[Part 2]-Theme A- Relationships and families 🏳️🌈❤️ Flashcards
Whilst referring to situation ethics, explain why some Christians might support contraception
Hint: isn’t ___________ evil, risking STI, pregnancy, morality.
- Joseph Fletcher proposed situation ethics which teaches that Christians, ‘the morality of an action depends on the situation’.
- Some Christians might use this to argue that contraception isn’t intrinsically evil, because contraception is more loving than risking an STI or an unwanted pregnacy.
Explain why some conservative Christians might argue that contraception is wrong
Hint: makes it about ________, rather than procreation.
- Some conservative Christians would argue that contraception is wrong because it makes sexual immorality more likely.
- This is because it makes sex about pleasure, rather than about procreation [which is the key purpose of sex]
What are the four purposes of marriage, for Christians ?
Hint: one flesh, committed, and loving _______ relationship.
- to become one flesh
- to have a commited + loving sexual relationship
- for procreation
- to fufill the sacraments.
Explain a Buddhist attitide towards marriage
Hint: serious rule, community and society, isn’t sacred
- In Buddhism marriage isn’t sacred, nor there is an expectation or religious duty to become married.
- Instead Buddhism treats marriage as a social contract that can benefit a community + society, because it helps the wellbeing by cementing trusting relationships that provides support, protection
- ; it also helps to bring children up in a stable environement, which is why some Buddhists may wish to marry.
Whilst referring to situation ethics, explain why some Christians might support divorce
- Joseph Fletcher proposed siuation ethics, which teaches Christians to do the most loving thing in every situation.
- A Christian might argue that divorce is the most loving thing to do, if the couple are unhappy or if the failing marriage is causing the children to also be unhappy.
Explain why Roman Catholics don’t support divorce. Refer to the Cathecism of the Catholic Church.
Hint: ‘divorce is a grave offense against the natural law’.
- Roman Catholics don’t support divorce because the Cathecism of the Catholic Church teaches that ‘divorce is a grave offense against the natural law’ .
- This is because it tries to seperate what has become ‘one flesh’, in the eyes of God.
- Marriage means you become one flesh, and is a sacrament where you become one in the eyes of God, therefore it can’t be seperated by civil divorce.
Explain why Protestants may support divorce
- Protestant may support divorce because the Church of England Synod understands that ultimately ‘some marriages regrettably do fail’, as divorce is the lesser of two evils (it should be allowed for compassionate reasons).
Explain why Protestants may support remarriage
- Protestant may support remarriage because it reflect God’s forgiveness, so Christians should aswell. To remarry, there are certain circumstances that must take place + it’s up to the indivual minister of that Church to decide.
- In the Church of England, they must ask a set of questions to dertermine whether the marriage will become sucsessful and whether the two are ready to commit.
Can Catholics remarry?
Hint: permanent adultery, one flesh
- No. Catholics can seperate but can’t remarry whislt still alive, and part of the Catholic Church.
- This is because the Catholic Church describes remarriage as ‘permament adultery’, since you’re still married to your original partner until death- because once you marry, you become one flesh for life.
What is the traditional family unit?
- the traditional family unit is the nuclear family, which consists of a mother, father and their children.
What does polygamy mean?
- polygamy means to have multiple spouses; it is illegal in the UK.
Easy: What are Christian beliefs about the purpose of families? [3]
- reproduction- Genesis 1:28
- education- Ephesians 6:1
- provide for your family- 1 Timothy 5:8
What is 1 Timothy 5:8 and how does it relate to the purpose of families. [in Christianity] ?
- 1 Timothy 5:8 teaches Christians that ‘anyone who does not provide for their relatives and especially, their has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever’
In Buddhism, what are the purpose of the family?
- stability and protection- Families provide secure + stable environments for children to grow up in.
- educating children in a faith- In Buddhism, most Buddhist parents will teach their children Buddhist beliefs and practises, and how to show respect to the Buddha.
- They will also be taught good morals and values- [e.g- the five moral precepts]
In Christianity and Buddhism, what are the role of parents?
Hint: teach
- to endorse positive morals and values
- to educate children in their faith
- to love + care for their children
- to teach their children right from wrong
In Christianity and Buddhism, what are the role of children ?
Hint: care
- to support and care for their parents, in their old age
- to preserve the traditions of the family (in Buddhism)
- to love and respect their parents
- Colossians 3:20- to ‘obey’ their ‘parents in everything’
What are Christian positive attitudes towards gender prejudice/gender discrimination
- Christians believe that both genders are made by God and all genders shouldn’t be discriminated against because of Genesis 1:27, which teaches Christians that we all made ‘in his own image’- men are spiritually equal + all have the same dignity.
- St. Paul taught that there’s no difference between men and women because ‘you are all one in Christ Jesus’ [Galatians 3:28]
What are Christian positive attitudes towards gender prejudice/gender discrimination
- Jesus’ fair treatment of women was extremely progressive, as not only did he respect women, but should welcome them as disciples.
- So likewise, Christians should aim to do the same if they want to be like Jesus, as he is the sole key to accessing the kingdom of God- John 4:27
What are some negative Christian attitudes towards gender prejudice/gender discrimination
- The Catholic Church doesn’t allow women to become leaders in the Church, as Jesus only made women as apostles, not leaders. Evaluate: John 4:27/‘love thy neighbour’
- Some Christians would argue that husbands should rule over their wives, as instructed to do so in Genesis 3:16.
What are some positive Buddhist attitudes towards gender prejudice/gender discrimination
- the Lotus Sutra teaches men and women are equal in their ability to attain enlightenment
- Karuna- Buddhists are taught to show compassion to one another, but how is it ever compassionate to deny some of a role in a religion, because of their gender?
What are some negative Buddhist attitudes towards gender prejudice/gender discrimination
- ; the Aparimiatuyr Sutra suggests that women need to reborn as a man, before they achieve enlightenment.
- The Buddha originally didn’t want to ordain woman as nuns and was reluctant to do so
- EVALUATION: this was because of the culture that was present at the time and he did allow women to be ordained as nuns in the end.
According to Buddhism, what can a monk do ?
- Aditionally in Buddhism, a monk can bless a marriage after the marriage but they can’t conduct the marriage ceremony.
- this is because, it’s classed as a serious rule which if broken, can result a monk facing sanctions such as losing his full status for at least 6 nights