Theme A - Relationships And Families Flashcards
According to a Christian and Muslim what are the only suitable conditions tas to when you can have sex
If you’re married
What do Christians and Muslim s think about sex outside of marriage?
It’s a sin
What is cohabitation
Living together unmarried
Why do C and Ms think it’s important to only have sex inside of marriage
Because marriage makes it more special, they stress the importance of enjoying sex
What does the Song of Solomon contain ?
Poems celebrating sexual desire
What do liberal members think about sex out of marriage?
It’s more outdated, but in marriage is still ideal
What is promiscuity?
Having many sexual partners
What do religions think about promiscuity?
It’s seen as very wrong
What do most British people think about promiscuity?
It’s ok, especially because of contraception
What do atheists and humanists think about sex outside of marriage ?
It’s fine, humanists: as long as it causes no harm to anyone
What do most British people think about homosexuality?
It’s fine, deem it as normal and natural
What do religious scriptures tell us about their ideas on homosexuality
That it’s wrong, they only condemn sex between men, not women
What is celibacy?
Having a non sexual relationship
When do texts not condemn homosexuality
When they don’t act upon their feelings
State a reason for not applying standards about homosexuality today
We’re in a different cultural context, we’re now more accepting
State a Christian quote which urges celibacy but says a homosexual shouldn’t face discrimination
“Under no circumstance can homosexual acts be approved” (Catechism of the Catholic Church)
State a quote proving why Muslims think homosexuality should be banned
“You approach men with desire instead of women… you are transgressing people”
What do a few Muslims think about homosexuality?
That it is outdated and think teachings should be reinterpreted
What are atheists views about contraception? And what are reasons for this?
They have no objection:
Better for people to have children when they really want them
Reduces risk of STIs
Why do some Christians and Muslims object to contraception?
[The pill] Destroys a fertilised egg which is seen as abortion
What are religious peoples opinion about sterilisation?
They don’t believe in it
Name a religious text in the Hadith which says conception is Allahs will and suggests people shouldn’t try to avoid it
Shaikh al-Bukhari 34:432
Which text may other Muslims believe in to show support of contraception?
Sahih al Bukhari 62:136
Name reasons a Muslim will give to allow use of contraception
Focus on wether it will cause harm to the child, mother or any existing children
Which type of contraception do Muslims not allow?
Any non reversible methods (eg. Sterilisation)
What are Christians views on contraception and give a quote to support it
Anything deliberately contraceptive is “intrinsically wrong” (Humane vitae 14)
State a quite as to why Christians disagree with contraception
Married couples should “transmit human life” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2367)
What are Roman Catholics opinion on contraception?
They allow contraception, reduce risk of STIs
Why do the church disagree with the use of contraception?
They think it leads to promiscuity / seen as abortion
What type of contraception do Christians allow?
Natural contraception (eg. Less fertile)
What do lots of people believe e about contraception?
It should be a question of individual conscience, they see it as positive that women can control when they get pregnant
How do people in England view the idea of getting married?
Many see it as important / Many see it as unnecessary
How do non-religious people view divorce?
As a sensible if it brings more happiness or rids of problems
How do religious people view divorce?
They think marriage is important and you should try to avoid divorce
Why do Christians highly value marriage?
Because it reflects the union of Jesus with his followers
How is covenant seen to Christians?
A contract to offer love and support and commitments no to have children
What si polygamy?
Having multiple marriages at once
How do Christians view polygamy?
As wrong
Ah does pope Francis agree with cohabitation?
He realised it can be hard to marry, maybe because of financial reasons
Define adultery
Sex between a married person and some who is not their spouse (ie. cheating)
What states that adultery is forbidden
The 10 commandments
Who criticised legalising same sex marriage?
The Catholic Church
What do some clergy do for same sex marriages?
Hold blessings in civil ceremonies
What may Christians who are supportive of same sex marriage say?
You should be all loving to all and support those who want to marry
What may a Christian who is against same sex marriage say?
It’s a sin, it’s wrong because you can’t have children and that’s the main purpose of sex
What is the Catholic Churches opinion about same sex marriage?
They’re strongly against homosexual relationships
What are the members of congregations views upon same sex marriage?
They’re more likely to be in favour than their church leaders
What do Muslims think about marriage?
It’s strongly recommended and provides love, companionship and stability
State a quote stating why Muslims believe marriage is Allahs will
“Marry the unmarried among you” Qur’an 24:32
Give another quote proving why Muslims believe marriage is Allahs will
“He created mates that you may find tranquility in them; and he placed between you affection” Qur’an 30:21
Why is marriage important to Islam?
