Therapy Flashcards
What are the aims of dream analysis?
-To reveal the unconscious and to bring it to be conscious
-Uncover the latent content of a dream by examining the manifest content
What happens to our ego when we sleep?
Ego defences lower so repressed material comes out through awareness but in disguise to protect the dreamer
-Major function was dreams of wish fulfilment, referred to as primary process thinking, unconscious thinking of the id that uses symbols and metaphors, focusing on immediate gratification of instinctual demands and drives, disregards logic and manifests itself during dreaming
What are the main components of dream analysis?
-Dreams as wish fulfilment
-Symbolic nature of dreams
-The role of the therapist
What is dreams as wish fulfilment?
Freud believed that all dreams were unconscious fulfilment of wishes that couldn’t be satisfied in the conscious mind
Dreams protect the sleeper and allows some expression of the buried urges and desires
Examples of dreams as wish fulfilment?
-The id drives this
-Pedofillia or murder a crime that will get you consequences, so live this out in your dreams
-Being rich
SND- what’s manifest content?
What we try and recall, the story of a dream
e.g. remembering a boat sailing away from us in dream
This is what the patient described
Component 2- symbolic nature of dreams, what is this?
Although dreams allow us to fulfill our unconscious wishes and desires
-If we dreamed what we desired, it could cause anxiety and stress to our conscious mind. So dreams are layered through symbolism allowing wish fulfilment but protecting our conscious from harmful content of the unconscious
SND- what is latent content?
The hidden meaning of your dream
Underlying wish, desires of emotion of a boat sailing away from you
e.g. fear of being left alone
This is uncovered by your therapist
What is dreamwork?
The latent content of dream is transferred to the manifest content by dreamwork
DW- what are our 5 processes?
Secondary elaboration
DW- what is condensation and example
Condensing many different ideas into one- one image standing for several associations
e.g. a dream about a man means dreaming about ones father and lover
DW- what is displacement and an example?
The emotion significance of the dream object is displaced onto another object or person to protect our conscious mind
e.g. Freud’s patient hated his sister in law and called her a dog, one day had a dream about strangling a dog
DW- what is secondary elaboration and example?
Unconscious ind collects the different images and ties them together to make a logical story hiding latent content
e.g. waking up and recalling your dreams in a logical order as gaps in dream are filled
DW- what is symbolism and an example?
Symbol replaces an action, person or idea
e.g. penis=snake or a gun
DW- what is representation and an example?
A thought is translated into visual images
e.g. sitting on a box may be a representation of possession
What is the role of the therapist?
The interpretation of dream is not final aim, just a tool to access the unconscious mind
By gaining insight and realising how issues can be dealt with it causes conflicts to be resolved
-Can cause cathartic for patients
-Purpose is to uncover latent content by examining manifest
-A patient talks about the manifest and the therapist will uncover the latent, believe its necessary to consider all aspects of people’s life
e.g. dreaming of fish symbolises fear of water in one but in another represent a friend as a fisherman
-Final decision of dream is up to patients interpretation
Applying assumption to therapy- unconscious mind?
Establishes whether repressions is causing the person’s psychological illnesses. Dream analysis is to make the unconscious conscious to gain insight into behaviour to cure illness,
Purpose of dream analysis is to interpret what is in the unconscious mind as it express itself in the manifest of dream
Applying assumption to therapy- Tripartite personality?
Demands of the id, desires and wishes that are unacceptable in our normal waking hours are relegated to our dreams.
Allow us to ply out our wishes inn an acceptable way instead of containing them,meaning they build up and threaten our sanity
During waking hours the ego can block this out but when we sleep these fedences are lower and id is active so desires acted upon
Applying assumption to therapy- childhood experiences?
Traumatic experiences buried in unconscious relating to childhood experiences
Events may resurface in dreams to work through trauma
Dreamwork will occur to censor thoughts meaning dream content is express symbolically and requires interpretation in the context of persons life