Theme B- RS quotes (religion + life) ⚰️🪐 Flashcards
Give a Christian quote for the creation of the world
‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth’
Give a religious teaching that supports why Christians and Buddhist value the world.
Hint: work and take care, arising
Christian: ‘work and take care of it’
Buddhist: concept of dependent arising- we are all interconnected, therefore we depend on a healthy planet to survive.
Give a Buddhist teaching about the creation of the world
The parable of the man hit by a poisoned arrow- it is more important that the man receives treatment, then finding where the arrow came from.
-Likewise, Buddhists believe it is more important to find a way out of suffering, than to try and find the creation of the world/origin of the world.
Give a Christian quote about dominion
Hint: Genesis 1:28
‘Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky [and over every living creature that moves on the ground’] Genesis 1:28
Give a Buddhist quote that opposes the abuse of the environment
‘To extend that kind of attitude to the natural environment’ (Tenzin Gyatso- the Dalai Llama)
Give a Christian quote about pollution
- ‘The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it’ Psalm 24:1
Give a Christian quote opposing the use and abuse of animals
Hint: Genesis 1:29
Hint #2: seed bearing plant
‘I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth, and every tree that has fruit with seed in it’ ‘They will be yours for food’.
Give a Buddhist quote that opposes the use and abuse of animals
Hint: The Dhammapada, verse 129
‘One should not kill or cause to kill’- The Buddha in the Dhammapada, verse 129
Give a Christian and Buddhist teaching about the origins of human life
… ‘in the image of God’- Fundamentalist Christians believe that God created all life, with humans last
- The Buddha said anything can ‘come into existence when the necessary conditions are there’- quote for supporting evolution
Give a Christian quote and Buddhist quote that opposes abortion
Hint: The Buddha, Jeremiah 1:28
Hint #2: link to conception
Christian: ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you’
Buddhist: The Buddha said ‘a new being consciousness comes into being at conception’
Give a Christian quote that supports euthanasia and a Buddhist quote that opposes euthanasia
Hint: merciful, dalai llama
- Christian: ‘blessed are the merciful’- (to show compassion to those in need’
- Buddhist: The Dalai Llama said that euthanasia ‘should be avoided’ except in exceptional circumstances
Give a Christian and Buddhist quote about death and the afterlife.
Hint: Matthew 25:31-46
Hint #2: parable, darts of existence
Christian: parable of the sheeps and goats- ‘they [goats] will go to eternal punishment’ but ‘the righteous [sheep] to eternal life’- Matthew 25:31-46
Buddhist: ‘he has cut off the darts of existence’- The Buddha in the Dhammapada, verse 351.
Give another Christian quote about the origins of human life.
Hint: Genesis 2:7
‘and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being’- Genesis 2:7
Give a quote that supports why Liberal Christians might argue that God created the Big Bang.
Hint: Genesis 1:3-25
‘Let there be light’- Genesis 1:3-25
What is Genesis 3:23?
Hint: banished
‘The Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden
What is a Christian quote about dominion that opposes the abuse of God’s creation.
Hint: humanity’s dominion cannot be understood as a licence to…
‘humanity’s dominion cannot be understood as a licence to abuse, spoil, squander or destroy what God has made…’- Christian declaration of nature, Assi 1996
What is does Dhammapada 49 teach, about looking after the environment?
Hint: without injuring it’s colour or fragrance.
- ‘As a bee gathers honey from the flower without injuring its colour or fragrance’
- since a bee doesn’t cause harm to the environment, so humans shouldn’t harm the environment when they use it.
What is Dhammapada 60?
Hint: sublime truth.
‘long is worldly existence to fools who do not know the sublime truth’.
What is Ephesians 2:6-8?
Hint: ___ __ __ grace by ___ you have been saved.
‘For it is grace by God you have been saved’.