The Sound Beam (4) Flashcards
Near (Fresnel) Zone
Zone at the start of the sound beam.
- Point sources from the crystal face, that effect when sound is generated
- cause amplitude errors
- sound intensity fluctuates
- signal amplitudes (height) in this zone can’t be trusted
Far (Fraunhofer) Zone
Sound pressure builds making the sound wave uniform
- sound spreads into a cone shape, growing as sound moves further
Beam Spread or Beam Divergence
Into the far zone sound spreads into a cone shape, growing as it gets further into the test specimen.
- can be used for sizing
Where is the maximum sound intensity of a sound beam?
Start of the far field/end of near field.
Define Plane Wave
sound pressure builds and the wave front becomes uniform.
What is a Constructive or Destructive Interface?
Sound waves from the crystal face cross over each other causing amplitude errors
What does a Distance Amplitude Correction Curve (DAC) do?
Uses the cone shape of the far field sound waves to size a test specimen.
How can we alter Beam Spread?
Changing the diameter and/or the frequency of the transducer.
What happens to the Beam Spread in a narrow test specimen?
Causes the sound to hit the sides of the specimen, thus producing mode conversion.
Where is Sound Intensity, strongest on a sound beam?
The centerline is 100% and gets weaker towards the edges of the sound beam.
How can we “maximize” a discontinuities signal?
Maximizing the signal of a discontinuity by moving the transducer so the sound beams centerline is directly over the discontinuity.
- Making the amplitude maximal