Therapy Flashcards
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy-good for?
sever and chronic personality disorders
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy?
uncovering unconscious aspect of pts mental life
deals w/ unconscious conflicts, repressed feelings, early childhood family issues
difficulty w/ current relationship
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy-timeline?
mo to yrs
Behavior therapy?
relaxation tehcniques to reduce sx
change factors that reinforce sx
graduated exposure to distressing stimuli
desensitization hmwk
Behavior therapy - good for?
somatic disorders
Behavior therapy - timeline?
Cognitive therapy?
negative thoughts that lead to depression
documentation of through processes often included in therapy
Cognitive therapy-good for?
depression and anxiety
substance abuse
Cognitive therapy - conjunction?
meds w/ schizophrenia
Cogntive therapy - timeline?
10-20 session
Interpersonal pyschotherapy?
depression is d/t prob in relationships
1or 2 out of 4 common interpersonal issues: grief, role transition, role dispute, interpersonal deficits
HERE AND NOW problems
Interpersonal psychotherapy-timeline?
12-20 sessions
Psychoeducational therapy?
educates pts about how to understand and manage emotional or physical probs
met in groups /w family
Supportive therapy?
taking out education
avoids interpreting the unconscious or addressing transference (happened in childhood but blaming the current prob at childhood)
Integrative psychotherapy?
benefit more form combo strategies
Psychoeducational therapy-good for?