Theme 1 a 2 - Responding to economic challenges Flashcards
Give two things that may cause the gold standard to be readjusted
A high-spending government would either tax or borrow.
Why did MacDonald call the October 1931 election?
- Followed the governments collapse.
- So reluctant as fearing it would destroy the Labour party.
- The conservatives in the National Government insisted on one.
Who won the October 1931 election?
The National Government
- The conservatives within it won the most seats.
- Until 1945
- Various elections during this period showed shifting support for different support for the different parties.
Who was in government in 1931-35?
National Government
- James Ramsay McDonald
Who was in government in 1945-51?
- Clement Attlee
What did the National Government implement 1931-35?
- Spending cuts
- Public sector pay cuts
- Limited tariffs
Who was in government 1935-37?
Stanley Baldwin
- Conservative
What did Public sector cuts do?
Public sector pay cuts of 10% which led to a mutiny in the Royal Navy at the naval base of Invergordon
When did they re-break from the gold standard?
Who was MacDonald’s main competition 1931-35?
How many members did the British Union of Fascists have by 1934?
How many members did the Communist Party of Great Britain have in 1934? What did they do?
9,000 eg. Fabians Sidney and Beatrice Webb
- Organised the National Unemployed Worker’s Movement - Respected thousands of unemployed men.
What did the National Unemployed Worker’s Movement do?
Represented thousands of unemployed men.
What did Fabians Sidney and Beatrice Webb believe and do for the Communist Party of Great Britain?
- Visited the Soviet Union, believing that communism was an economic success.
- Impact - These influential figures argued convincingly in favour of state planning.
Who was Oswald Mosley?
- A charismatic and forceful Labour MP
- Inspired by Benito Mussolini in Italy
- March 1931 - Got frustrated at the national government, resigned and made his new organisation The New Party
In Italy who and when has an influence on British politics?
Since 1922
- A fascist one-party state
- Leader - Charismatic dictator Benito Mussolini
What was the New Party’s manifesto?
Wanted change - March 1931
Mosley Memorandum
- Both right and left attraction
- Demanded a co-ordinated national economic plan to deal with the economic crisis.
- Violent enforcers called ‘Biff Boys’ given the task of attacking his components.
- This withdrew support from conservatives and labour
Who enforced Mosley’s new party?
Biff Boy’s - given the task of attacking his components.
What was the name of Mosley’s manifesto?
Mosley Memorandum
What did Mosley do in 1932?
- Drew all the fascist organisations in Britain together with the New Party to form the British Union of Fascists.
- At its height 50,000 members
- Impact - Proved to be negligible but briefly presented a challenge to law and order.
- Popularity decreased 1936
What did the Public Order Act do?
Banned groups from wearing uniforms and requiring permission for marches and demonstrations.
What did the BUF demonstrate?
People did not believe the existing political system of parliamentary democracy was capable of working at the height of the depression.
What did Adolf Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor change in Britain?
- Caused public opinion to divide between rearmament and disarmament.
- The traumatic memories of the previous war many were attracted to organisations such as the Peace Pledge Union and the League of Nations that supported peaceful resolutions to conflict.
State two organisations that supported peaceful resolutions to conflict
Peace Pledge
Union League of Nations
What was the peace ballot?
- 1934
- Millions of householders asked their opinions on war and security
- Organised by the League of Nations
- 11 million questionned
- The Peace Pledge Union - Followed
How many people sent letters to Father Dick Sheppard opposing war?
100,000 men and women
What was now the blame for WW1?
No longer all Germany’s fault
Instead blamed arm races and secret treaties
Give an example of the government trying to negotiate disarmament of Germany
Why did it fail?
The World Disarmament Conference - 1932-1934
- In 1933 Germany withdrew expressing its right to rearm to levels equal to France, Britain and the USA.
- This made Baldwin argue to Parity
How much was the RAF increased too after 1934?
