The Twelwe Monts Flashcards
V jednej dedine žije vdova.
In village there lives a widow
Má jednu dcéru
She was one daughter
Macocha nemá rada marušku
The stepmother does not like maruska
Maruška robí všetku prácu v dome
Marushka does All the work in the house
Helen nerobí nič
Helen does Nothing
Jedného dňa počas zimy
One day during the winter
Maruška stúpa po hore
Marushka climbs through the mountains
Muži sedia okolo ohňa
Men Sitting around the fire
Môžem si prísť sadnúť k vášmu ohňu, prosím?
May I sit by your fire pleas?
Maruška rozpráva svoj príbeh
Marushka tells her story
Marec vstane a sadne si na najvyššií kameň
March Stand up and sits on the highest stone
Odrazu sa sneh topí a kvitnú kvety
Suddenly the snow melts and flowers bloom
Pozbiera kvety a ponáhľaj sa domov
She pick the flowers and runs home
Helena chce teraz jahody
Now Helen wants strawberries
Prídu k mesiačikom a Helena kričí
They arrive at the Months and Helen shouts