Theme 3 Flashcards
regions of a few hundred base pairs where RNA polymerase and associated proteins bind to the DNA for transcription
TATA box
a usual eukaryotic promoter region on the DNA to be transcribed
transcription continues until RNA polymerase reaches a signal on the DNA that signals transcription to stop
housekeeping genes
DNA that contains genes required for all normal functions of the cell
- they are expressed constitutively, always transcribed and translated bc they allow for constant maintenance of general cellular activities
ex. structural and ribosomal proteins
regulated genes
are turned off and on as needed
- bring about changes that can result in growth/divisions
ex. enzymes
sigma factor
mediates promoter activity in bacteria by associating with RNA polymerase as it facilitates binding to specific promoters
why is gene regulation important?
because environments can undergo changes and cells need to be able to adapt to these changes
preferred nutrition source of E. coli
why the plateau?
glucose, when glucose is gone, bacteria pop growth plateaus and then growth begins again on lactose until it runs out
- plateau bc it’d be a waste of resources to metabolize lactose synthesizing enzymes when there’s no lactose present
beta galactosidase
responsible for breaking down lactose in glucose and galactose
- produced by turning on beta-galactosidase gene and is only done when glucose is gone and lactose is available
amt of B-galactosidase production depends on what?
the amt of B-galactosidase produced increases in response to the addition of lactose to the medium
- it depends on the presence of lactose
what is gene expression
it includes all the steps of a protein being made, modified and regulated
- transcriptional control from DNA to mRNA
- translational control from mRNA to protein
- post-translational control from protein to an activated protein
- if any of these steps are disrupted then there is no activated protein
transcriptional control of gene expression
when proteins bind to the promoter region, it increases the binding of RNA polymerase
- so by controlling the binding of these proteins the cell can activate or inhibit transcription
translational control of gene expression
the ribosome binds to a specific region on mRNA in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
- speed of translation depends on stability of mRNA (how quickly degraded it is)
post-translational control of gene expression
allows an inactive polypeptide to fold into functional 3-D protein
- whether these modifications occur or not depends on whether the protein gets activated
which component of gene expression regulation is the fastest?
post translational modifications are
- they allow a cell to have a stockpile of protein in the cell that inactive so that when the cell receives a certain signal, it can just modify the proteins to activate them; the response can be brought on by quick changes to the env’t
which component of gene expression regulation is the slowest?
transcriptional regulation is the slowest
- the cell starts from scratch and the regulation here is a result of more drastic environmental changes that the cell is exposed to for a longer amt of time (ex. converting from glucose metabolism to lactose metabolism)
which component of gene expression regulation is the most efficient?
transcriptional regulation is the most efficient
- cell doesn’t waste any energy/resources making mRNA or protein unless it needs it
ex. E. coli only starts transcribing beta-galactosidase when lactose is present
components of a bacterial operon
- promoter
- operator
- coordinated gene cluster
what has to happen for lactose metabolizing proteins to be expressed?
- glucose is depleted
- lactose is present
lactose permease
a transport protein that sits in bacterial cell membrane and allows the transport of lactose into bacterial cells
the gene coding sequence for beta-galactosidase
the gene/coding sequence for the transmembrane protein lactose permease
structural genes
code for the sequence of amino acids making up the primary structure of each gene
ex. lacZ, lacY
lacO in the lac operon
- binding site for the repressor
codes for a repressor protein in lac operon (controls expression of lacY and lacZ genes) because the repressor protein binds to the operator and inhibits transcription from occurring = negative transcriptional regulation
codes for a promoter whose function is to recruit RNA polymerase complex and initiate transcription
polycistronic mRNA
a single molecule of mRNA that formed by the transcription of functionally related genes located next to one another on a bacterial DNA
- here, each of the coding sequences is preceded by a ribosome binding site so translation can be initiated there
region of DNA consisting of the promoter, operator and coding sequence for the structural genes