Therapy - Dream Analysis Flashcards
Dreamwork Processes
-Secondary elaboration
Thoughts condensed into brief images that stands for associations and ideas.
Concept of a ‘censor’ that prevents disturbing thoughts
A thought translated into visual images
Symbol replaces action,person, idea
Secondary elaboration
Unconscious mind collects the different images, ties then together to form a logical story - disguising the latent content
Psychodynamic assumptions (unconscious mind) applies to dream analysis
-make the ‘unconscious conscious’ , gain insight so it can be cured
-establishing whether repression is causing illness
Psychodynamic assumption (influence of childhood experiences) applied to dream analysis
-Traumatic memories buried in the unconscious may surface during dreams.
Psychodynamic assumption (tripartate personality) applied to dream analysis
- ego would usually block out the unacceptable desires of the id, ego defences would be in operation.
-During dreaming, ego defences are low
Latent content is transformed into manifest content
Main components of dream analysis
-Mind expresses itself through dreams
-unconscious fulfilment of wishes that can’t be satisfied in the conscious mind (expressed symbollcally)
Role of therapist
-Reverse the dreamwork process
-decode manifest content into latent content
-suggest various interpretations based on patient’s feedback and life experiences
Evaluation - Research evidence (strengths)
-Solms used PET scans to highlight parts of the brain that are active during dreaming.
-Rational part of the brain (ego) , inactive during sleep
-Memory and motivational parts, very active (supports that unconscious driven parts,id, expresses itself.
Evaluation - Research evidence (weakness)
-Ecological validity can be questioned:
>conducted in sleep labs
>patient wired up with electrodes
-not the same as under normal conditions
Evalutation - methodological issues (strength)
-Hopfield research on neural networks
-used computer simulations to mimic action of the brain
-discovered neural networks deal with an overloaded memory by condensing memories. (supports condensation,displacement,censor,symbolism theory)
Evaluation - methodological issues (weakness)
-manifest content decoded by therapist, can be interpretated differently.
Subjective Interpretation
> Based on personal opinions rather than facts.
Interpreting the manifest content, relies on the subjective interpretation of the therapist.
may not be reliable
highly subjective
going against the objective scientific aims of psychology
Evaluation - Ethical Issues
> Therapist-client relationship
False memory syndrome (FMS)
Emotional Harm
Evaluation - Ethical Issues : Therapist-client relationship
> Therapist takes expert role - patient is reliant on them —> can create power imbalance + over-dependence on the therapist
depression - have a tendency to over-rely on important people
Evaluation - ethical issues :
False memory syndrome
> Person’s identity and relationship are affected by false memories of traumatic experiences.
Therapist induce false memories —> treatment lasts longer = more financial gain
Can experience anxiety
Evaluation - Ethical Issues:
Emotional Harm
Therapist may guide a client towards an insight or interpretation that can be emotionally distressing.