Psychochnamic approach assumptions Flashcards
-Influence of Childhood Experiences
- The Unconscious Mind
-Tripartite Personality
Influence of childhood experiences
- experiences shape our adult personality.
-Development in childhood takes place in a series of key developmental stages.
-Problems at any stage can result in fixation, having long-lasting effect on personality.
Psychosexual stages
-Each stage represents the fixation of libido on a different area of the body.
Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
- fixation occurs through, Frustration or Overindulgence
Conscious mind
Unconscious mind
-not logical
-ruled by pleasure seeking
-expresses itself through dreams, appear in disguised forms, symbols.
-determines much of our behaviour
- we are motivated by unconscious emotional drives
-contains unresolved conflicts that has a powerful effect on our behaviour and experience
Ego defence mechanisms
Ego protects itself with mechanisms:
Defences can be the cause of disturbed behaviour if overused.
-Impulsive, unconscious
-present at birth
- demands immediate satisfaction
- pleasure principle
- main aim: gain pleasure
-Conscious, rational part
-develops at age 2
- function: balancing the demands of the id in a socially acceptable way, resolve conflict between id + superego
- reality principle
-last part to develop
-sense of right and wrong
- seeks to perfect and civilise our behaviour, learned through identification with parents
Explanation for relationship formation - childhood experiences
- psychosexual stages and childhood experiences can explain the nature of relationships
-over-indulgence during oral stage –> unhealthy dependency on others, ‘needy’ - frustration in anal stage —> stubborn, possesive
- fixation in phallic stage (superego + conscious developing) —>adult not capable of loving others
Oedipus complex needs to be reolved to have a well developed personality with no complications in forming relationships.
Relationship formation - Defence mechanisms
> forming adult relationships = unpleasant emotions from past
use ego defences to avoid anxiety
= affect behaviour
dishonest in a relationship - deal with guilt through rationalisation
in denial about sexuality - form relationship, not in line with true feelings
= affect personality >affect relationship
Relationship formation - example - formation of parent-child relationship
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