Christianity Flashcards
What is the bible
A sacred Christian text
Which parts are the bible divided into
Old and New Testament
How many books does the Old Testament have and give examples of some stories / laws
39 books. The creation story, the Ten Commandments
How many books does the New Testament have and give examples of things included
27 books. The four gospels, acts of apostles and the letters of St. Paul
Who are the 4 gospels?
Matthew, mark, Luke, John
What is a denomination?
Different branches of Christianity
Name the 2 types of denominations
Catholics and Protestants
What do catholics believe in?
The authority of the bible and church tradition, plus authority of the pope and his teachings.
The seven sacraments are important in their faith
What do Protestants believe in?
Beliefs and practices on the bible, rather than church traditions or the pope.
State a quote from the 10 commandments that shows Christianity is monotheistic
“You shall have no other gods” (exodus 20:3)
Define omnipotent
All powerful
Define benevolent
God is loving and caring
Define just-judge
God judges peoples actions fairly
Define omniscient
All knowing
Define eternal
God has always existed
Define transcendent
God is beyond this world
Define immanent
God is present in the human world
Define personal
God is a person, albeit an almighty and divine person
What is the idea of the trinity?
The idea that god exists as 3 persons
Who are the trinity
The father, the son and the Holy Spirit
Where is the trinity explained?
Nicene creed
What was the nicene creed?
A statement of beliefs by church leaders from around the world, gathered at council of Nicaea. Then developed at council of Constantinople. Describes how Christians see god.
What did people original,y think about the son of god being one with god?
They didn’t agree he was because he was made be god. Now agree he’s equally important
Why is the nicene creed a key belief for most Christians
Because of the importance the early church placed on the trinity
Which group doesn’t believe in the trinity
What are the characteristics and roles of the father?
He created heaven and earth and sustains them / described as transcendent part of god
State a quote showing how Jesus uses the word ‘father’ as a mark of respect
“Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect” (gospels, Matthew 5:48)
What are the characteristics and roles of the son?
Jesus is in the incarnation of god in human form / he’s seen as immanent and personal part of god / understands human suffering / provides a model for Christian behaviour / important source of guidance for how Christians should live their lives
Give the characteristics and roles of the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit is the presence of god in the world / seen as immanent yet personal / guides the church / people feel the Holy Spirit guides them personally
State a quote from the Catechism of the Catholic Church about how the Holy Spirit guides people personally
“By this power of the spirit, god’s children can bear much fruit” (736)
Where is the creation story in the bible?
Genesis 1
How many days did creation take?
7 days (6 days, 1 rest)
What did god make on the first day of creation?
Light and darkness
What did god make on the second day?
The sky
What did god make on the third day?
Oceans, lands and plants
What did god make on the fourth day?
Sun, moons and stars
What did god make on the fifth day?
Creatures of water and sky
What did god make on the sixth day?
Land animals and people
How do Christians believe the trinity were involved in the creation story?
God created the world by acting through the Holy Spirit
State a quote on why Christians thin god created the world through the Holy Spirit
“The spirit of god was hovering over the waters. And god said ‘let there be light’ and there was light” (Genesis 1:2-3)
State a quote as to how John made it clear that Jesus was vital for creation
“The word became flesh and made us dwelling among us” (John 1:14)
Where is the creation of human beings described?
Genesis chapter 1 and 2
Who were the first 2 humans?
Adam and Eve
Where did Adam and Eve live?
The garden of Eden?
State a quote from genesis chapter 1 about the creation of humans
“So god created mankind in his own image, in the image of god he created them; male and female he created them”
State a quote from genesis chapter 2 about the creation of men
“So god created men from the dust of the ground” (genesis 2:7)
State a quote from genesis chapter 2 about how women were created
“Made a women from the rib he had taken out of the man” (genesis 2:22)
Why is the fact that god created humans in his image important?
Christians believe that humans are special. They think humans should behave like god by being loving and fair. Shows humans are important to god so everyone should be treated with respect
Analyse what this quote means: “rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground”
God gave humans dominion over his creation and they can use it as they like
Analyse this quote: “the lord god took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and take care of it”
Humans have stewardship of the eart, god expects them to care for it
What do creationists believe?
They take the creation story literally. Process took 6 days and humans descended from Adam and Eve
What are the views of Christians with a liberal understand of the bibles events within the creation story
View genesis as a parable or symbolic description - acknowledge god as creator. Open to theories like the Big Bang or evolution.
How does the creation story help Christians further understand gods nature?
God is eternal as he made time and was present prior to it / he’s omnipotent as he created the universe through words / gods benevolence can be seen as he brought humankind to life and gave them the world
How do Christians believe evil entered the world?
