It is a place for locking-up persons who are convicted of minor offenses or felonies who are to serve a short sentences imposed upon them by a compotent court, or for confinement of a persons who are awaiting trial or investigation of their cases.
it is said to have been derived from the Spanish word
It is also said to have been derived from the french word GOAL prounounced as “geole” a place for arrested criminals.
Jaula/Caula which means a Cage.
GOAL prounounced as “geole” a place for arrested criminals.
is a security facility, common to police stations, used for temporary confinement of individual held for investigation.
Lock-up Jail-
- the type of jail commonly used in detain a convicted criminal offender who serves less than three years
Ordinary Jail
– houses minimum custody offenders serving short sentences with constructive work programs.
Work house jail farm or camp
types of jail
Lock up jail
ordibary jail
work house jail farm or camp
An institution for the imprisonment of persons convicted by final judgment and with a penalty of more than 3 years.
- Inmate who is convicted by final judgement;and
- inmate who is undergoing investigation/trial or awaiting final judgement.
Categories of Inmates
A person legally held in prison as a punishment for crimes they have committed or while awaiting trial.
is a person who is deprived of liberty against their will.
Classification of Prisoners:
Sentenced prisoners
Detention Prisoners
Those who are on safekeeping
those who are convicted by final judgment and under the jurisdiction of a penal institution.
Sentenced prisoners
-offenders who are committed to the jail or prison in order to serve their sentence after final conviction by a competent court. They are prisoners under the jurisdiction of penal institutions.
Sentenced prisoners
- one who is sentenced to a prison term of three (3) years and one (1) day to reclucion perpetua or life imprisonment;
Insular Prisoner
- one who is sentenced to a prison term of six (6) month and one (1) day to three (3) years;
Provincial Prisoner
- one whonis sentenced to a prison term of one (1) day to three (3) years; and
City Prisoners
- one who is sentenced to a prison term of one (1) day to six(6) months
Municipal Prisoner
- those are inmates who are not necessarily charged with heinous crimes but are prominent figures in society or public figures whose cases have drawn public interest. ex. Politician, Government Official, multi-million entrepreneur, etc.
High Profile Inmates
- those who are considered highly dangerous and who require a greater degree of security, control and supervision because of their deemed capability of escape, of being rescued, and their ability to launch or spearhead acts of violence inside the jail.
High Risk Inmates
- a target a resources person, who may either be an enemy combatant, high ranking official or a civilian in danger of capture or death, typically in possession of critical intelligence, data or authority marked as an objective for a mission and which a commander requires for successful completion of the same.
High Value Target (HVT)
- is a formal or informal group of prison inmates. They are basically the prison gangs. Law enforcement officials use the term Security Threat Group to refer such gangs in order to take away the recognition that the term “gang” connotes.
Security Threat Group (STG)
- a group of person that commits any of the following; Piracy and mutiny in the high seas or in the Philippine waters, rebellion or insurrection, coup d’etat, murder,kidnapping and serious illegal detention, crimes involving destruction, arson hijacking, robbery.
Terrorist Group
- encouraging, condoning, justifying, or supporting the commission of a violent act to achieve political, ideological, religious, social, or economic goals. (ISIS
Violent Extremist offender(VEO)
- those who represent a moderate risk to the public and staff. These inmates still require greater security, control and supervision as they might escape from and might commit violence inside jail.
Medium Risk Inmates
s- are regarded as HIghly Dangerous and high security risk inmates.
Maximum Security Inmate
- are those who cannot be trusted in less secure areas and those whose conduct behavior require minimum supervision
Meduim Security Inmates
- are those who can be reasonably trusted to serve their sentence under restricted condition
Minimum Security Inmates
Republic Act 9263
Short Title - This Act shall be known as “The Bureau of Correction Act of 2013 “.
Is the redress that the state takes against a defending member of society that usually involves pain and suffering. It is also the penalty imposed on a offender of a crime or wrongdoing.
Putting someone through a special process in order to change them.
Ancient Form of Punishment
Primitive Society:
Death Penalty
Corporal Punishment
Social Degradation
Affected by burning, beheading, hanging, breaking at the wheel and other forms of medieval execution.
Death Penalty
- This refers to an inmate were death penalty/ sentence imposed by the Regional Trial Court is affirmed by the Supreme Court.
Death Convict
- as a method to the death d of execution was introduced in 1926 during the American occupation. It was used until 1976, during the time of former President Ferdinand Marcos. Article 81 of the Revised Penal Code is the provision pertaing to the death penalty
Electric Chair ( Silya Electrika)
First person being executed-
Marcial “Baby Ama” Perez ( October 04, 1961 )
An act to impose the death penalty on certain heinous crimes, amending for that puspose the Revise Penal Laws, as amended, other special penal laws, and for other purposes.
