Theory L5 - Colour Constancy and the Brain Flashcards
What is light?
- SUN emits PHOTONs - which is both PARTICLE and WAVE - it is an electromagnetic wave particle.
- its colour is determined by the wave frequency.
What colour is a high frequency wave?
blue / violet
What colour is a lower frequency wave?
red / infrared / UV - can’t see. too short.
What was Newton’s Prism experiment?
He used a prism to bend white light into different wave lengths - which made a rainbow.
White light contains all kinds of photons - blue, green, red.
Found that light will bend differently according to its wavelength.
Longer waves bend less = red. Super long waves = infrared (we can’t see it)
What kind of waves bend less?
Longer waves.
What leads us to have a yellow perceptual experience?
Receiving lots of red and green photons at once.
It mixes to create yellow.
How do we see bananas’ yellow colour?
Banana absorbs its pigments (red, orange, green, blue, purple…), but NOT YELLOW!!!!
So the yellow photons bounce back, enters the eye and we see it.
it’s yellow because it absorbs everything except the yellow.
Describe how the eye sees light?
Lighter enters the eye > interacts w/ photoreceptor cells > sends signals to ganglion cells > axons leave the eye
What are the three layers of the retina?
- Ganglion cells
- Bipolar Cells
- Photoreceptors - rods & cones
What is transduction?
This happens in the photoreceptor cells.
(Rods & Cones)
Refers to the change of physical energy of light into a biological signal
What are cones?
- Type of photoreceptor cell
- 3 types of Cones
- Blue, Green & Red Cones - 440, 530 AND 560 cones, can be thought of as S, M, L.
they are MOST suitable for the specified wavelength, but can capture a range of other wavelengths. Lots of overlap between the cones.
What wavelength is captured by all 3 cones?
The brain will use info from all 3 cones to register the colour. It uses the degree to which light is absorbed to register colour.
When the blue photons are absorbed more - blue cones more activated than others, then we see blue!!!
What is the principle of univariance?
The cone receptors convey info about the quantities of light absorbed, not the actual wavelength of light.
The principle of univariance states that one and the same visual receptor cell can be excited by different combinations of wavelength and intensity, so that the brain cannot know the color of a certain point of the retinal image.
The principle of univariance is the fact that an infinite set of different wavelength–intensity combinations can elicit exactly the same response from a single type of photoreceptor. One photoreceptor type cannot make accurate color discriminations by itself.
The brain looks at relative activation between the different cones to register colour.
How does mixing paints work?
The appearance of objects is really the photos that are being reflected.
SO by mixing 2 diff colours that ABORB DIFFERENT LIGHT… only 1 type of light is reflected off.
so blue + yellow = green
bc blue light absorbs red, yellow absorbs blue, the result absorbs both, and thus reflects green.
What colours are in printers?
Cyan - absorbs red - stimulates M and S cones
Magenta - absorbs green - stimulates Sand L cones
Yellow - absorbs blue. - stimulates M and L cones.
(stimulates the cones of what it reflects)