
As the deer pants for the water Brooks, so my soul pants for you, oh God
Who is the author of the book of Psalms?
Anthology. Collection of different authors. Written over an extended period time. 900 years. Moses has the oldest.
David, Asaph, sons of Korah, Hemon-court musician, Ethan, Solomon, Moses, and 50 of these have no titles and no names included. orphans
Why did people record their experiences in songs?
Easier to remember
What is the message that the book?
Men’s highest duty is to honor and praise God. Our faith grows as we worship God.
Category of psalms
Messianic Psalms: References the coming of the anointed one. One who would bring home and put an end to all their phones. Foresaw elements in the life of Jesus.
Penitential Psalms: contains deep remorse, they have sinned, but God has covered them.
Imprecatory psalms: Pronounce occurs when an individual. Often because of an injustice against a person.
Acrostic Psalms: first letter of each line follows the Hebrew alphabet.
Psalms of Ascent: song during their travels
Poetic Pentateuch: Repeated pattern can be seen through the book. Markers can be found to distinguish sections. Amen and amen. They are like the sections in the Pentateuch
Importance of the book?
Allows us to see the hearts of the authors. Disappointments and frustrations and motives. Called the “heart” book of the Bible