A sin— sex before marriage. Living together unmarried. Both Muslims and Christians are both against it
Christian’s and Muslim’s belief toward marriage
Marriage is believed to make sex more special.
Having multiple sexual partners. It is often seen wrong but many British people accepts it especially with contraception that is widely available
Atheists and humanists….
Accepts sex outside marriage. Humanists accept is as long as it does not cause harm to anyone. Sex outside marriage is considered normal for British society.
Quotes for sex and marriage [Christianity]
“Sexuality is ordered to the conjugal love of man and woman”— it says that marriage brings couples together as one and for having children and also, sex is ‘unitive’ and ‘procreative’
Attraction between members of the same sex.
Attraction to the opposite sex
British society…
Consider heterosexuality and homosexuality normal.
Christians and muslims…
Sees homosexuality wrong. They condemn homosexuality between men.
Quotes about homosexuality
Story of Sodom on the book of Genesis, when the city was destroyed when the men of Sodom demand sex with two men angels.
Some religions condemn about homophobia and are becoming acceptable of homosexuality
Quotes about agreeing in homosexuality
“Under no circumstances can homosexual acts can be approved— it urges homosexual people to stay celibate (not taking part of sexual activities) but says they shouldn’t face any discrimination
Known as birth control and stops woman from conceiving
Atheist and humanist view about contraception…
They have no objection with it and thinks it’s better if people only have children if they really want them.
Allows people to choose when to have sex, by limiting the risk of pregnancy and reduce the risk of STI
Christian and Muslims view of contraception
They object about contraception that might destroy a fertilised egg this is because they see it as the same as abortion
Catholic church says…
“Deliberately contraceptive” is “intrinsically wrong” and married couples should “transmit human life” i.e have children
Roman Catholics disagree with contraception
Because of concerns about STIs