After the work of the FBI and the Washington reporters what did Nixon announce?
Nixon ANNOUNCED the White House lawyer John Dean had INVESTIGATE and found NO ONE from the WH had been INVOLVED
How did the public react to Nixon’s announcement expressing that no one from of the WH was involved?
Most believed him
What was the attitude of the public at this time?
No one BELIEVED GOV OFFICIALS would have been involved in illegal activity
Did Nixon win the presidential election?
Despite the Vietnam War not going well, Nixon easily WON the 1972 elections
Why was Nixon reelected?
He was seen as an effective President despite the VW
Wen was the trial of the burgers?
8th Jan 1973
What happened during the trial of the buglers?
All of them were convicted
What significant event occurred during the trial?
The trial judge received a letter from JAMES MCCORD
One of the burglars and DIRECTOR for SECURITY of CREEP
What did the letter claim?
The letter claimed that👨⚖️ LEADING WHITE HOUSE OFFICIALS had told the buglers to LIE during trial
What was set up in 7 FEB?
Who was the Senate committee led by?
SAM ERVIN (democratic senator)
What was different about the investigations of the Senate Committee?
The investigations were televised across the US📺
How did the public react to the televised investigation led by the Senate Committee?Sam Ervin
Shocked by the corruption at the highest level
What was the most shocking reveal at the Senate investigation?
John Dean’s testimony, the WH lawyer revealing that the PRESIDENT was involved in the cover up
How did Nixon react to John Dean’s testimony?
he refused to be questioned
How did Nixon react to James Mccords letter?
he denied he had known that he knew the water gate offices were going to burgled