The steps involved in passing a “bill” Flashcards
- Introduction & first reading
The bill is introduced to the “House” and tabled. A copy is given to every elected member to read.
- Second Reading
The bill is read in detail in the “House” and its purpose is explained. There is then a debate where speakers from each party make a speech. The speeches are overseen by the Speaker. After all speeches have been made there is a vote on whether the bill should proceed to the “Committee stage” or not.
- Committee stage
A committee comprised of around 10 elected members from all parties go through the bill “line by line” and make further edits. The committee votes on a final version to be taken to the “House” for a vote by all members of the “House”.
- Third reading
The final bill is voted on by all members of the “House”. If it passes by majority vote the bill is sent to the Senate where the same process is repeated.