When Adam and Eve disobeyed god by eating the fruit from the forbidden tree of knowledge
What is ‘the fall’
The switch from a perfect world to one containing evil (due to Adam and Eve eating fruit from the forbidden tree)
What did ‘the fall’ cause?
For every human to be born with a flawed nature, capable of causing suffering - idea of original sin
How did god give humans free will?
He gave us the option to choose whether to perform good or evil deeds (just as it was up to Adam and Eve to give into temptation)
What is moral evil?
Suffering brought about by cruel actions of people (eg. War, rape, murder)
What is natural evil?
Evil caused by the world, where it’s nobody’s fault (eg. Disease, floods, earthquakes) however recent disasters may be caused by human interference, raising question as to whether that makes those events human-made
Why may evil and lead some people to question their belief in god?
Because if suffering exists, god can’t be both benevolent and omnipotent, he wouldn’t allow it to happen. May argue he doesn’t exist or have the characteristics said.
State an opposing opinion as to why god is still benevolent and omnipotent even though there’s suffering.
He gave people free will and so doesn’t interfere. Some say he wants to help but isn’t powerful enough
What do Christians think a reason for suffering is?
It’s a test of faith - god has his reasons. Believe god is with people in their suffering and it brings people closer to him
What does the book of job tell us about suffering?
It tells the terrible suffering job endured and how he questioned god but in the end he came to the conclusion that god is all powerful and knows what he’s doing / Suffering must be accepted because people can’t understand Gods plan.
State a quote from the book of job about his suffering and strengthen belief in god
“Though he slay me, yet I will hope in him” (job 13:15)
State a quote explains why Christians believe they should help each other who are suffering
“Whatever you did for one of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40)
What is the idea of life after death?
Although you’re body may die and decay your soul can live on
What do Christians teach about life after death
You’re soul lives on and your body will be resurrected for judgement day just as Jesus was resurrected after his crucifixion
How is heaven portrayed?
As a place of great beauty and serenity, a paradise where you’ll spend an eternity with god
How do you get to heaven?
If you’ve believed in Jesus and have followed his teachings you can be saved by gods grace
How is hell portrayed?
A place of torment and pain - final destination for non-believers who’ve led bad lives
State a quote about heaven and hell
“The they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life”
State a quote about why Christians think we will be resurrected for judgement day
“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die”
How may some Christians who don’t believe in heaven and hell view it?
A state of mind. Heaven you’ll be happy, hell you’ll be unable to know gods love. (Pope John Paul said he’ll was a metaphor for those who’ve rejected god”
State a quote showing that Roman Catholics believe that going to hell means their connection with god will be severed forever
“This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with god is called “hell””
What do people who don’t believe in god punishing people for eternity believe in?
people who god find unacceptable will be annihilated.
What is purgatory?
Where Roman Catholics believe in a place or state of existence were sins are punished and the person must “undergo purification”
What is a second coming?
That Christians believe jesus will return to Earth in a second coming and everyone who has died will be resurrected
State a quote about resurrection and a second coming
“In Christ all will be alive”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christian become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What do Christians celebrate on lords day?
Sabbath (holy day of rest)
What worship are usually performed on the churches main day, Sunday?
Prayers, readings from the bible, a sermon and a Eucharist
What sets out the contents of the service for Christians?
Roman missal
What is Anglican worship guided by?
The common worship book
List 4 similarities Anglican and Catholic Eucharist services share
Confessions of sin and request for gods mercy / readings and a sermon (liturgy of the word) and nicene or apostles creed is recited / priest prayers over bread and wine (liturgy of the Eucharist) / congregation says the Lord’s Prayer and shares the peace by shaking hands (‘rite of communion’)
What is the penitential rite?
Confession of sin and asking for gods mercy
What is liturgy of the word?
Readings (one from the gospel) and a sermon
What is liturgy of eucharist?
When the priest says a prayer over bread and wine
What is ‘rite of communion’?
When the congregation say the Lord’s Prayer and share piece by shaking hands. Receive bread and wine
State two reasons why a Christian May prefer liturgical worship
Helps the feel involved in a wider Christian community / help them feel closer to Jesus as the believe he’s in the church with them / following traditions helps Christians feel connected to other worshippers throughout history
State a quote from Matthew as to why Christians believe Jesus is in the church with the,
“For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them” (18:20)
What is liturgical worship?
Services that follow a set pattern written out by the church
What is a non-liturgical worship?
Unstructured worship
Name two churches that follow a non-liturgical worship
Methodist church / evangelical church
What is the society of friends?
Unstructured worship where worshippers sit together in silence but are free to pray or speak out loud
What do Methodist churches do?
Follow a Methodist worship book with suggested liturgical parts of worship (eg Eucharist, services feature hymns and readings a sermon and prayer
What do evangelical churches do?
