The magic pot Flashcards
Nemajú mamu ani otca.
They do not have a
mother or a father.
spolu v malom domčeku.
They live together in a small home.
Každý deň chodia do lesa a zbierajú jahody, maliny a hríby
day they go into the woods and pick strawberries, raspberries and mushrooms
Obávajú sa však zimy
They fear for the winter.
Jedného dňa je Janko v lese a zbiera hríby
One day John is in the woods picking mushrooms.
Vezme tašku a pomôže starenke.
He takes the bag and helps
the old woman.
Prídu k starenkinmu domčeku.
They arrive at the little old woman’s home.
Nakoniec však nezabudni povedať
When it finishes do
not forget to say
Janko je šťastný, poďakuje sa a vracia sa domov.
John is hapy. He gives his thanks and goes home
Janko príde domov, položí hrnček na stôl
John arrives home and puts the little pot on the table.
Hrnček začne variť sladkú kašu.
the little pot begins to cook sweet
Jedného dňa Janko pracuje v lese celý deň.
One day John works in the woods all day
Čaká na Janka, ale on neprichádza.
She waits for John, but he is not coming.
Nechce už viac
She does not
want to wait longer.
Nakoniec Anna položí hrnček na stôl a povie: „Hrnček, var!“
Finally Ann puts the little pot on the
table and says, “Little pot cook!”