Theme 3 Chapter 3 - Water resource and management Flashcards
What does Abstraction means?
Water taken up from rivers, reservoirs or underground to be used
What is embedded water?
The amount of water used to make an item of food or a product such as clothing
What is a water footprint?
The amount of water used by an individual either directly or as embedded water
What is water security?
When a society has enough water to ensure that everyone has clean water, sanitation and good health and the economy has enough water to grow food and make things.
Where is water found?
In stores:
- Ocean / sea store
- Cloud store
- vegetation store
- Grounds store
- River store
What is the household device that uses most water?
Washing machine - 50 - 100 liters
Why is there an increased demand for water in modern society?
1) Population increase
2) Modern lifestyle needs more water as people use for time saving devices like washing machines
3) People want food out of season which increase water use
What is over-abstraction?
Taking more water from a source than is being replenished
What is an aquifer?
A permeable rock under the ground that can store large quantities of water
2 serious effects of over abstraction of groundwater:
1) water cannot be supplied in sufficient quantities for an areas need
2) Can cause salt water intrusion into groundwater stores rendering them unusable
2 serious effects of over abstraction of lakes:
1) Death of the fishing industry
2) competition between communities for control over remaining water
What is the water supply like in Denmark?
- water supply is entirely from groundwater stores
- country sits onto of chalk (an aquifer)
- little water treatment is required
What is the economy like in Denmark?
- Earn most income from agriculture
- 32nd richest country in terms of GNI
What are some water challenges that Denmark faces?
1) Some salt water has intruded into groundwater stores
2) Pesticides and nitrates from fertilizers in shallow drinking waters
3) Increased usage causing increased demand
How does Denmark resolve the water supply issues?
1) Restoration of contaminated water
2) Regulations on pesticides and Fertilisers
3) Increased tax on water usage
What is the water supply like in Chad?
- Relies on lake Chad
- Hardly any water flows into lake chad from sources - the mountains surrounding
What is the economy like in Chad?
- Amongst the top 40 poorest countries in the world
- Most agriculture is subsistence agriculture
What is subsistence agriculture?
Farmers only growing food for their families with little left to sell
What are some water challenges that Chad faces?
1) reduced flow to lake due to Dam construction
2) Overgrazing and deforestation resulting in warmer climate
3) Increased migration putting pressure on major urban areas
How does Chad resolve the water supply issues?
1) Taking water from the Congo river and placing it into lake Chad -> this creases a huge economic zone in agriculture, industries and electrical production
What causes the water supply to decrease?
1) A growing population
2) Smaller households - more water used as smaller washing machine and dishwasher loads used
3) More intense storm - Increased surface runoff and less infiltration into aquifer storage
4) Increased demand for crop irrigation
What is the Elan Valley scheme?
In wales and is responsible for supplying water to Birmingham
Positive and negative of the Elan Valley scheme on people and environment?
Positive -> Creates jobs in construction
Negative -> Increases water bills for people in Birmingham
Positive -> Steep valley sloped left wooded preventing flood risk
Negative -> Animals disturbed by noise pollution and habitat destruction
Positive factors of having a transboundary -across countries - river?
- Provides water supply
- Provides water for industry
- Acts as a transport route
- Provides hydroelectric power
- Source of irrigation water
- Contains fish
Problems with a transboundary river?
- One country could pollute waters affecting health downstream
- One country can build a dam causing flooding or droughts downstream
- If the countries at war, they can blockade the river
- One country could over fish causing less fish travelling downstream
Effects of the dam on the upper basin (China) vs lower basin (Cambodia)?
Upper basin:
- Jobs created
- Cheap electricity
- More people have safe water supply
- Land flooded and lost occasionally
Lower basin:
- Less water for people and farms
- Sudden release of water from dam causes flashfloods
- Population of fish drastically decreased
What did China propose to help the water issues with Cambodia?
1) Set up fish ladders to promote fish moving downstream into Cambodia
2) Increased seed diversity and develop drought-tolerant crops preventing food shortages in Winter
3) Health assessment to analyse the impacts of polluted waters into Cambodia