Theme B Flashcards
What is the cosmological theory?
How the universe began
What is the biggest cosmological theory?
The Big Bang theory
What is the big bang theory?
An explosion of matter and energy that exploded to form stars and planets and everything else - universe is still expanding, evidence supports this theory
What is evolutional theories?
How living things changed
What is the biggest evolution theory?
Charles Adrian argued everything evolved from simple cells over millions of years and the best adapted survived
What religious theory does Charles Darwin prove wrong?
People evolved from apes and not Adam and Eve
What do non-religious people think about how the universe was created?
They look to science, believe it came about by chance
What do some religions believe about how the universe was created?
Believe only what is written in scriptures
What do people who believe in science and religion believe in?
Science tells them how the world was created but religion tells them why
What does genesis chapters 1 and 2 say?
1 says how the works was created / 2 says how humans were created in gods image
What do people who disagree with evolution use as a point to support this?
There isn’t enough proof, fossil don’t show the full process of evolution
How do lots of Christians view the creation story?
As symbolic and also believe scientific theories.
What proves that religion and science don’t have to be completely separate?
The Big Bang theory was put forward by a Roman Catholic priest
What do christians think about religion and science working in harmony?
Both the Church of England an Roman Catholic Church have recognised the benefits of the 2 working together
State a quote showing how science and religion can work together
“Evolution in nature does not conflict with the notion of creation” pope Francis
State a second quote for how science and religion can work together
“Collaboration between religion and science is naturally beneficial” Church of England
State an Islamic quote about how the world was created
“It is allah who created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in six days”
What do Muslims think about where humans come from?
All humans descended from Adam
State anIslamic quote to show how Allah created the world
“Began the creation of man from clay”
Why do believers appreciate the world?
Because it is god’s creation
What does god do that makes people feel his presence?
Reveal himself constantly in the world of awe and wonder
What are the 3 main ways humans have damaged the environment?
Global warming, natural resources, pollution
How do religious and non-religious people work together with the environment and why?
They reduce and repair the harm caused as it’s important to look after the planet for future generations
Why do people think it is our duty to look after the world?
God gave people the earth but expects them to care for it - stewardship
How can people try to become environmentally friendly?
Recycle paper and plastic and take public transport and campaign to inform others about the damage to the environment
What do many Christians believe god made humans…of the environment and explain
Stewards - so they have no rights to abuse it but a responsibility to protect it
What does interdependent mean?
Everything depends on everything else
What does it mean when Christians think everything is interdependent?
Driving a species or plant or animal to extinction will eventually harm people
Name 3 Christians organisations that are concerned with putting responsibility of stewardship into practice
Tearfund / CAFOD / Christian Aid
How do organisations like tearfund / Christian aid and CAFOD help to promote the planets well-being?
The put pressures on the governments and industries to think more about how people are abusing the planet
Why do Muslims think they should treat the planet with love?
Because the earth is a product of the love of Allah
Muslims think they have been appointed…..of the earth
Khalifah (trustees)
What does muslims believing they’re khalifah make them believe?
That whilst they’re on earth they should take responsibility for the world and make it the sort of place allah wants to be
How may a muslims carry out being a khalifah?
Obligating to protect the environment / be careful with resources / encourage others to care for the planet / plant a tree
How does the day of judgement influence Muslims to care for the planet?
They think questions will be asked if them and they’ll have to answer for any ill-treatment of the plant and it’s resources
What is utilitarianism?
The idea that decisions should be made based on what has the best balance of good and bad outcomes
So what does it mean when someone tests products on an animal is seen in a utilitarian way?
For medical experiments, although it harms the animals in benefits the humans so you have to take the good with the bad
What is a second argument against vegetarianism?
Animals are food, humans are built to consume meat
What would someone who is for vegetarianism say about harming animals?
That it is wrong to hurt animals
What may a Christian say to argue against vegetarianism
God gave humans dominion with animals / bible says animals can be used to benefit mankind (as long as their suffering is considered) / only human life is sacred because we are in the image of god
What would a Christian who is for vegetarianism say about animals?
We have stewardship to care for gods creatures and Christianity teaches that animals should be treated with kindness
What do the Catholic Church think about animal testing?
It’s ok as long as it benefits mankind
State a Christian society that are against ill-treatment of animals
What is a reason against medical testing on animals?
Medicines don’t always have the same effect on animals as humans
Why do Christians not have any food laws?
Because the bible mentions eating meat so Christians believe it is fine
What does Islam think about animals?
They should never be mistreated
How can meat in Islam be halal?
Animals must be slaughter humanely - this shows compassion for creatures
When will muslims accept animal testing?
If it’s done for genuine medical advancements and the animals should be treated with no unnecessary pain
What is euthanasia?
Killing someone to relieve suffering
What is the sanctity of life argument? Supported by Muslims and Christians
That all life belongs to god as it is gods creation so it is therefore holy
Based on the sanctity of life argument what do many think about interfering with life?
They don’t have the right to interfere with life
What do other people believe in about taking a life?
To take into consideration a persons quality of life
How do many Christians see abortion
As undesirable
What does the Roman Catholic Church think about abortion
It is under as it teaches that human life starts as soon as the egg is fertilised
Why do many Christians argue that abortion is wrong?
Because god cares a lot about children
What does the Church of England believe about abortion
It is permissible in certain circumstances - if it out smothers life at risk, unborn baby can’t be valued above a woman / believe letting the woman choose is a way of showing Christian compassion
What does the bible say about abortion?
Nothing but connects life and breath and life only starts when it can breathe independently
What are Roman Catholic opinions on euthanasia?
They’re strongly opposed, anything that intentionally causes death is wrong
What do some Christians believe about euthanasia to do with god?
Only god should decide when a persons life ends as he gave it to them in the first place
What do Christians think about euthanasia and the soul?
Euthanasia ruins the souls path to make it to god
What do many Christians believe they should do for sick people?
They should care for them, link to a church hospice, make them feel valued as they come to an end of life > euthanasia
When may a Christian agree with euthanasia?
If the dying (sick) person chooses it for themselves / terrible distress should not be suffered at all costs
What do Muslims think about lives?
They are sacred
When is abortion acceptable in Islam?
If the mothers life is in danger
What is ensoulment? And when does it happen
When a foetus gets a soul / 120 days
So when is abortion allowed according to Islam?
Before 120 days
What is the opinion from Muslims about euthanasia?
It is seen as wrong because their lives are Allah’s and Allah has a plan for each living person and they shouldn’t interfere with that plan
What does Islam teach about life on earth?
It is a test, suffering isn’t a good reason to end their own life, if suffering is so bad you should just turn to Allah
What do islam hospices do?
Try to look after the ill person but tries to get the, at home to be surrounded by family
What do atheists think about abortion?
It should be the woman’s choice to control their bodies
What is an atheists view on euthanasia?
Some support it because it’s the kinder thing to stop someone’s suffering / some feel legalising euthanasia will pressure people to do it
What do people who don’t believe in life after death believe in?
That you’ll cease to exist because there is no concrete evidence eon what happens