They’re spontaneous, worshippers believe they’re inspired by the spirit (charismatic worship) inspires them to pray, clap, sing and dance. Sometime ‘speak in tongue’ praying in a unrecognisable language
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is the last judgement?
Where all of humanity will be judged and those god finds acceptable will go to heaven and those not will go to hell
What type of judgment do Roman Catholics believe in?
Personal judgement: straight after a person dies their actions will be judged and they go straight to heaven or hell
State a quote from Luke about how Jesus is the incarnation of god
“The holy one to be born will be called the son of god” (Luke 1:35)
State a quote from the nicene creed about Jesus being the incarnation
“He was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man”
How is Jesus referred as?
‘Christ’ ‘messiah’ ‘anointed one of god’
How do Christians view Jesus time on earth?
As gods way of showing how much he loves the world
What did Jesus give his disciples at the last meal and give quotes to support this
Bread “this is my body” and win “this is my blood”
State a quote about how we should remember Jesus through the bread and wine
“Do this in remembrance of me”
What else did Jesus do at the last supper?
Wash his disciples feet
What did Jesus washing the disciples feet teach Christians?
To serve others
Where was Jesus when he was arrested?
Praying, in the garden of gethsemane
Why was Jesus arrested?
Authorities felt threaten by him as crowds had called him ‘king of israel’
State a quote from jesus’s trial that got him crucified
The crowd cheered “crucify him” (mark 15:13)
Where was Jesus crucified?
What sign was fixed to Jesus’s cross? Why was it there?
‘The king of the jews’ to record his charge against him
What did passers by do when Jesus walked with his cross?
Throw insults at him saying he could save others but couldn’t save himself
What did Jesus cry out when suffering? And what does it show?
“My god, my god, why have you forbidden me” (mark 15:34) shows that Jesus understands peoples suffering and how they can feel abandoned in their suffering?
What do Christians also believe about the crucifixion?
It helped to repair the relationship between god and mankind - the atonement
What happened after the crucifixion?
Jesus body was put in a tomb but he was resurrected and the tomb was found empty
What did Jesus say to the 2 women after his resurrection?
“Tell my 2 brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10)
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
It shows them that there is life after death - death becomes less frightening / shows them how powerful god is, power that raised Jesus from the dead gives Christians strength to live.
State a quote about how Christians see the resurrection as further proof that Jesus was the son of god as he was…
“Appointed the son of god in power by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)
What is ascension?
Jesus going to heaven
What happened after 40 days of Jesus resurrection?
He had spoken with many of his disciples and had now ascended into heaven. (He’d done what he was sent to do on earth)
What does John 14:2 and 1 John 2:1 say about Jesus treating his disciples and Christians?
He will “prepare a place” for them in heaven / in Jesus Christians have an ‘advocate’ with god
What did Pope Benedict XVI say about Jesus’s ascension?
Jesus was Human and went to be with god shows there’s a place for human beings with god
State a quote about how ascension shows Jesus’s power
He is now “at the right hand of the might god” (Luke 22:69)
What do many Christians believe about jesus’s death and suffering ensuring their redemption?
That Jesus won forgiveness for everyone
What does Romans 3:21-26 teach us about Jesus’s sacrifice paying for their sins?
That god placed all sin in the world on him and he paid for their sins so long as they have faith in him
What is atonement?
Jesus’s action bringing reconciliation between god and humanity?
State a quote for why many people think Jesus didn’t have to die to pay for people’s sins
Love “keeps no record of wrongs” 1 corinthians 13:5
What is salvation?
The soul being saved from death and sin allowing it to reach heaven
State a quote about Christian’s having to have faith in Jesus for salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12)
State a quote about how salvation is gods grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith it is the gift of god”
How does a Christina become a true believer?
They must live a Christian life. Follow Ten Commandments and “become conscious of sin”
What is private worship?
Christians informally worshipping at home, anything from saying grace to singing worship songs with family
What’s an advantage of private worship?
Can help keep god in mind throughout their everyday lives / Can find greater freedom / decide how they worship god so can have a better connection
What is a sacrament?
A ceremony through which Christians believe they receive gods grace
Why do Protestants only believe in baptism and Eucharist?
They’re the only two prescribed by Jesus in the gospels
What do people believe about sacraments?
They bring people closer to god
Why don’t quakers and the Salvation Army celebrate Eucharist or any other sacraments?
See them as unnecessary symbols for inward acceptance of god
Why is baptism seen as a sacrament?
Because Jesus was baptised
State a quote from Matthew about Jesus telling his disciples to baptise people
“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit”
State a quote about how you have to be baptised to be welcomed to the church and be apart of gods family
“No one can enter the kingdom of god unless they are born of water and the spirit”
What do some people believe about baptism to do with sin?
