Theology J (Chappell/Meek) Flashcards
What happens to believers at death? Defend your answer with Scripture proofs.
The souls of believers are at their death made perfect in holiness (Heb. 12), and do immediately pass into glory (Luke 23); and their bodies, being still united to Christ (1 Thess. 4), do rest in their graves, till the resurrection (John 5).
What happens to unbelievers at death? Defend your answer with Scripture proofs.
At death, unbelievers’:
1. Souls are immediately cast into hell (Luke 16)
2. Bodies remain in their graves until the resurrection (John 5)
Who will be raised to life at the last day?
All people will be raised at the last day, but only those whose faith is in Jesus will inherit eternal life.
Who will be judged at the last day? Defend your answer with Scripture proofs.
All people (along with apostate angels) will be judged at the last day (Matt. 25; 2 Cor. 5; Jude 6).
By whom will they be judged? Defend your answer with Scripture proofs.
Jesus Christ will be the judge at the last day (Matt. 25; Acts 17; 2 Cor. 5).
Will any receive a second chance? Defend your answer with Scripture proofs.
No one will receive a second chance (Matt. 25; John 8; Heb. 9).
What practical use is the doctrine of the final judgment? Include Scripture proofs.
The final judgment exists to:
1. Deter from sin
2. Console the godly in their adversity (2 Pet. 3; 2 Thess. 1)
3. Promote watchfulness (Matt. 24)
When will Christ return? Defend your answer with Scripture proofs.
No one knows (except the Father) when Christ will return (Matt. 24; 2 Pet. 3).
What will heaven be like?
The Bible describes heaven as a real place, a new heavens and new earth where God will dwell forever with his people. In the new heavens and new earth, there will be no more sin or death. Instead, all believers will live in righteousness and holiness.
Is there a hell? Defend your answer with Scripture proofs.
Hell is a real place, described as a furnace (Matt. 13) or lake (Rev. 20) of fire. It is described with geographic specificity (2 Pet. 2).
What is “annihilationism”? Evaluate it biblically.
Annihilationism is a doctrine which teaches that unbelievers are completely and permanently destroyed after judgment instead of enduring eternal punishment.
It is unbiblical because Scripture:
1. Uses the same word (“eternal”) to describe believers’ reward and unbelievers’ punishment (Matt. 25; cf. Rev. 20)
2. Describes hell-fire as unquenchable (Mark 9)
What is your view of the millennium? Briefly defend your view from Scripture.
I hold an amillenial reading of Rev. 20 based on the following biblical realities:
1. Jesus has bound Satan in his life and ministry, death, and resurrection (Mark 3).
2. The Gospel has gone forth to the nations in accordance with Satan’s binding (Acts 17).
3. The biblical pattern for gospel advance entails current suffering and death (i.e. tribulation) (Matt. 16; Rev. 12).
4. The “first resurrection” refers to the deaths of believers who have, by their faith to the end, triumphed over Satan and death and currently share in Christ’s reign (Rev. 12, 15).