First mortal woman who was crafted out of clay by the gods
The name “Pandora” means
“all-giving or the giver of all”
Pandora was crafted by which God?
Hephaestus god of metallurgy and smiths,
Pandora was made of?
Earth and water
titan god of forethought
titan god of afterthought
Prometheus was given the task to
create human out of clay
Prometheus saw how humans had to sacrificed the best part of their meats to the?
Prometheus devise a plan to tricked the gods, what plan was that?
He wrapped the good fat meat in an ox’s stomach and ox’s bones which he the covered in fat and had Zeus choose which portion he would like
In punishment, Zeus took away the mortals’ ability to cook by taking away their ______
Prometheus stole back the fire and smuggled it to earth in a
fennel stalk
what is the punishment of Prometheus for tricking the gods?
he was bound to a cliff and an eagle was set to eat out his liver but since he was titan and immortal , every night his liver would grow back just to be eaten by the eagle again the next day
Zeus decided to create a woman as a punishment which is Pandora, what is the purpose of Pandora into the human race?
it is an affliction which mortals will all delight in as they embrace their own misfortune
what is the gift of Athena to Pandora?
teaching her crafts
What is the gift of Aphrodite to Pandora?
giving her grace the ability to create burning desire
What is the gift of Hermes to Pandora
gave her cunning and boldness
To whom did Zeus gave Pandora and its jar?
What are the things that was released in the jar/box?
all mortal ills upon the earth, including sickness, war, vice , toil, pain, and necessity to work for sustenance
What is the one thing, remained inside the box/jar?
“Dont open a Pandora’s box” means?
dont create problems that did not exist before