Theme A Knowlegde(Relationships & Family) Flashcards
An unfair preconceived opinion about a person or a group of people
Treating someone differently because of what you belief to be true about them
Fair treatment, opportunities and rights given to all people
Process where someone becomes a priest/vicar or bishop
Female ordination
When a woman becomes a priest/vicar or bishop
Nuclear family
1 man + 1 woman (married to each other) and the biological children they have together
“In persona Christi”
Literally means “in the person of Jesus” meaning that the priest is acting in the place/role of Jesus
Extended family
Nuclear family + other relatives that live with them such as grandparents
Blended family
1 man + 1 woman, the children they have together and/or their children from previous relationships
Single parent family
A family with only one live in parent. This could be due to separation, divorce, death etc
Religious instruction or teaching
The legal joining of 2 people
Marriage vows
The promises a couple makes to one another during the marriage ceremony
A religious ceremony where a person receives God’s blessings & becomes closer to god
The sanctity of marriage
The belief that the marriage vows are sacred promises made to god, not just to the other person. Catholics believe this.
Marriage to one person at a time
Marriage to multiple people at the same time (illegal in UK)
The legal ending of a marriage by a court
When someone marries again after a divorce
A legal declaration that the marriage was never valid to begin with and therefore the marriage never existed
Having children
When 2 people live together in a sexual relationship before marriage
Pre-marital sex
Sex before marriage
Extra-marital sex
Adultery-having a sexual relationship with someone who is not your husband/wife
The commitment not to have sex, maybe until marriage, maybe forever
The moment of fertilisation-becoming pregant
Any method used to prevent conception
Hormonal contraception
Contraception which uses hormones to prevent pregnancy eg. The pill
Barrier contraception
Contraception which uses a physical barrier to prevent pregnancy eg condoms
Abortifacient contraception
Contraception taken after sex which destroys an already fertilised egg eg morning after pill
Natural family planning
Lowering the chance of pregnancy using only the woman’s natural fertility cycle
Being sexually attracted to people of opposite gender to you
Being sexually attracted to people of the same gender as you
Gay rights
The legal rights given to homosexual people, particularly the right to be treated equally to heterosexual people
Same-sex marriage
Legal marriage between two people of the same sex
Same-sex parenting
A homosexual couple raising children, usually through egg/sperm donation or adoption
Civil partnership
A legal union that can be entered by two people who aren’t related to eachother