Theories of Education Flashcards
functionalism evidence
Parsons, Durkheim, Davis & Moore
marxism evidence
Althusser, Bowles & Gintis, Bourdieu
feminism evidence
McCabe, Kelly, Cully
new right evidence
Chubb & Moe, Education Reform Act 1988 (curriculum, league tables, OFSTED)
interactionism evidence
Duckworth, Rosenthal & Jacobsen, Francis, Mizra, Gillborn and Youdell, Sewell
social solidarity is essential for the survival of society and maintaining value consensus
education as a bridge between family and society due to a shift of particularistic->universalistic values
Davis & Moore
describe how schools organise pupils into appropriate occupations by identifying the most able pupils
school as agency of transmitting capitalistic ideology as an ideological state apparatus
Bowles & Gintis
- how the hidden curriculum ensures social reproduction to maintain a capitalistic society
- correspondence theory between school and work
myth of meritocracy to justify inequality through role allocation
hierarchy structure within schools to justify societal hierarchies
symbolic annihilation: invisibility of women in the curriculum
girls made to feel uncomfortable in male subject areas
Chubb and Moe
marketisation policies help to raise standards in education
Rosenthal & Jacobsen
self fulfilling prophecy
Mizra, Sewell, Gillborn & Youdell
evidence of racist teacher labelling
Chombsky (AO3)
P-M offers no factual evidence to support
functionalism socialisation AO3
- marxism: values of capitalism
- post mod: x uni values, diluted by various opinion
functionalism role allocation AO3
- link between qualifications and earnings x consistent
- feminism, pay gap
- politicians and private education
- myth of meritocracy
marxism socialisation AO3
- functionalism: social solidarity
- lack of evidence and theoretically based
- post mod: now other ways to express ability
- too deterministic
marxism role allocation AO3
- functionalism: benefits society & economy
- Willis: relies on blind acceptance and conformity
- work readiness of school leavers
marxism AO3
\+ challenges meritocracy and inequality \+ explains differential achievement \+ highlights ideology - ignores gender/ ethnicity -ignores education as an escape route for w/c
liberal feminism AO3
- radical: not critical enough of masculine systems
- women choose courses that lead to low paid work
- men more likely to get top oxford degrees
marxist feminism AO3
+ still many gendered attitudes in schools
- many issues are addressed in equality legislation
- key issue= underperformance of boys
radical feminism AO3
- too general, not all men are rapists
- determinism
- overlooks social change
feminism AO3
+ gender pay gap, glass ceiling
-education is increasingly female dominated
new right AO3
+ shows realistic improvements and influences policy
- if GCSE results improve, how strong is the link of competition between schools
- is there really a choice of schools? priviledged choosers and selection by mortgage
interactionism AO3
+ based on evidence and results that can be used to invoke change comp to structural theories
- small scale = not representative
- good practice in schools to differentiate by ability due to marketisation
post modernism AO3
- Chomsky: offers no factual evidence to support
- marxism: overlooks structural inequality and offers no clear to policy to help