The titans were the ______
The gods were their ______
according to greek the universe is the parent
they are often called the Elder Gods which is considered supreme with enormous size and incredible strength
Who is the Father of Zeus (Jupiter)? which was dethroned by Zeus
Cronus (Saturn)
Where did Cronus fled and what did he brought in that city?
Italy, he brought the golden age; a time of perfect peace and happiness
Who are the notable titans who are not banished with the coming of the Olympians?
The titans (enslaved by the gods)
this is the river that incircle the earth
wife of Ocean and goddess of freshwater
the father of the sun, the moon and the dawn
which means memory
which means justice; Goddess of law and order
God of mortality and is important because of his son Atlas and Prometheus
he who bore the world in his shoulder
savior of mankind
the supreme among the gods who succeeded to the titans
The Olympians
where is the location of Olympus?
MT. Olympus in Thessaly
the chief; lord of sky, god of rain and god of thunder and cloud gatherer
Zeus (Jupiter)
attribute:dodona, eagle and oak tree
second brother and second to Zeus.His wife is Amphitrite. Neptune was commonly known as earth-shaker and he always bring his trident
Poseidon (Neptune)
attributes: Isthmia, bull and horses
third brother and god of underworld and ruler of the dead. He had a far-famed cap or helmet which made whoever wore it invisible.
Hades (Pluto)
attributes: Hades; underworld
Pluto means ____
Dis means ___
He was King of Dead (in greek _____ and in Roman _______
greek “Thanatos”
roman “Orcus”
Wife of Hades
Persephone (Proserpine)
Zeus sister and She was the Goddess of the hearth, the symbol of the home, around which the newborn child must be carried before it could be received into the family.In Rome her fire was cared for by six virgin priestesses, called Vestals.
Hestia (Vesta)
atrributes: hearth,flame
Zeus wife and sister; protector of marriage and married women
Hera (Juno)
attributes: city of Argos, cow and peacock
daughter of Hera and goddess of birth
son of Zeus and Hera, god of war, he represented the distasteful aspects of brutal warfare and slaughter. he was detested and hated
Ares (Mars)
attributes: vulture, dog, helmet, shield, sword/spear
daughter of Zeus alone. Goddess of war and the City, the protector of civilized life, of handicrafts and agriculture; the inventor of the bridle, who first tamed horses for men to use. Favorite child of Zeus,
Pallas Athena (Minerva )
attributes: Athens ,Parthenon ,Olive and owl
He trusted her to carry the awful aegis, his buckler, and his devastating weapon, the thunderbolt .She was described as gray-eyed ,she was called the maiden;
Pallas Athena (Minerva)
son of Zeus and Leto (Latona). He is considered as “the most Greek of all gods”. He was born in the little island of Delos, god of archery, music and dance, truth. light and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, poetry
Phoebus Apollo
attributes: delphi, bow , lyre , laurel , dolphin and crow
he was called Delian from Delos),(and Pythian from his killing of a serpent, Python),(the Lycian- god of wolf, light and Lycia). ,(in Iliad he is called the Sminthian-mouse god)
Phoebus Apollo
Phoebus in Apollo means
goddess of love and beauty. Daughter of Zeus and Dione but in the poems she is said to have sprung in foam of the sea. .(she was called Cytherea or the Cyprian). She was the wife of Hephaestus.
Aphrodite (Venus)
attributes: dove, pomegranate, sparrow, swan and myrtle
Aphros means
son of Zeus and Maia (daughter of Atlas), messenger of God , god of dreams, roads, doorways and eloquence
Hermes (Mercury)
attributes: wand (caduceus), wide-brimmed hat (petasus), purse, winged-sandals (talaria)
Twin sister of Apollo. the goddess of wild animals, the hunt, and vegetation and of chastity, childbirth and moon
Artemis (Diana)
attributes: arcadia, crescent moon, quiver and arrows
God of fire. sometimes said to be the son of Zeus and Hera, sometimes of Hera alone.
Hephaestus (Vulcan, Melciber)
attributes: attica and blacksmith’s tools
He was the only ugly and lame among gods. He is also the god of artisans, blacksmiths, carpenters, craftsmen, fire, metallurgy, metalworking, sculpture and volcanoes
Hephaestus (Vulcan, Melciber)
The Graces
The Muses
- avengers of slighted love
- or longing
God of Wedding fest
Goddess of youth, daughter of Zeus and Hera; cupbearers to the gods
Goddess of rainbow and messenger of the gods.
The Graces daughters of Zeus and Eurynome. they are not treated as separate personalities but a triple incarnation of grace and beauty, they danced to Apollo’s lyre
Aglaia (Splendor), Euphrosyne (Mirth), and Thalia (Good Cheer)
The Muses, daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne . they are nine in numbers
Clio was Muse of history, Urania of astronomy, Melpomene of tragedy, Thalia of comedy, Terpsichore of the dance, Calliope of epic poetry, Erato of love-poetry, Polyhymnia of songs to the gods,
Euterpe of lyric poetry.
which means the Right, or Divine Justice
(Human Justice)
the Greek goddess of shame, modesty, respect, and humility. a quality, was that feeling of reverence or shame which restrains men from wrong
righteous anger