Because Islam is very family-orientated and having s secure environment for having children is important.
Define procreation
Having a secure environment to have children
Why is cohabitation generally not accepted in Islam
It tends to involve sex outside of marriage
According to a Hadith, what did Muhammad say about marriage?
It’s half a Muslims faith
What does Qur’an 4:1-24 clearly set out?
Rules for who people should marry and how much different people inherit
What is Nikah?
The name for marriage under shari’ah -Islamic law
How do Muslims have marriage recognised as legal in Britain?
The couple must have a civil wedding ceremony
What is an arranged marriage?
Where parents choose a marriage partner for their child
Do both potential partners have the right to say no to their parents choice in an arranged marriage?
What do Muslims think about Polygamy?
It’s critiqued but many Muslims think the qur’an allows it
On what conditions do Muslims think Polygamy is ok?
If the man can treat his multiple wives equally
Can only men, only women or both have a polygamy relationship?
Only men can have a polygamy relationship
How does Islam view adultery? Give a quote to support this
As a sin. The Qur’an 17:32 calls it “evil” and some Muslim countries punish it severely
Why are Muslims against same sex marriage?
Because they believe homosexual sex is forbidden by the Qur’an.
And some believe because it’s partly for having children
What did the Muslim Council of Britain say when Britain were trying to legalise same sex marriage?
They spoke against legalising, arguing it was unnecessary because civil partnerships gave same-sex couples equal rights anyway
What may Muslims who support same-sex marriage say?
That homosexuality is normal and it’s good for same-sex couples to have the chance to be married as marriage is important in Islam
What else might a Muslim who supports same-sex marriage say?
That because Muslims are a minority’s in England, they should help out another minority by supporting same-sex marriage, regardless on individual views on homosexuality
Is divorce permitted in islam?
Yes - but only as a last resort
If things aren’t going well in an Islamic marriage what must happen?
And Arbiter from each family should be appointed to try and sort things out
Which text lays out conditions under which divorce can happen?
Qur’an 2:226-241
What does Qur’an 2:26-241 say about under which conditions divorce can happen
A man may divorce his wife by saying ‘I divorce you’ 3 times (often recommended said once in 3 separate occasions and there’s a 3 month waiting period for reflection. Waiting period ensures woman isn’t pregnant)
What is divorce by talaq ?
Where a woman can divorce a man if it’s written into her marriage contract
What is divorce by Khul?
Where a woman has to apply to shari’ah court for divorce, if her husband agrees to divorce
What is a tafreeq divorce?
Where a woman has to apply to a shari’ah court for divorce if her husband doesn’t agree to divorce
What happens to Muslims after divorce?
Both men and women are free to remarry
Why is a stable family ideal in religion?
It can give a child a sense of identity and feeling of security. They’ll learn how to behave and how to give and receive love, and about right and wrong
Why do many religions think it’s ideal to have a mother and father growing up.
So that they grow up with a role model of each sex - point against same-sex relationships
What can family life mean to religious people
Family life can be a way of introducing their children into their faith
State a quote about Catholic teachings on family and why family is important
“Family is the ‘first and vital cell of society’” Pope John Paul II
State a quote as to why many Christians believe it’s important to have children and educate them in the faith
“Bring your children up in the training and instruction of the lord” Ephesians 6:4 NIV
How might Christians help to introduce faith to their children?
Include activities at home (eg reading bible stories, saying grace before meals)
Name a way children become part of a faith
How does baptism and attending church help a child become part of their faith
Develop as they attend church, prepare for confirmation. Churches offer help in raising children, through Sunday school, helps teach Christian morals and ideals through the bible stories
Name two festivals that have a strong emphasis on Christian celebration within the family
Christmas and Easter
What does Exodus 20:12 ask of children?
To honour their parents - to look after and respect them
What do many Muslims think family life teaches people to be
Kind, considerate and affectionate
What is the ummah
A Muslim community
State a quote from the Qur’an asking people to care for their parents
“We have enjoyed upon man, to his parents, good treatments” (Qur’an 46:15)
Which rituals help to connect a Muslim child to the faith?
Aqiqah and bismillah ceremony (mark the start of the child’s religious education
What are you helping by having your children follow halal food laws
It helps introduce the child to Islam
What can children learn in madrasahs (schools in mosques)
They can learn Arabic and can read the Qur’an and say prayers. They’re also taught from the Hadith and sunnah
What is a nuclear family
The British ideal family model
-married man and woman and their children
How has a nuclear family changed to stand as it is today?
