Theme D (Religion, Peace, Conflict) Flashcards
Armed conflict between 2 or more sides
A time of harmony, the opposite of war
Making things fair or equal
Right, legitimate with good reason
Righteous anger / violence
Violence or anger in response to injustice or wrongdoing. Christianity teaches that this is the only type of violence that is justified
The Just War Theory
A set of conditions that a war has to meet in order for the war to be justified
Jus Ad Bellum
Rules about when it is right to start or go to war
Jus In Bellum
Rules about how soldiers/ government etc should act during a war
Jus Post Bellum
Rules about how and when it is right to end a war
Weapons capable of killing or harming large numbers of people at once
Nuclear deterrence
Having weapons of mass destruction only as a way of preventing others from attacking you
Nuclear disarmament
When a government reduces or completely destroys their supply’s of nuclear weapons
The sanctity of life
The belief that human life is sacred / holy and should therefore always be protected
A public demonstration of disapproval or disagreement
A protest that turns violent or which purposefully uses violence to make a point
Civil disobedience
A peaceful form of protest where a person refuses to comply with a law they feel is unjust
A peaceful form protest where a person refuses to take part in something they feel is unjust
Holy War
A war in which the people fighting believe they are doing what God wants
The crusades
A series of wars in the 11th-13th centuries fought by Christians in order to gain control over the city of Jerusalem
Plenary indulgence
The belief that god will forgive the sin of murder committed during acts of war
The unlawful use of violence and intimidation usually against civilians, in order to achieve political or religious aims
Holding extreme political or religious views which go against key social values such as democracy and tolerance
The process by which a person comes to support terrorism and/or extremism
Islamic term: the inner personal battle to put God first in life
Sometimes this term has been misinterpreted in Islam as permission to force your faith on others
Parable of the Good Samaritan
A Jewish traveller was attacked on a road. Many people who should’ve helped him, walked right past. A Samaritan who was supposed to be his enemy, helped him. This shows to love thy neighbour
The belief in non-violence: the belief that violence and war are wrong
Absolute pacifism
The belief that violence is absolutely never justified, under ANY circumstances
Conditional pacifism
The belief that violence is wrong but could be justified in certain situations
Conscientious objector
Someone who refuses to fight in a war because of their beliefs/because they think war is morally wrong
Quaker peace testimony
Shows that all violence, war or weapons are wrong and can never be justified
Showing grace and mercy, and pardoning someone for what they have done wrong
The restoring of harmony after relationships have broke down