2 Scientific Arguments about the Origins of the Universe
Cosmological Theories and Evolutionary Theories
Cosmological Theories
Big Bang Theory— it is the belief that universe began in an explosion of matter and energy where matter formed stars, planets and everything
Evolutionary Theories
Charles Darwin’s evolution theory in which he says that life evolved over million of years into variety of form and those best adapted survived
Christian Ideas about Creation…
Genesis Chapter 1 says that God created the universe for 6 days and rested on the seventh day and Chapters 1&2 talked about the creation of men and women but many believe that science and religion can exist in harmony as “it does not conflict with the notion of creation”
Christian quotes about stewardship
“Rule over the fish in the and the birds in the sky..”
Christians believe….
God gave them the stewards of the environment and they have no rights to abuse God’s creation and they have the responsibility to protect it.
“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it”
Some Christians believe…
That everything is interdependent so driving species of animal or plant to extinction or harming the planet ends up harming people
Muslims are the Khalifa of the Earth…
As they are expected to be taking responsibility of the world and make it a place what Allah wants it to be
Muslims have..
Obligations to protect the environment so they must carry out their duty as Khalifa by being careful with resources
At the Day of Judgement..
Muslims believe that they will be questioned about how they treated the earth and its resources
Humans view about being vegetarian
Humans think that it is better to be a vegetarian than hurting animals because they view it as a wrong act of doing
Argument between dominion and stewardship
Dominion gives humans the right to do what they want in plants and animals but others say that stewardship means caring for God’s creatures— animals should be treated with kindness
Catholic Church tolerates animal testing…
but only if it benefits mankind
Why do Christians think it’s wrong to cause suffering to animals?
It is wrong to cause animals to increase scientific knowledge since medicine doesn’t always have the same effect on humans as they do on animals
Foetus is removed from the womb before it can survive