Theme B- Religion and Life ⚰️ 🪐 Flashcards
What is the Big Bang theory?
- the big bang theory, is the leading scientific explanation for how the universe began
What’s a Christian view supporting, the fundamental interpretation, of the origins of the universe ?
- Some Christians believe that the universe was designed and made by God out of nothing- this is known as ex-nihilo
- ; Some Liberal Christians may argue the Genesis creation story isn’t a literal account.
[For example- the time period of the creation story, could be longer than 7 days- God created the world in six days and then rested on the seventh]
What’s a Christian view, supporting a fundamentalist interpretation, about the origins of the universe
- Christians believe that the universe was designed and made by God out of nothing
- this is because, fundamental Christians sees the creation story exactly describes how the universe was created. (In six days and on the seventh day, God rested).
Liberal Christians: don’t believe the Genesis creation story is a literal account of what happened. (E.g, it could be over a longer period of time).
- Liberal Christians believe that creation story is symbolic with the main message being that God created the universe, and therefore he could have created the Big Bang.
Give Christian views about the origins of the universe
- Christians believe that the universe was designed and made by God out of nothing
-Fundamentalist Christian: the creation story exactly describes how the universe was created. (In six days and on the seventh day, God rested).
Liberal Christians: don’t believe the Genesis creation story is a literal account of what happened. (E.g, it could be over a longer period of time).
- Liberal Christians believe that creation story is symbolic with the main message being that God created the universe, and therefore he could have created the Big Bang.
Give Buddhist views about the origin of the universe [3]
- Buddhists don’t generally believe in a creator or a God, as in the Vishuddimagga, p. 603 it states that ‘For there is no Brahma God, creator […] Phenomena alone flow on- Cause and component their condition’
- Buddhists may support the Big Bang theory because it doesn’t state that there wasn’t anything before the Big Bang happened
What does wonder mean?
Wonder- marvelling at the beauty and
complexity of the universe
What does awe mean?
- awe, is a feeling of devout respect,
mixed with fear or wonder
What does responsibility mean?
- responsibility, is a duty to care for, or having control over something, or someone
What does dominion mean?
Dominion- dominance or power over
something; having charge over something or
ruling over it
Give a religious teaching that supports dominion
Genesis 1:28 teaches christians to ‘rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature
that moves on the ground’
What does stewardship mean?
Stewardship- the idea that believers
have a duty to look after the
environment, on behalf of their God
Why do Christians value the world?
Hint: priceless
- Christians value the world because, they see the Earth as a (priceless) gift from God, which is on loan to humans.
Why do Buddhists value the world? [3]
- Buddhists value the world because:
- the world provides and sustains life.
- the world provides, the conditions needed to achieve enlightenment
- and because, Buddhism teaches that the world doesn’t belong to anyone; we still have a duty to look after it
Give a religious teaching that supports stewardship
‘work and take care of it’- Genesis 2:15
Why may be Buddhists be against the abuse of the environment?
- Because Tenzin Gyatso (the Dalai Lama) said we should be ‘very gentle’ and ‘extend that attitude to the natural environment’
- The concept of dependent arising teaches that all life is interconnected, and all creatures dependent on a healthy planet to survive.
- Therefore, this is a reason why Buddhists may be against the abuse of the environment
- If people misuse the environment, this causes dukkha (suffering) for them and everyone else- Buddhists are against suffering because it breaks the first moral precept, therefore this is another reason why Buddhists may be against the abuse of the environment
What does misuse mean?
Misuse- misuse of
the world and the
What are natural resources?
- Natural resources, are materials found in nature, that can be used by people.
- For example, oil [which can be used in the process of making plastic and for a fuel source] and trees [that can be used as a fuel, paper or for improving biodiversity]
What is renewable energy?
Renewable energy- Energy that
comes from a resource, which will
not run out. An example of this is
wind energy.
What is sustainable development?
- sustainable development, is building and progress that try to reduce the impact on the natural world, for
future generations
What are non renewable resources?
- non-renewable resources, are resources the Earth provides, which will eventually run out. [such as coal]
What is Buddhism’s vision of the universe ?
- Buddhism has a cyclical vision of the universe.
- [meaning that each universe is followed by another one, therefore, there is no beginning or end process]
What is Buddhism’s vision of the universe ?
- Buddhism has a cyclical vision of the universe.
- [meaning that each universe is followed by another one, therefore, there is no beginning or end process]