What was segregation?
Black people had to use different facilities from white people
Where was segregation most strictly enforced?
The deep south
What were ‘Jim Crow’ Laws?
segregation of facilities
On what aspects of life did segregation effect?
separate schools,libraries,parks,public transport
Who had passed these segregation laws?
Most of these laws had been passed by state legislatures and approved by state courts
what was the difference between the North to the South?explain
The north had fewer legal barriers but racism and discrimination meant AA’s lived separate from whites
In the North there laws were not needed for segregation .Why?
lower wages for AA for the same job, higher rate of unemployment,therefore lived in poorest areas.
in order to vote what did you have to do
register to vote
Name 1 method Southern states used to prevented AA from voting
Making them take a difficult literacy test(white ppl were exempt from). AA had low literacy rates/education so most didn’t even try because they knew they’d fail.
Name another method Southern states used to prevented AA from voting
introducing a poll tax AA could’t afford
Name a 3rd method Southern states used to prevented AA from voting
Violence and intimidating AA who tried to vote
as well as segregation and discrimination what else did black people have to face?explain
Viiolence, black men suspected of crimes attacked by white mobs taking law into own hands,Police often racist too and didn’t stop attacks, taking part occasionally, Lynchings had declined but still feared by black communities
Did the US constitution guarantee equality of all Americans?
What 3 branches of government could have acted to enforce civil rights?
Congress, president, SC,
Why didn’t congress act in improving civil rights?
Congress needed support from Southern politicians, who were often racist or didn’t want to upset racist voters in their sate.
Why didn’t president act in improving civil rights?
Presidents frequently needed southern support from politicians, IF they wanted change, they couldn’t
Why didn’t SC act in improving civil rights?
SC independent didn’t need support from either president or Congress
So, Why didn’t SC act in improving civil rights?
influenced by racist judges, many opposed to civil rights for AA’s
What COULD have the SC done?
banned segregation because it was unconstitutional
What did the SC do instead?
1896, Federal Supreme Court ruled in Plessy versus Ferguson case SEPARATE BUT EQUAL.
what was the effects of the legal precedent PVF?
used a lot against civil rights groups who tried to challenge segregation through courts