Theme B - religion and life Flashcards
Buddhist beliefs about the origins of the universe
- no creation/creator
- cyclical vision: eternal, ongoing and constantly changing with no beginning or end
- it is more important to find an answer to suffering than be concerned with the origins of the universe
Christian beliefs about the origins of the universe
The universe was designed and made by God out of nothing
Genesis creation story says that God created everything in six days
- Fundamentalist Christians believe this to be literally true
- Conservative Christians think the six days may describe longer periods of time (i.e. one of God’s days may not necessarily be the same length as one of our days)
- Liberal Christians think the creation story is symbolic, but God is still responsible
Scientific/atheist beliefs about the origins of the universe
- Big Bang theory: around 13.8 billions years ago the universe started from a singularity, which rapidly expanded and cooled to form stars and galaxies
- Evidence for the Big Bang: red shift, CMBR, gravitational waves
Buddhists on the world’s value
- value the world because it provides and sustains life and contains the conditions for enlightenment
- dependent arising means all creatures depend on a healthy planet for survival
- misuse of the environment causes suffering
- The Five Moral Precepts encourage Buddhists to avoid harm to living beings
Christians on the world’s value
- Earth is a priceless gift from God
- Stewardship
- Dominion
Buddhists on the use and abuse of animals
Animals should be treated with kindness because:
- Kamma teaches that animal cruelty is unskilful and will lead to suffering
- Goes against the First Moral Precept
- The Eightfold Path
Christians on the use and abuse of animals
- Animals should be treated with kindness because they are part of God’s creation
- Some Christians believe that humans are more important than animals because they are created in God’s image
Sanctity of life
the Christian concept that all human life is absolutely and intrinsically good and therefore must be respected and protected.
- life is special as it is created by God
- We are created ‘in God’s image’
- Only God can give and take away life
Quality of life
The idea that life has instrumental value and it depends on wellbeing and happiness, which may be affected by our health, wealth, and environmental factors.
Christian views on euthanasia
- Some Christians believe that suffering brings people closer to God and helps them understand Jesus’ suffering
- Only God and give and take away life
- Euthanasia may seem like the most loving thing to do
- God gave people free will, so people should be able to choose when to end their lives
Buddhist views on euthanasia
- Goes against the First Moral Precept
- It could be compassionate to help someone end their life if they are suffering a lot
- If a person is helped to die quickly and peacefully, it could benefit their future consciousness
- The Dalai Lama has commented that euthanasia should be avoided except in exceptional circumstances
Atheist views on euthanasia
- People should have the right to die with dignity if they have a very poor QOL
- Consent and whether it may change
- Whether or not a cure would be found in the future
- Whether the person feels pressured to end their life
Christian views on abortion
- Sanctity of life
- Life begins at conception
- Abortion may be the most compassionate choice in extreme circumstances such as rape
Buddhist views on abortion
- a form of killing, which breaks the First Moral Precept and is unskilful
- Abortion is necessary if the child will have a poor QOL
- It should be a personal choice for the mother
Atheist views on abortion
- There are alternatives such as adoption
- Abortion may cause depression or guilt later
- Disabled children can enjoy a good QOL
- It is the mother’s right, since it’s her body
- Life doesn’t start until birth
- It is cruel to allow a severely disabled child to be born
- Making abortions illegal may force women to perform dangerous ‘back-street’ abortions
deliberate removal of a fetus from the womb in order to end the pregnancy
Animal rights
the idea that animals should have entitlements because of respect for life
the idea that humans have the right to have control of the environment and animals
Mercy killing/ending life for someone who is terminally ill or has a degenerative disease
the belief that humans have a duty to look after the world and life on earth
Origins of the universe quotes (Christian)
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”
- Genesis
“Let’s make mankind in our image…so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky”
- Genesis
Sanctity of life quotes (Christian)
“God gives and God takes away.”
- Job
“You shall not murder”
- Exodus (The Ten Commandments)
How to live life quotes (Christian)
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you”
- Matthew
“Love your neighbour as yourself”
- Matthew
How to live life quotes (Buddhist)
“The key to a happier and more successful society is the growth of compassion”
- Dalai Lama
“one should not kill nor cause another to kill”
- Dhammapada
“Life is the most precious of all treasures.”
- Nichiren