Theft Flashcards
What type of offence is theft?
triable either way
what is the maximum sentence fir theft
7 years imprisonmemt
What section is the Theft Act 1968 defined under?
Define theft
a person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it
A person has to actually get away with the property to be considered as theft - T/F?
FALSE - don’t have to get away with property to be charged
What section is appropiation defined under
what section is property defined under
What section is dishonesty defined under
What does s5(1) provide?
property shall be regarded as belonging to any person having possession or control of it, or having in it any proprietary right or interest
What section is belonging to another under?
What is under s6(1)?
intention of permanently depriving the other of it
What is under s2(1)
what is under s4(1)
what is under s3(1)
In what order shall each step be written in? (1-5)
- appropriation
- property
- belonging to another
- dishonesty
- intention of permanently depriving the other of it
What does it mean to assume the rights of the owner?
taking over the possession
(appropriation) R v Morris legal principle?
only one right needs to be assumed for appropriation to occur
when does appropriation occur
when D assumes the right of the owner dishonestly
Appropriation can take place even though the V _____
2 other ways appropriation can occur (apart from assuming right of owner dishonestly)
- Even if V consents
- Acquires property in the form of a gift
Expand on the case of R v Hinks - why was it appropriation if it was acquired as a gift?
The gift of £60,000 & TV set was appropriated by being dishonestly accepted, older man of limited intelligence taken advantage of/manipulated
Define property
money and all other property, real or personal, including things in action and other tangible property
What does Property not include? What case shows this?
does not include confidential information (e.g knowledge) (Oxford v Moss)
Why could appropriation still occur in Lawrence v MPC even though V consented?
because they were deceived of having their money stolen - spoke very little English - D took more money than he should’ve