Theology Human Responses to God Flashcards
The garden of Eden (11)
- Before anything God created a man called Adam
- Adam was made from dust and God breathed life into him
- God planted a garden in Eden
- In Eden there were two trees the tree of life and the tree of knowledge (good and evil)
- There was a river in Eden
- God put Adam in Eden and told him to take care of the garden and don’t eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge
- Adam helped name animals with God
- God said it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone so made a ‘helper’ for him
- none of the animals were a suitable helper
- God put Adam in a deep sleep and took one of his ribs and made a women called eve
- They both were naked but not ashamed of it.
Adam and Eve (14)
- A serpent tempted Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge
- The serpent told eve she would be immortal and like god
- Eve ate the fruit
- She gave some to Adam
- They became aware they were naked
- When they heard God walking in the garden they hid
- Adam said they hid as they were naked
- Adam said that eve had given some fruit from the knowledge tree
- Eve told God the serpent had deceived her
- God punished the serpent by making it crawl on its belly and make humans scared of it to try kill it
- God punished eve by making childbirth painful and making her husband rule over her
- God punished Adam by making work painful and declaring he will die one day
- God expelled Adam and Eve from the garden
- God protected the tree of life by placing cherubim and a flashing sword round it.
Cain and Able (12)
- Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel
- Abel was a shepherd
- Cain grew crops
- Able offered a sacrifice of an animal for God which he was pleased with
- Cain offered a sacrifice of crops which God was not happy about
- Cain was angry
- God told him to control his anger because sin which was crouching at his door would overcome him
- Cain killed able in a field
- God asked cain where his brother is and he answered he was not his brother’s keeper
- God replied to Abel’s blood is crying from the ground so he will punish Abel by making it impossible for him to grow crops
- God punished him more by making him wander the earth
- However, God protected him by putting a mark on him so people don’t kill him
Abraham (12)
- God wanted to test Abraham
- Abraham was told to sacrifice his son as a burnt offering at Mount Moriah
- Early in the morning Abraham set of with the wood for the sacrifice
- He left his servant behind and took Isaac
- Isaac was carrying the wood Abraham the knife
- Isaac asked why they had no lamb
- Abraham replied to god I will provide it.
- Abraham built the alter and tied Isaac to it
- As Abraham was about to kill his son a angel told him to stop and that God knew he was faithful
- Abraham saw a ram caught its horns in a bush and used it instead of his son
- The angel spoke again and said that God will bless Abraham and make his descendants as namouras as he stars and as well promised him land
David and Bathsheba (9)
- One evening in spring David saw a beautiful woman bathing
- He found out she was Bathsheba wife of Uriah the Hittite
- David had sex with her and later found out she was pregnant
- David told Joab to send Uriah to report on the war
- Uriah slept at the door of the palace
- He said he could not go home while his men were fighting
- Davis sent a letter Joab to put Uriah in the front line then withdraw his troops so he would be killed
- Joab did what Davis asked, and he was killed
- David was now free to marry Bathsheba
David and Nathan (11)
- God sent Nathan to tell David a parable
- The parable had one rich and one poor man
- The rich man had lots of sheep
- The poor man only one little ewe lamb
- The ewe lamb was loved by the family and was like a daughter to them
- One day the rich man was entertaining and took the poor man sheep instead of his and prepared it for dinner
- When David heard this he said the rich man should be killed
- Nathan said you are that man
- Nathan said he should not of killed Uriah and slept with Bathsheba
- Nathan said God will punish him he will see his friends take away his wife and his son will be killed
- Davis confessed he sinned
The call of the disciples (11)
• Jesus was teaching by lake called Lake Gennesaret
• There wasn’t enough space to teach. There were two boats on the shore
• Jesus went into Simon peter’s boat and asked him to row him out
• He taught from the boat
• Then told Simon peter to go into deeper water and put his nets out
• Simon said they had not caught anything all night
• But he did and caught loads of fish
• The other fishermen came out to fill their boats with fish.
Simon peter fell to Jesus feet and said he was not worthy of Jesus as he was a sinner.
• Jesus told him not to be afraid
• From now, on they were to ‘fish for people.’
• The fisherman followed Jesus
The Good Samaritan (15)
- A lawyer asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life
- Jesus asked what the law said
- The lawyer answered that he should love God and his neighbour as himself
- The lawyer asked Jesus who is his neighbour
- Jesus answered with a parable
- A man was travelling to Jerusalem to Jericho
- Robber attacked him beat him up and left him dead
- A priest saw him and crossed to the other side
- A Levite saw him and crossed to the other side
- A Samaritan saw him and took pity and bandaged and aided his wounds
- He took him to an inn and looked after him
- The Samaritan gave the inn keeper money to pay for the man
- Jesus asked who the neighbour in the story is
- It was the one that had mercy to the man
- Jesus told him to act in the same way
The Lost Son (15)
- A man had two sons
- The younger son asked for his inheritance immediately
- The younger son went of to a distant land and spent everything
- When famine struck, he had to work looking after pigs
- He was extremely hungry and could have eaten the pig’s food
- He realised his father’s servant were better off than him
- He decides to return home
- He would say to his father he has sinned against heaven and against you
- While the son was some distance away his father rushed over to him, and his heart filled with compassion
- The father told to get the son a ring, robe and sandals and kill the fatted calf for a feast
- The father said they should celebrate his dead son was alive ‘ he was lost and now is found’
- His older son was angry because he had never got a feast like this
- He refused to go to the party
- His father tried to persuade the older son to come and said that he constantly enjoyed everything he owned
- The father said it was appropriate to celebrate that his son was lost and now found
Zacchaeus (10)
- Jesus was passing through Jericho
- Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector and very wealthy
- Because he was short, he climbed the sycamore tree to see Jesus better
- When Jesus came to the tree, he told Zacchaeus to climb down
- Jesus wanted to stay at Zacchaeus house straight away
- The crowd were annoyed that he wanted to stay with a sinner
- Zacchaeus immediately said he would give half of his possessions to the poor
- He also said he would pay the people he had cheated 4 times the amount he had stolen
- Jesus told him he had received a salvation and was a son of Abraham
- Jesus said ‘the son of man came to seek and save what was lost’
The Centurian (11)
- Jesus arrived at Capernaum
- A Centurian asked him to heal his very sick servant
- Jesus said he would go into the centurion’s house and heal the servant, but the Centurian said his house wasn’t worthy enough for Jesus
- The Centurian said all Jesus needed to do was say the word and his servant would be healed.
- The Centurian said he knew about authority as he was under it and his soldiers were under his authority.
- So, if he told his soldiers to go they would go and obey his order
- Jesus said he had never met anyone from Israel with such great faith.
- He said many people will come from the East and the West and take their place at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven with Abraham, Isacc and Jacob
- But those already in the kingdom will be thrown out into the darkness
- Jesus said to the Centurian it would be as the Centurian believed
- And the servant was cured
The Rich Young Man (10)
- The man asked Jesus what he should do for eternal life
- Jesus told him the commandment which focused on human relationship
- The man said he had kept these since he was a child
- Jesus challenged him to sell everything and give it to the poor
- The man was sad and left. He was very rich
- Jesus said to the disciples it would be hard for rich people to get into the kingdom of Heaven
- The disciples were amazed
- Jesus told the parable that it would be easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle then a rich man to get into the Kingdom of heaven.
- The disciple then asked who can be saved
- Jesus answered everything is possible for God