Theories about Interpersonal Relationships Flashcards
What is a “personal relationship” defined?
- quantitative definition (ex:2)
- qualitative definition (impersonal interpersonal)
What are qualities that are defined as personal relationship?
- Time
- experience
- talking
- self disclosure
- attractive (qualities)
What are qualities of an interpersonal defined as?
- unique
- irrplaceable
What does Wood say about personal relationships?
A voluntary commitment between irreplaceable individuals who are influenced by rules, relationship dialectics, and surrounding contexts.
What is relational culture?
a dyadic relationships develop a unique set of constitutive and regulative rules that guide how partners communicate and interpret one another’s messages
Who created Social Exchange Theory?
Thibaut & Kelley
What is Social Exchange Theory?
It evolved from the heuristic nature of symbolic interactionism
What kind of metaphor did they use for interpersonal relationships?
Economic Metaphor: exchange resources or currencies
- Rewards
- costs
What kind of relational currencies are in interpersonal relationship?
- Money
- Sex
- Expertise
- Work
Psychological Currencies/Physical Currencies
Essential Interpersonal Needs(Schutz) -Inclusion -Affection -Control Emotional support, Face, Self disclosure
What did Schutz create?
Basic Interpersonal Needs
Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Organization
What are basic interpersonal needs?
- inclusion
- affection
- control
What is idiosyncratic value?
A value that can change and that is a perception
receiving flowers
What values a currency?
-supply and demand
>Person to person
>time to time
Why are currencies given?
- Dependency
- Return of previous exchange
- Obligating
- Enjoyment
Why do we withhold currency?
- Don’t think other will respond in kind
- Don’t think it’s possible to return the exchange
- Don’t have the time or resources
- Feel relationship will suffer
- Don’t think the other will benefit
What are the cost and benefit analysis?
- Satisfaction= Rewards > Costs
- Dissatifaction= Rewards
What can be an issue in an interpersonal relationship?
When profit approaches 0, individuals seek new relationships ( or perhaps solitary activity)
-Seeking the highest rewards for the lowest costs?
When is a Cost/Benefit analysis done?
We do when… feeling particularly good or bad
- having strong expecations for a good or bad outcome from an exchange
- when we are contemplating the exchange of a particularly high value currency
- when trying to manipulate others
When is a Cost/Benefit analysis done?
Time Frame:
- Analysis of current encounter
- Analysis of past encounters
- Analysis of future encounters
What is comparison level?
Comparison level is a general standard that is set by the person
>General comparison level (Low v high)
>Alternative comparison level
What is an example of relational dialetic theory?
Autonomy Connection
Novelty Predictability
Openness Privacy
What are examples of managing Relational Dialectics?
Managing Dialectical tensions:
- Neutralization (compromise: both needs but not completely)
- Separation-Favors one need, dismisses the other (least satisfying)
- Segmentation-meet the need in certain contexts, with certain folks, but not in other contexts, with other folks
How to Manage relational dialectic…
- Alternation: switch back and fourth between
- Denial: ignoring the situation
- reframing and integration: transcend the apparent contradiction to see dialects as mutually enhancing