DEA and Class Flashcards
Outside school factors
material & cultural deprivation, language codes, cultural capital and compensatory education policy
Inside school factors
labelling theory, self-fulfilling prophecy, setting & streaming, responses & subcultures and marketisation
Cultural deprivation evidence
Douglas, Sugarman, Blackstone & Mortimer
Material deprivation evidence
Smith & Noble
Material deprivation AO3
+ recognises structural factors e.g unemployment
- w/c pupils do achieve (chinese and high % FSM)
- doesnt account for inside factors
Cultural deprivation AO3
- victim blaming
- assumes w/c cultures has less value
- ignore inside school factors
Cultural difference evidence
Bourdieu, Bernstein, Ball & Gerwitz, Archer, Ingram
Cultural difference AO3
LC- assume w/c dialect isnt standard english, they are capable of being taught
+ recognises w/c pupils as culturally different>deficient
+ appreciate education being m/c culture
-both deterministic, assume w/c culture is inevitably passed on
Labelling theory evidence
Rist, Becker
SFP evidence
Rosenthal & Jacobsen
Setting & streaming evidence
Ball, Gillborn & Youdell
A-C Economy evidence
Gilborn & Youdell, links to Education Reform Act 1988 and marketisation policies
Interactionist theory AO3
+ provides practical implication that can lead to better teaching
+ focus on inside factors, avoids victim blaming
-determinism, assumes all labelled pupils fulfil that prophecy. Fuller & Woods shows this as not true
-marxists: doesnt explain why pupils are negatively labelled and where stereotypes come from
Pupil responses evidence
Willis, Woods
material & cultural deprivation, language codes, cultural capital and compensatory education policy
Outside school factors
labelling theory, self-fulfilling prophecy, setting & streaming, responses & subcultures and marketisation
Inside school factors
Douglas, Sugarman, Blackstone & Mortimer
Cultural deprivation evidence
Smith & Noble
Material deprivation evidence
+ recognises structural factors e.g unemployment
- w/c pupils do achieve (chinese and high % FSM)
- doesnt account for inside factors
Material deprivation AO3
- victim blaming
- assumes w/c cultures has less value
- ignore inside school factors
Cultural deprivation AO3
Bourdieu, Bernstein, Ball & Gerwitz, Archer, Ingram
Cultural difference evidence
LC- assume w/c dialect isnt standard english, they are capable of being taught
+ recognises w/c pupils as culturally different>deficient
+ appreciate education being m/c culture
-both deterministic, assume w/c culture is inevitably passed on
Cultural difference AO3
Rist, Becker
Labelling theory evidence
Rosenthal & Jacobsen
SFP evidence
Ball, Gillborn & Youdell
Setting & streaming evidence
Gilborn & Youdell, links to Education Reform Act 1988 and marketisation policies
A-C Economy evidence
+ provides practical implication that can lead to better teaching
+ focus on inside factors, avoids victim blaming
-determinism, assumes all labelled pupils fulfil that prophecy. Fuller & Woods shows this as not true
-marxists: doesnt explain why pupils are negatively labelled and where stereotypes come from
Interactionist theory AO3
Willis, Woods
Pupil responses evidence