The term may include: same sex parents, unmarried couples, reconstituted families and single parent families
Why do some people worry about same sex parents?
Because a child will grow up with a role model from only one gender
What is an extended family?
A family that includes grandparents and cousins and so on.
Why might a child live in an extended home?
To save money on houses as house prices are on the rise.
If both parents work, grandparents can look after the kids
Why do Christians, no matter their view or opinion, allow reconstituted, single parent and same sex parents into church?
They feel it’s important for families to stay connected with the church, particularly so children can still be brought up in a Christian way
State a quote from Pope John Paul II about different types of family being accepted into the church
“Solicitous care to make sure that divorcees do not consider themselves as separated from the church” (Familiaris consortio 84)
Why might a divorced catholic feel unwelcome at church?
They not allowed to take communion
Why do some Muslims believe homosexual parents should be accepted
Because no mater their personal opinion, nobody is without sin, so they shouldn’t judge.
Why is extended family important in Islam
Because it helps to offer love and support
How do many people in a British society see gender stereotypes?
As false and damaging to both genders
Give an example of how women are unequal to men
Below half of MPs are women
Give an example as to why a minority of people argue men now have it worse
Women are more likely to go to university
Generally what has been seen as the women’s role in the home and the mans role in the home?
Women’s: to take care of the family and home
Man’s: to earn money and support the family
What is the effect of gender roles?
The fixed ideas can make it more difficult for either gender to do the opposite role
What is shared parental leave and what does it help with
Gives the parents the option to share time off of work, to look after their child in the first year
Means men and women can equally spend time with their child, even though it has previously been seen as a women’s role
What happens if parents don’t take SPL (shared parental leave)
Men are entitled to 2 weeks paid paternity leave. And women are given 52 weeks maternity leave with 39 weeks paid. Some men think 2 weeks is too little.
What problems do women find when going back to work after maternity leave
Many male colleagues have been promoted/ struggle to afford childcare, which ,asked them return to work.
Why is women receiving less money for work now less common?
In the UK it’s been made illegal to pay a male more just because they’re male
Which 2 acts made gender discrimination illegal?
The equal pay act 1970 and sex discrimination act 1975
What did the equality act in 2010 do?
Brought all legislations together in one act / made positive action legal / allows for occupational requirements
What is positive action?
Action to help a group who’s underrepresented in a profession or organisation
(Eg. If a male dominated company had two equally qualified candidates, it’s legal for them to pick the female candidate to help women to become better represented in the company)
What is occupational requirements?
It’s legal to only offer a job to a certain group if there’s an objective reason why they’re best for it (eg. Only offering a male role in a play to male actors)
What is still a problem in the workplace despite the new equality laws
There are still professions where one gender is underrepresented
(Eg. Nursing is a women’s job and building is a mans job)
Give examples of how women still face discrimination at work
Not being considered for promotion or being sexually harassed (although it can be hard to prove these things)
Give an example of home there was no gender discrimination in the bible
Some of Jesus’s followers were women (Mary and Martha) and he treated them equally (Luke 10:38-42)
State a quote that supports equality in the bible
“There is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Jesus Christ” Galatians 3:28
State a quote the suggest women and men aren’t equal in the bible
“I do not permit women to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet” 1 Timothy 2:12
How can you see a change in the attitudes to women working in the church?
For most of Christian history women couldn’t be premises but now women can be ministers in most Protestant denominations, and Anglican priests and bishops
State a quote from the bible that wives should do as their husbands tell them
“Wives, submit to your own husbands as you do to the lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church”
What are Christians views on inequality
They believe men and women should be equal “sinful inequalities” C of the CC 1983
What are Islamic views towards men and women equality
Men and women has equal obligation to Allah in terms of prayer, fasting, pilgrimage and charity
State a quote that in Islam men and superior, and then explain it
“Men are in charge of women by right if what Allah has given one over the other”(Qur’an 4:34) - but they’re usually taken to mean that men and women have different roles
What are the Islamic views on women working
Most think it’s fine, some believe they should only work if it’s essential or to fill jobs more suited for women
Why do some Muslims believe it’s better for women not to work
It can distract them from women’s primary role of looking after family and the home
What opinion do most women hold on head covering
That it’s their choice to wear it and taking it away would be oppressing them from making the choice