It cleanses people from original sin that everyone is born with
What happens during your baptism?
A cross is made on the baby and holy water is poured three times over the forehead (in the name of the father the son and the Holy Spirit)
What is confirmation?
When a person confirms their faith when they reach an age that they can declare themselves
Which denominations believe you should only be baptised when you’re old enough to accept Christianity for yourself
Baptists and Pentecostals
Name the 7 sacraments
- Baptism 2. Confirmation 3. Reconciliation 4. Anointing the sick 5. Matrimony 6. Holy orders 7. Eucharist
What is reconciliation?
Confession of sin, followed by contrition, penance and absolution
What is anointing the sick?
A priest or bishop anoints a seriously unwell person with the oil of the sick, through this the Holy Spirit will renew the persons faith and strength to cope with the illness and accept their suffering
Define holy orders
Process by which men are ordained as deacons predicts or bishops, it’s a commitment for life
State a quote for what the Eucharist is seen as
“The source and summit of the Christian life” (C of the C C)
What does recovering the body and blood of Christ (Eucharist) do?
It joins people together in their faith and gives them the strength to live Christian lives and face any problems they may encounter
What are the 3 parts of a catholic funeral?
Vigil of prayer / funeral liturgy / committal
What is the vigil of prayer?
Takes place day before the funeral and is sometimes held at home. Readings and prayers form the service, helps family and friends say goodbye
What is the funeral of liturgy.
Includes holy communion, purpose to pray for the soul of the dead person (coffin covered with white cloth as it’s carried into the church, sprinkled w holy water)
What is committal?
Short ceremony that happens at the ceremony where priest says “ashes to ashes, dust to dust” as the body goes back into the earth
What does C of the CC say what prayer is
“Prayer is the raising of ones mind and heart to god”
What may people do during prayer?
Thank god, worship god, admit sins, ask god for something, ask help for others
define adoration
Worshipping god
Define supplication
Asking god for something
Define intercession
Asking help for others
What is the Lord’s Prayer about?
Based on words of Jesus, used when he told his disciples how to pray, covers key theme s
What is an informal prayer?
Where an individual talks to god in their own words (also called extempore prayers) more personal and show individuals connection with god
State a quote about pilgrimage from C of the C C
“Pilgrimages evoke our earthly journey towards heaven”
Why might a Christian take a pilgrimage?
To seek healing or forgiveness, to connect to god or deepen their faith / the provide chance to escape normal life and concentrate more on religion
What do people do on pilgrimage?
Visit places significant towards Christianity - eg Jerusalem
Where May Catholics go on pilgrimage?
To shrines where Mary appeared
Where may Protestants go on pilgrimage?
To places they can find peace to study the bible and pray
What did the angel say to the Shepard’s say at Christmas?
“A saviour has been born to you; he is the messiah, the lord”
What is advent?
Begins 4 days before Christmas on sundays. Time Christians spend getting ready to celebrate jesus’s birth
Why do some Christians dislike modern Christmas?
Think it devalues the true meaning
Why is Easter so important to Christians?
Jesus’s victory over death / reminds people god loves them so much he’s willing to suffer death to give the, hope of eternal life
What happens on Ash Wednesday?
Ash is out on believers heads to show they’re sorry for their sins
What is the role of the local church?
To put Christian faith into action
What does the church do?
Provides regular services / provides rites of passage / runs youth groups / offers support and advice / food banks / charity
Define evangelism
Means spreading Christian message with sim of converting people
State a quote that supports evangelism
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (mark 16:15)
State a quote from pope Francis about why people Evangelize
“The primary reason for evangelising is the love of Jesus which we have received” (can help people discover their real purpose in life and feel excited to tell others about Jesus’s love)
How are churches trying to offer a new approach to get people to go to church?
Create a cafe atmosphere in a church / initiatives called ‘fresh expressions’
What are missionaries?
Spreading the Christian message abroad - using skills to help disadvantaged people
Why do Christians think reconciliation is needed?
To help people who have been in conflict with one another
State 2 organisations that help reconciliation
The corrymeela community (help heal country’s political and religious divisions - help people understand) Pax Christi (work for human rights, disarmament and peace)
How do organisations help persecuted Christians?
Provide bibles to people so they can worship in secret, train church members and support those who’ve lost their homes
State a quote about doing charity for love not money
“If I give all i possess to the poor… but do not have love, I gain nothing”
Name 3 Christian charity’s
Christian aid (relieve poverty, aim to change gov. Policy to reduce suffering in world’s poor) / Catholic agency for overseas development (fight poverty and injustice) / tear fund (help communities run through their churches, try to end hunger and resolve tension in conflict zones)