theorists Flashcards
media language theories
what is steve neale’s theory?
Steve Neale’s theory is that genres are examples of repetition and difference. He states that in order for a film to be a certain genre it must comply with that genres stereotypes and rules in order to classified in that genre.
He suggests that genres are dominated by repetition (conventions) but are also marked by difference, variation and change. He suggests the idea that genres change, develop and vary as they borrow from and overlap with one another. According to Neale, genres are constructed through repetition of similar features, but also marked by change and difference to keep the audience interested
media language theories
what is roland barthes theory, include the codes
He suggests that texts communicate their meanings through a process of signification.
He developed five codes which are the signifiers that perform different functions in texts:
action code = refers to any action or event that indicates that something else will happen.
enigma code = some form of info is withheld from the audience, creating an enigma. the story is not fully explained and mysteries are created to keep the audience guessing.
semantic code = refers to the connotations within the story that give additional meaning beyond literal descriptions.
symbolic code = acts at a wider level of the semantic code . symbolism is used within the text to represent broader ideas or qualities eg. pathetic fallacy
cultural code = refers to an external body of knowledge eg. cultural, scientific, historical or political, which add meaning to the text.
media language theories
What is Tzvetan Todorov’s theory
Todorov suggests that all narratives share a basic structure that involves a movement from one state of equilibrium to another. He suggests that these two states of equilibrium are separated by a period of imbalance or disequilibrium which needs to be resolved. The way in which narratives are resolved can have a particular ideological significance.
media language theories
What is Claude Levi-Strauss’s theory
The majority of narratives in media forms such as books and film contain opposing main characters. These binary opposites help to thicken the plot and further the narrative; and introduce contrast.
Levi-Strauss suggests that meaning is created, and narrative progresses through a set of binary oppositions; pairs of opposites that create conflict within a narrative.
representation theories - gender
What is David Gauntlett’s theory
Gauntlett suggests that the media provide us with tools or resources that we use to construct our own identities. He suggests that in the past the media tended to convey singular, straightforward messages about ideal types of male and female identities, however, the media today offer us a more diverse range of stars, icons, and characters from whom we may pick and mix ideas
representation theories - gender
What is Laura mulvey’s theory
Include, scopophilia and objectification
The male gaze theory suggests that women are objectified, in film particularly, because heterosexual men are in control of the camera.
According to this theory women are considered the passive gender - to be looked at, and men are considered the active gender - to do the looking.
The notion of looking but from a heightened sexual perspective. Often involves a direct gaze. Many media texts will emphasise and focus on specific attributes of the female body.
Where women are made to be seen as objects. This is achieved through the use of close ups and extreme close ups of the body.
representation theories - gender
What is liesbet van zoonen’s theory?
Van Zoonen argues that gender is constructed and that its meaning varies dependent on cultural and historical context. She suggests that masculinity as well as femininity is constructed – and that the codes used to construct men ‘as a spectacle’ are different.
- The idea that gender is constructed through discourse (communication through the media) and its meaning varies according to cultural and historical context.
- The idea that the display of women’s bodies as objects to be looked at is a core element of western patriarchal culture.
- The idea that in mainstream culture the visual and narrative codes that are used to construct the male body as a spectacle differ from those used to objectify the female body.
representation theories - gender
What is bell hooks’ theory?
bell hooks argues that inequality is not just related to one’s gender, and an intersectional approach must be taken to fully understand inequality.
- feminism is a struggle to end sexist/patriarchal oppression and the ideology of domination
- feminism is a political commitment rather than a lifestyle choice
- race and class, as well as sex determine the extent to which individuals are exploited, discriminated against or oppressed.
representation theories - gender
What is Judith butler’s theory?
Gender is a performance; it’s what you do at particular times, rather than a universal who you are.
We are not just acting it like in a play but rather actively constructing it as we act it out. If we don’t follow our ‘roles’ gender will not exist.
females and males are often portrayed in the way ‘society’ wants them to. We rarely see women in sporting magazines and men in makeup magazines. This not only stops from normalising men and women to be any way they want but also shows no representation to the people who are brave enough to go against society and give support to those who want to also act in any way they want.
representation theories - gender
What is Naomi wolf’s theory?
“To live in a culture in which women are routinely naked where men aren’t is to learn inequality in little ways all day long.”
As well the objectification of women, the imagery being used is considered to be unattainable…
Wolf argues in The Beauty Myth’ that media images present society with a ‘beauty myth’ which communicates an ideological message that women should treat their bodies as a ‘project in constant need of improvement.’
representation theories - gender
What is Jackson katz’s theory?
Jackson Katz critiques the effect of media representations of masculinity on young males and their perception of what it is to be ‘a man’. He discusses this notion of a Violent Masculine Representation in his documentary.
“One of the most important places they learn it is the powerful and pervasive media system which provides a steady stream of images that define manhood as connected with dominance, power and control.”.
ethnicity theories
What is Alvarado’s theory?
Alvarado noted that there are 4 themes in racial representations in the media. These are as:
Ethnic groups are seen as exotic or being the other’ and are represented as being strange or unusual.
Minorities are sometimes represented as a threat to society. The news and other media may present these groups as taking advantage of a society.
