Theory inequalities ethnic Flashcards
Castles and Kosack
Neo - Marxist
Solomos et al
Black feminism
class, gender and race combine to cerate multiple sources of deprivation and inequality. Triple system theory. support by abortt - white femist view, speaking on behalf of black feminist.
Black feminism challenged dominant images of black women as passive victims of racism, patriarchy and social class. therefore, challenges the stereotypical description of ethnic minorities women.
Moodood et al
disadvantages are linked to cultural traditions .
Bangladesh women, in particular, have especially low economic activity, although a loss of this may be hidden in the form of homework.
Dale et al
Younger women are more likely to participation in the labour market and speak fluent English, although many of these women accepted that family and work patterns may change when married
cultural ( new right)
Blamed single mothers for there inequality. Young black males who do not have fathers in their lives turn to the media e.g rapper, get rich quick through criminal acts like selling me drugs, achieving money through non-legitimate means.
Hypermasculinity created an anti-school attitude.
Robert claims this is because Asian immigrants brought strong entrepreneurial traditions, in contrast to the bitter experiences of colonialism and slavery that may have caused anti-enterprise attitudes amongst African Caribbean groups.
Host immigrant model.
these immigrants had a ‘culture clash’ with their British‘ host’. Argued that the British were not directly racist but were frightened and anxious due to the arrival of immigrants.
three causes of racial discrimination
1)The host fear of social change and difference
2)Resentment about having to compete for jobs (particularly amongst the working class)
3)The failure of ethnic minorities to assimilate e,g living in segregated communities and not learning the language
Believed immigrants would become more British and would then fit it
polices that reflects this
- citizen test ( based on bristh history and need a standard of English)
if immigrants hold different values then this can lead to them to experience inequalities, not the fault of the system itself.
Parsons says that equality will come once there is assilmtion, the maintenance of social and collective solidarity meant that minority groups slowly adopt the majority.
direct relationship between capitalism and racism and that racsim would not have developed if capitalism did not exist.
European nations conquered other areas of the globe and exploited the workforce justifying this by claiming white Europeans were superior to other races.
Castles and Kosack
racism was fostered and encouraged in order to divide the proletariats and weaken their power to challenge the ruling class.
( ethnic group were apart of the reserved army of labour, low pay, low status work)
3 ideologies reason -
To legitimise - racism helps to justify low pay and poor working conditions because black workers are seen as second class citizens
To divided and rule - if black and white workers untie then there will be a revolution
To scapegoat - ethnic minorities are scapegoats for societies problems
Solomos at el
neo marxism
Linked to capitalism and also linked to economic factors, government policies and the culture of ethnic minorities and the white working class. they explored government policies and the cultures of ethnic minorities and the white working class . ‘new racism’ has emerged
Neo marxism
New racism emerge because;
The ruling class created and reinforced ideologies around the concept of British nation British people and British culture ( government police
There was high employment and economic instability and immigrants came to be seen as the source of the problem ( economic factors)
The cultures if the immigrant group were viewed in a negative way and as a threat to British society which was suffering from high crime rates and breakdown of family values ( culture clash
post modern
Super diversity- vast range of cultural values and norms displayed by new immigrants, mixed heritage is rising in the UK.
Explanation of racial and ethnic inequality is neglect this group and their experiences.
Post modern
Studied two council states in south London and found that black, white and Asian youths all shared friendships, fashion, slang, music- hybrid identity. They shared the same culture, they took part in cultural borrowing and were trying out new cultural masks.
rex and tomlinson
weberian Acknowledges that a ‘ black underclass’ has emerged. This group sits below the white working class and refers to a group who face disadvantages in the labour market, income, housing and education, such as facing a concrete ceiling. Claim the black under class are marginalised, alienated and frustrated in their position. Claim due to their lower class and status, they are victims within capitalist societies
Status and power is held in the hands of the majority ethnic group, therefore making it difficult for an ethnic minority group to compete equally for jobs.
Status divide class
Negatively privileged status group, to ethnic minorities, argued that the ethnic majority (white British) use social closure to keep ethnic minority groups out of positions of authority and status. They face a concrete ceiling
Barron and Norris
dual labour market
Primary labour market - high pay, security, good working condition and favourable promotion prospect ( white British)
Secondary labour market - lower paid, lower status with less security inferior working conditions and few opportunities for a promotion
( black and minority ethnic group)
post modern
Conducted a survey, finding out that blaisan meant asian people adopting black styles of dress and language and combined this with their own culture. Supporting Back’s argument about hybrid identities.
a study on second and third generation British Asian footballers. Finding that they undertook code switching between their white identity when with peers and Asian identity when with parents. They wore a white mask when with peers by gambling and talking about pornography.
Moodood et al
Dale et al
Sewell ( new right)
Black Feminism
Brewer ( supporting Abbott et al)
Rex and tomlimson
Barron and Norris