The skin Flashcards
Subcutaneous tissue =()
Squamous epithelial cells =()
Adnexal components:_____________ (temperature), hair follicles ( epithelial stem cells)
sweat gland
(): 국한성의 평탄한 피부의 변색; 원형 내지 타원형; 5~10mm
_________: 커다란 반점; 5~10mm 이상
____________: 국한성이고 표재성인 피부의 융기성 병변; 경계가 뚜렷하고 단단하며 크 기가 0.5cm 이하인 것
구진(솟음, papule)
_________: 구진보다 조금 더 큰 것으로 크기가 0.5~2cm인 것을 말함. 단단하며 일반적으 로 상당기간 지속되는 경향 있음
___________: 좀더 넓게 솟은 구진; 5~10mm 보다 큼
__________: 둥글며, 상단부는 납작한 회적색의 구진 혹은 판; 대개 24~48시간 이내 사라짐
팽진(두드러기, wheal)
___________: 내부에 혈청과 혈장을 함유하는 국한성의 단발 또는 군발성의 표피 융기; 작은 수포
________________: 소수포 보다 커다란 것; 5~10mm
____________: 소수포와 대수포 총합; water & blood blister
__________: 소수포의 내용물이 고름(농)으로 채워져 있는 경우
농포(고름물집, pustule)
_____________: 체표면성의 각질화된 상피세포; 피부가 고기 비늘 같음
인설(비늘, scale)
___________: 상처 후 생성된 각질성 표피 찌꺼기 외층
가피(딱지, crust)
___________: 장기간 긁거나 마찰한 결과, 피부의 정상적인 형태가 과장되게 비후됨
__________ are the most common pigmented lesions of childhood in lightly pigmented individuals.
Freckle (Ephelis) 주근깨
_________: A common benign localized hyperplasia of melanocytes occurring at all ages, but often initiated in infancy and childhood
Lentigo 흑색점
Melanocytic nevi (known colloquially as moles) are common benign neoplasms caused by acquired activating mutations in components of the RAS and BRAF signaling pathway.
• Most of us have at least a few _________.
Melanocyte Nevus (멜라닌세포모반, Mole, 기태)
_________ may be a direct precursor of melanoma
, a risk marker for melanoma.
Dysplastic Nevus (nevi)
ABCDE rule illustration (약어의 뜻은?)
(A) Asymmetry,
(B) Border that is uneven, ragged, or notched,
(C) Coloring of different shades of brown, black, or tan
(D) Diameter that had changed in size.
(E) Evolution or change over time, especially if rapid.
• common epidermal tumors occur most frequently in middle-aged or older individuals
• trunk, extremities, head, neck
• Pathogenesis: activating mutations in fibroblast growth factor receptor-3 (FGFR3)
• round, flat, coinlike, waxy plaques - millimeters to several centimeters
Seborrheic Keratoses 지루성각화증
Adnexal (Appendage) Tumors 부속기 종양 중에 on palms and soles (numerous sweat glands) 해당하는 것은?
Eccrine poroma(외분비땀구멍증)
ductal (apocrine or eccrine) differentiation
: occurs on the forehead and scalp
eccrine differentiation
: multiple, small, tan papules in the vicinity of the lower eyelids
internal malignancy in the Muir-Torre syndrome
Sebaceous adenomas(피지샘종)
follicular differentiation/mutations in CTNNB1 (β-catenin)
similar lesions in lips
actinic cheilitis (광선입술염, 광선구순염)
___________: the second most common tumor arising on sun-exposed sites in older people, exceeded only by basal cell carcinoma
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) 편평세포암종
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) 편평세포암종의 risk factors?
industrial carcinogens (tars and oils), chronic ulcers
and draining osteomyelitis, old burn scars, ingestion of arsenicals, ionizing radiation, and (in the oral cavity) tobacco and betel nut chewing
__________: a distinctive locally aggressive cutaneous tumor, associated with mutations activating the Hedgehog signaling pathway
Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) 바닥세포암종
____________ encompasses a spectrum of rare disorders characterized by increased numbers of mast cells in the skin and, in some instances, in other organs as well..
Mastocytosis 비만세포증