In the 70s, race was a major vehicle for comedy. Programmes removed the ‘threat’ of different races by making them the butt of the jokes.
Representation of ethnic groups may also be as deprived groups or victims of natural disasters like famine, floods and sometimes conflicts. Images of children are often used to gain sympathy.
ethnicity theories
What is Paul Gilroy’s theory?
Paul Gilroy’s theory highlights how colonial history influences modern racism, identity, and media, often reinforcing stereotypes and “othering” non-white individuals.
The idea that colonial discourses continue to inform contemporary attitudes to race and ethnicity in the postcolonial era (after the end of WW2.)
The idea that civilisationism constructs racial hierarchies and sets up binary oppositions based on notions of otherness or ‘difference’. It create a notion of ‘Us versus Them’.
Colonial refers to any country which is owned by another Empire.
ethnicity theories
What is Stuart Halls theory?
Stuart Hall’s theory of representation argues that within a media text, there will oftentimes not be a true representation of events, people, places, or history.
audience theories
What is the hypodermic needle theory?
In conjunction with active theory, this theory suggests that the media is like a syringe which injects ideas, attitudes and beliefs into the audience who, as a powerless mass have little choice but to be influenced by its content and ideologies.
Passive audiences accept the preferred message delivered in mainstream, mass media products and their behaviour and opinions are altered because of it.
The problems occur when media products reinforce a message which goes against a society’s mainstream ideology. Often these cause what are called a ‘moral panic.
audience theories
What is Blumer and katz’s theory?
The Uses & Gratifications theory suggests that the audience determines what to do with the media rather than the media simply influencing the audience directly.
When an audience actively seeks media, they want it to gratify a need or be useful to them. Each person uses it to meet their individual needs.
Personal Identity
Information & Education
Entertainment & Diversion
Social Interaction
audience theories
What is Albert bandura’s theory?
Psychologist, Albert Bandura theorised that the media can implant ideas in the mind of the audience directly (much akin to Hypodermic Needle). He says that audiences acquire attitudes, emotional responses and new styles of conduct and behaviour through modelling that which they see in the media. Bandura asserts that media representations of transgressive behaviour, such as violence or physical aggression, can lead audience members to imitate those forms of behaviour.
audience theories
What is Stuart hall’s theory?
Hall proposed that audiences reception to and interpretation of messages encoded within media texts was dependent on their individual, social and cultural experiences at a given time.
This is often referred to as situated culture: the ‘situation’ of the audience at the time of consuming a media text.
Other factors which affect the way in which an audience responds to a media text include: gender, age, ethnicity, culture
Audience responses to positioning:
Dominant/Preferred Reading/Position:
This is when the audience uncritically accepts the preferred or intended meaning of the text
Negotiated Reading/Position:
The most common reading. Where an audience will accept some parts) of the reading and reject others. This usually occurs when an audience has specific knowledge about a topic being covered.
Oppositional Reading/Position:
The audience rejects the message of the text and outlines their reason for opposition.
This may be related to the culture, age or gender, amongst other factors.
audience theories
What is Henry Jenkins theory?
According to Henry Jenkins, fans are devoted followers of media texts who actively engage with the products to construct their own meanings and interpretations beyond the original message
audience theories
What is Clay Shirky’s theory?
Shirky argues that audiences are no longer passive due to the way social media operates. Technology has changed our behaviour; instead of just consuming media passively, we also contribute to it. In his argument, no audience is passive ( we wont watch things and let them wash over us not really taking thing in). He believes audiences are now more active, wanting to interact with the media (wanting to interact and share and to like and comment, because of technology.)
industry theories
What is Curran and seaton’s theory?
- The idea that the media is controlled by a small number of companies primarily driven by the logic of profit and
power. - Media concentration generally limits or inhibits variety, creativity and quality.
- More socially diverse patterns of ownership help to create the conditions for more varied and adventurous media platforms.
industry theories
What is livingstone and lunt’s theory?
Changes and improvements in media technologies and in how digital media is produced, distributed, and marketed, have made media more difficult to regulate using traditional approaches.
- The idea that there is an underlying struggle in recent regulation policy between the need to further the interests of citizens (by offering protection from harmful or offensive material) and the need to further the interests of consumers (by ensuring choice, value for money and market competition).
- The idea that the increasing power of global media corporations, together with the rise of convergent media technologies and transformations in the production, distribution and marketing of digital media, have placed traditional approaches to media regulation at risk.
industry theories
What is David hesmondhalgh’s theory?
- The idea that cultural industry companies try to minimise risk and maximise audiences through vertical and horizontal integration, and by formatting their cultural products (e.g. through the use of stars, genres and serials).
- The idea that the largest companies or conglomerates now operate across a number of different industries.
What is Jean Baudrillard’s theory
Baudrillard described hyperreality as “the generation by models of a real without origin or reality”.
Hyperreality is an inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality, especially in advanced postmodern societies. Hyperreality is seen as a condition of what is real and what is fiction are blended together so there is no clear distinction to where one ends and the other begins.
** blood boundary between real and the imagined, distinction between media and reality has collapsed, reality mediated through stimulated images and representations (hyperreality). Post-modernism is sceptical about the advances of modernism leading to cynical interpretations of culture found in satire.”