Theories And Techniques Flashcards
Psychoanalytic therapy:
Sigmund Freud
Concentrates on the client’s past and her early childhood events.
Brings the clients unconscious to the conscious
Work through repressed conflict
Freud’s structure of personality
Id: pleasure principle, no sense of time, no maturity, chaotic
Ego: functions to contact real world. See saw between id and superego
Superego: moral, values, feelings of guilt
Sexual in aggressive impulses to personality development
Oedipus complex
Sons attraction for his mother
Electra complex
Daughter attraction for her father
Most controversial aspect of this theory is Oedipus complex
Catharsis / abreaction
Purging of emotions and feelings by giving them expression
Eros and Thanatos
Eros Greek god of love of life
Thanatos is the Greek word for death
Psychoanalytic techniques
Interputation help the client to gain insight both past and present events.
Dream analysis meaning of dream
Free association verbalizing whatever comes to mind
analyzes of resistance
Analyzes of transference
Freud psychoanalytical model was first counseling
Authored the interpretation of dreams.
Anna O. thought to be the first psychoanalytic patient diagnosed hysteria.
Little Hans Freud first his constructs of Oedipal complex and castration anxiety
Daniel schreber 9 years old unconscious homosexual feelings
Ego defense mechanism
Viewing another person’s feelings and ideas that are unacceptable so the other person seems to have these feelings and ideas
For example feeling like a coward and handling a situation but blaming the outcome on the coward of the other person
Ego defense mechanism
Is the taking in, absorbing or incorporating into oneself the standards and values of another person
For example a client who has Incorporated his father’s values into his own thought patterns
Ego defense mechanism
Attempt to overcome feelings of inferiority by taking on characteristics of someone else
For example Jane feels inferior. She’s the president of the women shelter. Every time she goes to a social event she will introduce herself and the president of the women’s shelter
Ego defense mechanism
Means attempting to overcome be in Friday associated with feelings of inferiority in one area by concentrating on another.
Example ted feels stupid. Ted works out four hours a day in is taking dangerous steroids .
Ego defense mechanism
Reaction formation
Involve exaggerating and openly displayed a trait that is opposite of the tendencies that we do not want to recognize.
For example Morgan is obsessed with watching porn. Secretly he is doing the job because he wants to be able to view porn for free
Ego defense mechanism
Means of failing or refusing or acknowledge or deal with reality.
For example a kid has a broken arm from a car accident. The kid wants to play tennis and send in a form anyway
Ego defense mechanism
Justifying behavior one self and others
Example student not being upset for making an F and says straight A are for eggheads
Ego defense mechanisms.
Means of the displacing or directing emotions onto a person or object other than the one who originally aroused the emotion.
For example, a man got a nickel raise but was expecting a dollar. Goals home and yells at wife.
Ego defense mechanisms
Is redirecting of unacceptable impulses into socially and culturally acceptable channel.
For example, aggressive male becoming a boxer.
Ego defense mechanisms
Is in unconscious process of blocking urges or traumatic experiences.
Is automatic and involuntary
Suppression differs from repression in that repression is automatic.
For example a couple witnesses the violent death of a coworker
Adlerian therapy
Individual psychology
The founder is Alfred alder
Help the client develop a healthy self-esteem and lifestyle through reeducation and restructuring.
Lifestyles, birth order, and family reconcile are emphasized by Alder
Carl Jung
Analytical psychology
Jung broadened Freud’s concept of the unconscious.
Jung used mandalas
Personality types: thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuitive.
Bipolar personality type used in the Myers-Briggs type II indicator are associated with Jung.
Extroversion and introversion
By Jung
Is a turning in towards oneself as the main source of pleasure.
Seeks pleasure and satisfaction in other
Erik Erickson
Psychosocial stages
Birth to one year- trust versus mistrust
1 year to 2 years – autonomy vs shame and doubt
3 to 5 years - initiative versus guilt
6 to 11 years- Industry versus inferiority
12 to 20 years- Identity versus role confusion
20-35 years- intimacy versus isolation
35-65 years- generativity versus stagnation
65 years and older- integrity versus despair
Harry stack Sullivan
Ego formation:
Protaxic- infancy, no concept of time and place.
Parataxic: early childhood; child excepts without questioning.
Syntactic: later childhood; child is able to evaluate his or her own thoughts and feelings
Existential humanistic therapy
Major figures:
Abraham Maslow- self actualization
Rollo May- existential US
Victor Frankl- founder of logotherapy
Focuses primarily on the clients perception in the here and now