Evidence of inequalities social class Flashcards
Mac an Ghail
working class workplace disadvantage
States that deindustrialisation has lead to a ‘Crisis of masculinity’ amongst working class males – They face unemployment.
working class workplace disadvantage
Working class males see their futures as working in basic manual labour jobs like their fathers therefore they do not aspire for more.
Working class workplace disadvantage
Once they’d been made redundant from their steel works job the men in his study felt a loss of identity from their tight knit communities associated with their job. Their loss of role as a breadwinner led to them feeling a loss of status and identity.
upper class workplace advantage
The social closure exercised by the upper class ensures they have the highest concentration of wealth. E.g. intermarriage, high culture and the old boy network.
upper class workplace advantage
‘Cosy club‘ UK’s top jobs remain “disproportionately held by people from a narrow range of backgrounds”.
Rowlingson and Mullineux (2013)
upper class workplace advantage
Wealthy people can become insulated from the lives of others (social closure), they have more political influence and this can be a threat to the democratic process. Those on higher incomes are also more likely to receive an inheritance of high value.
Waldfogel and Washbrook (2008)
upper class workplace advantage
Children from higher income backgrounds do significantly better on a range of early years outcomes in education.
Willis ED
working class education disadvantage
Working class males see their futures as working in basic manual labour jobs like their fathers therefore they do not aspire for more - This means that they create anti-school subcultures and are negatively labelled by teachers. Working class ‘lads’ were fatalistic about their manual labour futures - They were negatively labelled by teachers as a result and did not work hard as they did not see the value of education in relation to their future in unskilled work.
working class education disadvantage
Working class ladettes are generally working class and adopt anti-school attitudes – They adopt an assertive femininity around smoking and arguing with teachers - As a result they were negatlively labelled by their teachers.
Bourdieu ED W
working class education disadvantage
Education system is biased towards the culture of the dominant classes and it devalues the knowledge and skills of the working class through the ‘hidden curriculum’. Furthermore, he argues that the main function of education is social reproduction and education discriminates against the working class because they lack the cultural capital to succeed.
Mac an Ghail ED
working class education disadvantage
Explains that due to working class males facing a crisis of masculinity due to deindustrialisation – Their children are often ‘anti-school’ as they imitate their role model fathers and see their futures based on unemployment.
Scott ED
upper class education advantage
The upper class pay for their children to attend private schools where a culture of privilege is instilled. Their hidden curriculum teaches values such as superiority, conservatism and acceptance of authority. These justify their privilege in terms of public service and common good. They also gain connections with others during this time - Known as ‘the old boy network’ that can later be used to gain ‘top jobs’.
Bourdieu ED U
upper class education advantage
Suggests that education helps to socialise students into middle class identities - He states that the whole environment of school is similar to aspects of their home lives. Bourdieu suggests that the middle classes better ‘cultural capital’ meaning they have a wealth of knowledge and leisure interests and also have a comprehensive level of language which serves to advantage them children in the education system. This also explains why the working class do not achieve as highly in education - This is passed on through social reproduction of inequalities
upper class education advantage
at girls’ private schools, the girls were encouraged to develop high levels of self esteem by devaluing those girls who went to state schools.
upper class education advantage
Argues that middle class pupils are labelled as the ‘ideal pupil’ based on having smart uniforms, articulating themselves and having good knowledge they can use within lessons, therefore teachers label them more positively than working class students leading to their higher attainment in education.