[Part 2]- Theme B- Religion and Life ⚰️ 🪐 Flashcards
Give one reason why Christians and Buddhists may be against pollution
- Because Christians believe that the Earth is on load to them by God as in Psalms 24:1 it teaches that ‘the earth is the LORD’s and everything in it’. Therefore this is a reason why Christians may be against pollution
- for Buddhists, even if it is indirect or direct, pollution causes dukkha (suffering), and Buddhists aim to reduce suffering. Therefore this is a reason why a Buddhist might be against suffering
What are the three main types of pollution?
- air pollution
- land pollution
- water pollution
If someone is a vegan, what does that mean?
- a vegan, is a person who tries not to eat food made by animals,such as eggs or
products that come from harming animals such as: leather.
What are some Christian and Buddhists views, about animal experimentation ? ☸️✝️
Hint: benefit, sanctity, only way
- Christian views [for] A Christian may agree with the experimentation of animals as long as it can benefit human life.
- This is because Christians believe, that all human life is sacred, due to the sanctity of life. [as Genesis 9:8-10 teaches: ‘All life is sacred. Human life is especially so.’]
- Buddhist views [for] some Buddhists may argue animal experimentation may be acceptable, if it is the only possible way to solve human lives.
Give religious views about animal experimentation
Hint: Genesis 1:28, refrain
- Christians views [for]- since God told humans to ‘rule over the fish in the sea’, ‘the birds in the sky’ and ‘every living creature that moves on the ground’ Genesis 1:28.
- some Christians may argue, we have dominion over animals, therefore it’s acceptable to use it for animal experimentation if it can benefit human life.
- Buddhist views: (AGAINST) Animals should not be harmed because it directly breaks the first moral precept- ‘to refrain from taking life’
What are some religious views against animal experimentation
Hint: concept, righteous care
- Christians may be against animal experimentation because, the Proverbs 12:10 in the Bible (a source of authority) teaches that ‘The righteous care for the needs of their animals…’.
- Therefore, animals should be treated kindly, instead of being used to benefit human life
- in Buddhism, the concept of dependent arising teaches that all life is interconnected, therefore we shouldn’t harm animals for experimentation.
- Fill in the gaps: some Buddhists may have a different view to animal experimentation because, harming animals is _________ and it breaks the _________ of kamma. [karma]
- some Buddhists may have a different view to animal experimentation because, harming animals is unskillful and it breaks the principle of kamma. [karma]
If someone is a vegetarian, what does that mean?
- a vegetarian, is someone who
doesn’t eat meat or fish.
What are some Christian and Buddhist views, about the origins of human life ?
Christian (FOR): most Christians accept the theory of evolution- but they believe that God is the creator. They believe that he started evolution. [These Christians are called Liberal Christians]
Christians (AGAINST): Fundamentalist Christians do not accept the theory of evolution because they believe that God created each species separately.
- Remember… In Buddhism the theory of evolution doesn’t conflict with the theory of evolution.
What are some Christian views about the origins of human life
Christian (FOR): most Christians accept the theory of evolution- but they believe that God is the creator. They believe that he started evolution. [These Christians are called Liberal Christians]
Christians (AGAINST): Fundamentalist Christians do not accept the theory of evolution because they believe that God created each species separately.
- [In Buddhism the theory of evolution doesn’t conflict with the theory of evolution.]
What does deforestation mean?
- deforestation, is the cutting down of large amount of rainforest. [and it’s typically
for business needs]
What does ‘environment’ mean ?
- the environment, is the natural world; the surroundings in which someone lives
What is euthanasia?
- euthanasia, is the painless killing of a patient, who is suffering from an incurable and painful illness, or who is in an irreversible coma.
What are the three types of euthanasia?
1) voluntary
2) involuntary
3) non-voluntary
What is voluntary euthanasia?
The ill person who asks for their life to be ended, because they don’t want to live anymore.
What is involuntary euthanasia?
The person is capable of expressing a choice, but is not given the opportunity to do so
What is non-voluntary euthanasia?
The person is till to ask to die, (possibly in a coma)but the doctor ends their life as it is thought to be in their best interest
What’s the difference between voluntary euthanasia 🆚 non-voluntary euthanasia 🆚 involuntary euthanasia ?
What is the difference between passive and active euthanasia?
Passive: when doctors decide to stop the treatment that is keeping someone alive. (Only if they believe the person can’t recover or if the person asks them to).
Active: When the doctor takes active and deliberate steps to end a person’s life. (This is illegal in the UK).
What is the difference between passive and active euthanasia?
Passive: when doctors decide to stop the treatment that is keeping someone alive. (Only if they believe the person can’t recover or if the person asks them to).
Active: When the doctor takes active and deliberate steps to end a person’s life. (This is illegal in the UK).
What are Christian and Buddhist attitudes towards euthanasia?
- Christian (FOR): it’s sometimes the most loving thing to do because Jesus taught to ‘love thy neighbour’. Therefore, it is the most loving thing to do for the patient.
- Buddhist (FOR): can be the most compassionate thing to do if someone is suffering, because Buddhists are taught to show karuna (compassion) and they also aim to reduce dukkha (suffering)
What are Christian and Buddhist attitudes towards euthanasia?
- Christian (FOR): Because God gave humans free will, people should be able to choose when to end their lives.
- Buddhist (FOR): Because Buddhists believe that a person’s state of mind is important when they die (because it influences their rebirth), being helped to die quickly and peacefully could benefit a person’s consciousness.
What are Christian and Buddhist attitudes towards euthanasia?
- Christian (AGAINST): breaks the sanctity of life because all life is God-given, therefore only God
should be the one to take it. - Buddhist (AGAINST): breaks the first moral precept
What are Christian and Buddhist attitudes towards euthanasia?
- Christian (AGAINST): Christians believe that our body is a temple and are on loan to us by God. Because the Bible teaches in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 that ‘you yourselves are God’s temple’ and if ‘anyone destroys God’s temple, them God will destroy him’.
- Therefore a Christian may be against euthanasia because it is destroying God’s temple.
- Buddhist: (AGAINST): could upset a person’s karma/kamma because it breaks the first moral precept.
What are Christian and Buddhist attitudes towards euthanasia?
- Christian (AGAINST): breaks the Ten Commandments ‘thou shalt not murder’
- Buddhist (AGAINST): breaks the first moral precept
What’s a Buddhist attitude, to euthanasia?
- Buddhist (AGAINST): Although euthanasia may reduce dukkha (suffering) for the patient, it also creates dukkha (suffering) for the patient’s family involved.
- In addition to this, to reduce the family’s suffering there are alternatives such as a hospice.