They are the chief writers of myths in greek
Hesiod and Homer
the greek word of Theogony which is “theogonia” means?
Generations of the gods
it is an epic poem of 1,022 hexameter lines which describes the birth of the gods in the greek pantheon
“in the beginning there is nothing but chaos and from that chaos it produced
Erebus (darkness)
Nyx (night)
and from Erebus
(darkness) and Nyx (night) they produced
Eros (love)
From Eros alone , he produced
Hemera (day) and
Aether (Light)
From Chaos alone, it produced
Gaia (earth) and Tartarus (underworld)
from Gaia and Tartarus
they produced Typhon (whirlwind)
From Gaia alone, she produced three elements which are:
Ouranus (heaven)
Pontus (sea)
Ourea (mountains)
from Gaia and Ouranus , they produced:
Oceanus (ocean river)
Hecaton Cheires
who is along with the 55 ethnic groups , which orally transmitted Chinese mythology
they are known as the individuals who knows the most about myths
it was first written down about 1,760 years ago and must have been told orally long before
Pan Gu and the Cosmic Egg
inseparable and contradictory forces such as earth-heaven, dark-light, waterfire andetc
he was born inside the cosmic egg
Pan Gu (also Panggu, Phan ku)
in Pangu
Pan means _____
and Gu means ____antiquity
Pan=coils up
Pan Gu broke out of the egg and separated ____ into the many opposites
for ______years, heaven rose ten feet higher, the earth grew ten feet thicker, and Pan Gu grew ten feet taller
18,000 years
Pan Gu’s eyes became_____, his blood formed________, his hair grew into________,his sweat turned to ______and his body became soil
eyes=sun and moon
hair=trees and plants
According to chinese mythology the human race evolved from?
parasites that infested Pan Gu’s body
these are the rich sources in Egyptian mythology
Egyptian dynasties
Classical Greek and Roman writers recorded
extensive contemporaneous descriptions of Ancient Egyptian Culture
main theme of Ancient Egypt
order vs chaos
creation vs destruction
ancient scroll containing stores that describe the creation of the universe
Bremner-Rhind Papyrus
primordial beginning. Great sea of Chaos
the limitless one, also known as
Atum=the creator
Ra=sun god
the principle of justice
also Apophis, the serpent represent chaos left behind
From Nebertcher (the creator) produced
Shu (dryness of air)
Tefnut (moisture)
From Shu (dryness of air) and Tefnut (moisture) the produced
Geb (earth)
Nut (sky)
From Geb (earth) and
Nut (sky) they produced
Osiris ,Isis, Seth and Nepthys