40 Squadrons
Who replaced Ramsay MacDonald (who resigned due to bad health) in 1935?
Stanley Baldwin
For the 3rd time
For the October 1935 election what was Stanley Baldwins manifesto?
- Pledged new houses, jobs and government help for the most economically deprived parts of the country
- Also pledged to improve Britain’s defences although there was little desire among the public for rearmament
When did King George V die? Why was this a big deal?
- January 1936
- Son - Edward VIII
- Rumoured to be in a relationship with American divorcee - Wallis Simpson
- November 1936 - King Edward VIII told Baldwin of his intentions to marry Wallis Simpson. Said the marriage would be seen by many British people as morally unacceptable.
- 11 December 1936 - King Edward VIII abdicated the thrown to marry Wallis Simpson.
- Gave way to his brother George VI
What world event happened in 1935?
Italian invasion of Abyssinia
What world event happened in 1936?
Hitler reoccupies the Rhineland
Outbreak of the Spanish Civil War
What world event happened in 1937?
Japan invades China
When was the Spanish Civil war?
What world event happened in 1938?
Hitler annexes the Sudetenland and Austria
How did Hitler break the TOV?
Reoccupying the Rhineland in 1936
Who became PM in 1937?
Following Stanley Baldwin’s ill health
Neville Chamberlain
What did Neville Chamberlain help as PM?
- Economic recovery
- Falling unemployment
- Stable prices
State the main problem with the national government Chamberlain faced
The breakdown of international order making war increasingly likely.
But the antiwar movement in Britain was growing in strength this made rearmament harder.
What made rearmament in Britain hard for Chamberlain?
The antiwar movement in Britain was growing in strength
What did Chamberlain do in 1938?
Went to Germany 3 times to try and prevent an outbreak of war by negotiating with Hitler
What did the Munich Agreement do?
September 1938
Granted nearly all of Hitler’s demands and allowed him to annex the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia.
When was WW2 declared?
September 1939
After Hitler attacked Poland
When and why did Chamberlain resign?
April 1940
He had lost the support of his MPs.
After a failed military expedition to Norway in April 1940.
What did Chamberlain do to military spending in 1934?
- Increased by £120 million
- Believing it would cover the next 5 years of expenditure
- 1937 - increased again to £1.5 billion
- This was still a huge underestimate after war began.
What was the ‘phoney war’?
- Following the declaration of war in September 1939
- The British Expeditionary Force was mobilised to France.
- This was followed by 7 months standoff
- Ended April 1940
What happened to Chamberlain in the Norway Debate?
- 7 May - After Norway was invaded and occupied by Germany
- Chamberlain faced a full fury of both opposition and gov benched for the incompetent handling of the war.
- He narrowly won a vote of no confidence
What did Chamberlain do on 9 May 1940?
Attempted to form a new coalition government
Labour Party refused to serve under him which left wither Lord Halifax or Winston Churchill
Who were the possible replacements for Chamberlain?
- Lord Halifax - later stepped aside after realising he could not run the war from the House of Lords
- Winston Churchill - Won!
When did Winston Churchill become MP?
- 10 May 1940
- The day of Germany’s invasion of France
- First Speech - To House of Commons offering his ‘blood, toil, tears and sweat’ 13 May
What did Halifax negotiate on 25 May 1940?
A negotiation settlement with Germany.
This clashed with Churchill’s beliefs.
Who said it would make Britain a ‘slave-state’ if they agreed to German terms
Why was Churchill unpopular with MacDonald and Baldwin?
- India - Opposed Home Rule.
- Support for Edward VIII - Believed he should remain king and even offered to form a new ‘King’s Party’ to oppose Baldwin
- Disarmament - Instinctively supportive of military spending. Also opposed the policy of appeasement
When was Churchill’s second term in office?
When was Churchills first term as MP?
Why was labour competition to McDonald?
- Reorganised in first half of 1930s and became the official opposition.
- New leader Clement Attlee