Republic act 7659
- Approved March 20, 1996
It is the law that designated Lethal Injection as the method of carrying out the capital punishment in the Philippines.
Republic Act No. 8177
- a sleep inducing barbiturate
Sodium Thiopental
- capable of paralyzing the muscles
Pancuronium Bromide
- Capable of stopping the heart beat
Potassium Chloride
First Person being Executed- in lethal
Leo Echegaray ( February 05, 1999 )
First Female- lethal injection
Josefina Esparas
- The sending or putting away of an offender which was carried out either by prohibition against coming into a specified territory such as an island to where the offender has been removed.
- The act of putting the offender into shame or Humiliation.
Social Degradation
It is affected by maiming, mutilation, whipping and other inhumane or barbaric form of inflicting pain.
It is the infliction of physical pain as a form of punishment.
Corporal Punishment
Is the suffering that inflicted by the state for the transgression of law.
-The doctrine of psychological hedonism or freewill.
Classical school
(Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham)
- children and lunatics must be free from punishment.
Neo-Classical school
( SIR William Blackstone)
- The punishment should be provided by the state whose sanction is violated to afford the society or the individual the opportunity of imposing upon the offender suitable punishment as might be enforce. Offender should be punished because they deserve it.
Retribution (Personal Vengeance)
- Denied individual responsibility and reflected on positive reactions to crime and criminality.
Positivist School (Cesare Lombroso, Enrico Ferri and Raffaele Garofalo)
- It is punishment in the form of group vengeance where the purpose is to appease the offended public or group.
- Punishment gives lesson to the offender by showing to others what would happen to them if they violate the law. Punishment imposed to warn potential offenders that they cannot afford to do what the offender has done.
- The public will be protected if the offender has been held in condition where he cannot harm others especially the public. Punishment is effected by placing offender in prison so that society will be ensured from further criminal depredation of criminal.
Incapacitation and Protection
It is the establishment of the usefulness and responsibility of the offender. Society’s interest can be better served by helping the prisoner to became law abiding citizen and productive upon his return to the community by requiring him to undergo intensive program of rehabilitation in prison.
Reformation and Rehabilitation
- Putting the offender in prison for the purpose of protecting the public against criminal activities and at the same time rehabilitating the prisoners by requiring to undergo institutional treatment programs.
– A conditional release of a prisoner after serving part of his/her sentence in prison for the purpose of gradually re-introducing him/her to free life under the guidance and supervision of a parole officer.
– a disposition whereby a defendant after conviction of an offense, the penalty of which does not exceed six years imprisonment, is released subject to the conditions imposed by the releasing court and under the supervision of a probation officer.
– an amount given as a compensation for a criminal act.
– the penalty of banishing a person from the place where he committed a crime. It has the prohibitory radius of 25km-250km within the period of 6 months 1 day to 6 years.
Is a program of activity directed to restore a PDL self respect and sense of responsibility to the community, there making him/her a law-abiding citizen after serving his/her sentence.
Is a means of amending or improving by changing an inmate’s behavior or removing his or her faults or abuse and removing correcting an abuse of a wrong or error.
It refers to the acts which ensures the public that released national inmates are no longer harmful to the community.
The development of the reformative and rehabilitative approach in criminal justice started during the
The safekeeping of inmates shall include decent provision of quarters, food, water and clothing in compliance with established United Nations standards. The security of the inmates shall be undertaken by the Custodial Force consisting of Corrections Officers with a ranking system and salary grades similar to its counterpart in the BJMP.
Safekeeping of National Inmates
The purpose of the inmate work program is to keep the inmates busy, and to provide them money for their personal expenses and their families as well as help them acquire livelihood skills, in order that they may become productive citizens once they are released and assimilated back into the mainstream of society.
Work and Livelihood-
Upon his initial commitment to the Reception and Diagnostic Center (RDC), the inmate’s medical history is recorded and properly documented by the Medical Specialist. Medical information and mental status examinations are given to ascertain his overall physical / mental fitness and whether he would be fit for work. This forms part of the diagnostic process which will eventually determine the most appropriate rehabilitation program for the inmate.
- Healthcare Services
Prison education amounts to remedial schooling designed to prepare inmates to obtain basic skills in reading, writing and mathematics. Vocational training and social education focus on job readiness.
- Educational and Skills Training
Here are various indoor and outdoor sports activities, programs, tournaments and leagues all year round, to include basketball, volleyball, billiards, table tennis and chess. These sports competitions promote camaraderie among inmates, good sportsmanship and team-building.
- Sport and Recreation
Inmates enjoy freedom of religion. All inmates are free to observe the rituals of their faith, with orderly conduct supervised by prison authorities.
- Moral and Spiritual Program