Cognitive - Evaluating Flashcards
Strength - mediational processes
P - focus on important processes that occur between stimulus and response
E - explains importance of mediational processes = perception, memory affect the way we respond to the world
L - helped explain practical elements of human behaviour
Strength - important contributions (applications)
P - usefully applied in therapy CBT, treat disorders(depression), applied to field of developmental psychology
E - advanced memory research
Ex - Loftus and Palmer show EWT accounts can be distorted by post-event info = impact police interviewing questions (avoid leading)
Strength - Scientific approach
P - controlled scientific research
Ex - memory research under strict laboratory conditions - using brain scanning techniques
E - cognitive neuroscience - pinpointing exact bio mechanisms involved in cog processes = able to establish resposibilities of areas in relation to cog processes.
L - extremely scientific, causal relationships between emotions, cognitions, behaviour can be confidently predicted.
Weakness - nature and nurture
P - consider influence of internal and external factors on behaviour. - fails to consider elements of nature and nurture
Ex - role of genes in human cognition
E - important social cultural factors ignored - Ex - Piaget failed to consider role of culture and gender on development of thinking in children
Weakness - determinist
P - schema important assumption =
E - acquired through social interactions and direct experience. acquire stereotypes about people/situations
L - stereotypes may determine the way we interpret situations
Weakness - mechanistic
P - portrays human behaviour as being like a machine
E - ignore social, emotional factors. - Illustrated in cog perspective of mental illness.
Ex - depressed have faulty thinking patterns that can be changed
E - ignores important role emotions play in influencing cog processes