Theme 3 & 4 Applied Lectures Flashcards
- a sugar common in milk and other dairy products
- can serve as primary energy source
- composed of glucose and galactose
a beta-galactosidase
hydrolyzes lactose to the monosaccharides glucose and galactose
- present on absorptive enterocyte cells in microvilli
what has to happen for galactose to be broken down and used?
it has to be converted into glucose through an enzyme pathway involving galactokinase, gal-1-P uridyltransferase and UDP-gal epimerase
lactase production by the body throughout the life of a person
- production decreases significantly after weaning
- 65% of humans have decreased ability to digest lactose after weaning
mutations that keep the lactase gene permanently on
- those whose ancestors domesticated cattle for dairy (N. Africa, Middle East and on to Europe)
- random mutations in MCM6 regulatory gene enhances LCT transcription (recruits transcription factors for lactase transcription)
- more in pastoralist populations, less is non-pastoralist populations in the above mentioned areas
lactase non-persistance
most people w lactase non-persistance retain some lactase activity and can include varying amounts of lactose in their diet w/o any problems
lactose intolerance
individuals BORN with the inability to express the lactase gene that codes for the lactase proteins = a congenital lactase deficiency
- results: people will have little to no lactase in their SI and bacteria in LI try to break down lactose (ferment, producing gas, bloating) preventing water from being reabsorbed (diarrhea)
congenital lactase deficiency
in normal people, LCT gene on chromosome 2 codes for the lactase enzyme
- LCT gene mutations in coding region of gene cause congenital lactase deficiency
- mutations/changes often result in production of polypeptides that are too short
= galactose in the blood
- individuals that are born without enzymes needed for galactose processing
- caused by mutations in GALT, GALE and GALK1 genes on chromosomes 9 which result in altered AAs or proteins that are too short
results: toxic accumulation of galactose which can lead to organ and tissue damage (for tissues that depend on glucose)
type I galactosemia
a problem w gal-1-P uridyltransferase resulting in galactosemia
type II galactosemia
a problem w galactokinase resulting in galactosemia
type III galactosemia
a problem w UDP-gal epimerase resulting in galactosemia
galactosemia symptoms
- jaundice caused by inappropriate secretion of bile
- enlarged liver
- kidney damage
- should do DNA test to determine if lactose intolerance or galactosemia
treatment for lactose intolerance
- avoid consuming lactose
- pre treated milk with purified lactase to break glucose into galactose
treatment for galactosemia
- omitting galactose consumption in diet
- more serious due to long term, permanent damage
Elie Metchnikoff
developed the original hypothesis for bacteria
- milk fermented w lactic acid was able to inhibit growth of certain bacteria in intestines (by lowering pH of intestinal env’t)
- observed populations in rural Europle that lived on fermented milk were expectionally long lived
- theory: consuming fermented milk might feed lactic-acid bacteria and suppress growth of harmful bacteria
microbes and diary products
fermentation is required to produce many dairy products: a result of lactic acid bacteria that consume carbohydrates in milk (break down the lactose into glucose and galactose, producing lactic acid as a product)
- the acid precipitates in milk and can hinder growth of harmful bacteria
microbial B-galactosidase
- present in food forms active form in duodenum, a study involving fecal samples, maybe presence of beta-galactosidase enhances lactose absorption in lactase deficient individuals
the effect of pH on beta-galactosidase activity
low pH environment decreases enzyme activity in duodenum, but B-galactosidase can still survive in pH of 4
- also consuming yogurt itself increases pH of stomach bc of its buffering capacity
probiotics and lactose intolerance
- microorganisms assoc w beneficial effects to humans often found in fermented milk products and OTC freeze dried bacteria (lactobascillus and bifidobacterium are most common)
- helps modify microbiome of colon: people are able to ingest lactose w/o symptoms
changing gene expression without changing the genetic sequence (changes by covalent changes to the molecule)
= “above the genome”
how are signals detected by cells
the env’t influences what genes are expressed
- signal received by cell
- receptors on target cell bind signal
- a simple transduction cascade can lead to short or long term responses in the target cell
short term vs long term responses
short term: modify immediate processes (metabolic)
- can include post translational protein modifications
long term: modifications of gene expression and/or development
methyl donors
any molecules that can give up a methyl group, often obtained through diet
altered genome that can happen above the genome, which causes gene expression to change
- chemical genome modifications that occur along the genome that change gene activity without altering the DNA sequence
epigenetic mechanisms
essential for normal dev’t, cell differentiation and involved in human diseases
- modifications of histone tails
- DNA methylation
- chromatin remodelling
- packaging of DNA around nucleosomes