The Smart Cookie Flashcards
I live in a bakery on a street corner near a river.
Come on in!
Welcome to our little community.
It’s a warm and supportive place to spend some time.
Pretty fantastic, eh?
These days, life is sweet.
But my journey wasn’t always a cakewalk.
When I was younger, I couldn’t have imagined fitting in here.
For a long time, I didn’t feel comfortable speaking up or sharing my ideas.
Like this: AHA!
Looking back, I had some trouble in my early days.
I went to school in a gingerbread house.
When I arrived each morning, she’d wave at me and smile.
But I didn’t get the best grades.
And I never raised my hand, because I couldn’t think of the answers as fast as the others.
And I was the last to finish most tests.
It wasn’t because I didn’t care.
And it wasn’t because I didn’t try.
Sometimes, I’d get distracted and mess up, even though I knew the material.
Those were the most frustrating moments of all.
Once, I misspelled the word “dough.”
That was rough!
Another time, I added when I meant to subtract!
Occasionally, we’d have a lesson where I had absolutely no idea what was happening.
I just couldn’t keep up.
I imagined that my desk was a raft and that I was completely lost at sea.
Because that’s what it felt like.
I had about six-dozen roommates.
No you move.
I’d stay awake and stare out the window and worry.
And it went this way, day after day after day.
The Smart Cookie
But then something happened that changed everything.
It all started with a homework assignment.
Tonight I would like you to create something completely original, she announced.
It can be anything you want.
Please bring it to class tomorrow.