Theme 1 - Lenin Flashcards
What were the aims of the Bolsheviks?
-To remove the bourgeoisies that exploited the workers and peasants under the capitalist system.
-To replace this system with a socialist one with a government representing the workers
What is Leninism?
A form of Marxism
Focused on the idea that the party should seize power on behalf of the proletariat.
What is a dictatorship of the proletariat?
A government where they take over power to destroy the bourgeoisie and prevent counter-revolution on behalf of the working class.
What happened during the October Revolution?
A well-planned and calculated uprising. Bolsheviks “stormed” the Winter Palace and overthrew the Provisional Government who had been in place after the Tsar abdicated. Propaganda expressed this as being a lot more heroic then it actually was, in reality, they were simply let in through the doors to overthrow them.
Who opposed the Bolsheviks in 1917?
- Other left wing parties such as Socialist Revolutionists and Mensheviks
- Rightist groups that wanted the Tsar to return
- Nationalist groups who wanted independence for their nation. eg. Ukraine, Poles, Finns.
Constituent Assembly role in democracy for Russia.
The CA was meant to be democratically voted. Following the vote in Nov 1917, SRs won 410 seats due to their mobilised peasant support. This caused the Bolsheviks (who only won 175 seats) to feel threatened so Lenin closed the Assembly after 1 meeting and branded it a “instrument of bourgeoisie”.
How did the Bolsheviks remove other parties?
- Bourgeoisie classes revoked the right to vote
- Newspaper/publishing restrictions meant it was difficult for others to print
- Mar 1918, Bolshevik party became Communist party and all other parties were essentially banned.
Consequences of Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (1918)?
- Withdrew Russia’s involvement in the war
- Russia lost land (Baltic states, Finland, Ukraine, Caucasus regions)
- Humiliated Russia
- Paid 6 million German marks as compensation.
Sides in the Russian Civil War?
WHITES = Those opposing the Bolsheviks. Grouped together by unified wish to remove the Bolsheviks
REDS = Communist foreces known as the Red Army. Made of industrial workers and peasants and those who supported the revolution.
How did the Bolsheviks win the war?
- Uncoordination of Whites. Collective desire to remove Bolsheviks but had varied military tactics and ideaology.
- Good Bolshevik military strategy. Leon Trotsky turned Red Army into effective fighters. Further conscription allowed more recruits to sign up.
- Nationalism. Ensured supplies were given to the Bolsheviks to feed the Red Army.
- Peasants liked the Bolshevik “Land Decree” that gave them more land.
Key Results of Civil War?
- Bolshevik state became more centralised. Decisions were made quickly and leadership in power were focused in Moscow.
- Bolsheviks used extensive terror against their political opponents which continued after their victory.
- Supporters the Bolsheviks had reinforced militaristic values that allowed them more likely to use force and terror.
Significance of the 10th Party Congress?
- Introduced Ban on Factions within the party to push for conformity. Those who spoke ill or disagreed with the party’s decisions would be expelled from the party
What was the Kronstadt Mutiny?
Mutiny of Sailors at the Kronstadt military base in Petrograd that were previously loyal to the revolution. In opposition to orders from the Bolsheviks regarding War communism and lack of freedom of speech. It was brutally crushed by Red Army.
What was the Tambov Uprising?
Peasant uprising in the Tambov region against grain requisitioning. Peasants created “Green army” that controlled a larger area. This was supressed by 50,000 Bolshevik forces.
Key features of State Structure?
Sovnarkom = Role of Cabinet at the top of the government. In charge of making key decisions and orders. Made from 20 members.
Central Executive Committee = larger group. Oversaw work of government administration
All-Russian congress of Soviets = supreme law-making body of the state. Laws made by S had to be approved here. Made up of elected members of local soviets.
Key structure of Party?
Politburo = 7-9 leading members of the Bolshevik party. Made key decisions affecting policy. Took control from Central Commitee as CC became unmanagable.
Central Committee = 30-40 members supposed to make key decisions but it was Politburo in 1919.
Party Congress = Made from local party branches. Allowed debate until ban on factions in 1921.
What is ‘Democratic Centralism’?
Soviets used a representatives of local workers so that decisions could be in “the interests of the people”. This idea made representative bodies into “rubber stamping” units.
Personal Power of Lenin?
Lenin became Chair of Sovnarkom. And despite denying a “personal dictatorship” in 1919, he had significant authority.
Used tactics such as threatening to resign if his decisions were not made.
What was Nomenklatura?
A system where people were listed as “approved” if they had shown loyalty to the party. Evidence of commitment to the party was needed to join the list. Encouraged corruption as favours expected to raise the ranks.
Key Features of Soviet Consitution?
- Centralised power in the Soviet State.
- Tightened party authority.
- the title “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics” emphasises the solidarity of the republics despite Russia taking up 90% of land area.
How was Terror used under Lenin?
Headed by Felix Dzerzhinsky, the leader of the Cheka (secret police). Dealt with counter-revolution, sabotage and often operated outside the law
- Later replaced by the OGPU which focused more inside the party. Purge known as “Chistka” (cleansing) in 1918 where 1/3 of party purged
Red Terror?
Cheka responsible for executions of 200,000 people following an assassination attempt on Lenin.
Evidence of Debate in the party?
-Kamenev and Zinoviev opposed Lenin’s view on launching revolution in 1917
- debate over Brest-Litovsk treaty.
- Introduction of New Economic Policy in 1921 made right- and left - wing factions in party.
Why did Lenin close the Constituent Assembly? and when?
Intended to be democratically voted, the SR won 410 seats to the Bolsheviks 175. Lenin then closed the CA after 1 meeting for being an “instrument of the bourgeoisie” in 1918